Pleasures with guilt – 11

“Damn, I’ve never really even seen her boobs before,” he said, still in somewhat of a state of shock. “Now suddenly, there she is…after all this time, just lying there…”

“Maybe you should go over and say hi to her,” I suggested. Jared looked at me like I was insane. “Why not Jared? What have you got to lose? What’s she going to do? Make a scene? And even if she does…which I’m willing to bet she won’t, what’s the worst that can happen anyway? Ask you to leave? If she does…then leave. But you won’t know one way or the other unless you go over there.”

“She’s right Jared. If you don’t do it, you’ll never forgive yourself. There’s no way you can just get up and go home now, not after seeing her again. And not until you’ve at least made some attempt to speak to her. If nothing else…just go over, tell her you’ve missed her, you’re sorry, and then see what she has to say about all that. If she still has feelings for you too, you’ll know it. If she doesn’t…well, then you’ll know that too. But you won’t know anything one way or the other, unless you go over there and find out.”

Still weak in the knees, Jared did stand, holding briefly onto the table for support, screwing up his courage. “Well…if she does hit me, I hope she hits me hard enough for all three of you…because I’ll certainly deserve it,” he stated, and then finding his legs, he slowly began making his way around the long end of the pool slowly approaching her.

It was like watching it all in slow motion. No one else around the pool area even seemed to exist anymore, somehow fading away. I glanced first towards Jared as he rounded the diving board heading directly towards her at the far opposite end. She was by now applying a bit of sunscreen to herself, glancing about as she did, and then as though sensing something…looking over in his direction. Her hand froze on her flesh,

her hand suddenly coming up to shield her eyes. She sat straight up in her chair then, and I half expected her to reach for either her top or the towel beneath her, but she did neither. Jared had stopped midway towards her, hesitating, gauging her next reaction perhaps. Which when it came, was totally unexpected, for everyone.

As quickly as she had sat up, she now stood. She made for neither her top, nor her towel in order to cover herself with. In the next instant she had closed the gap between them before Jared could even react to it. So unprepared for it, when she reached him running at nearly full speed, Jared lost his balance, and together the two of them fell sideways into the pool, clinging to one another as they did.

“Now that’s what I call a welcome!” Sophia laughed, as I sat there and joined her, totally surprised by what we’d just witnessed.


We sat watching them thrash about wildly in the water for a few moments. Curious onlookers sitting nearby, temporarily watching them as well, wondering what all the sudden fuss and laughter was about. Finally, Jared managed to say something to her, now pointing in our direction. I saw Jill wave, as Sophia waved back, and then we watched her sprint the short distance across the pool as she swam towards us, soon after getting out, Jared following behind. She arrived moments after that at our table, dripping wet, bare breasted, and obviously not the least bit embarrassed at being so, though amusingly, Jared was.

“Well, well Jill. Been a long time, nice to see you again,” Sophia told her. “I’ve…we’ve missed you,” she then added and stood up giving the young woman an affectionate hug as Jill all but clung to her, hugging her back excitedly, just as Jared only then reached us…smiling. “So…what are you doing here anyway?” Sophia asked.

“As a matter of fact, I just moved back a few days ago, got a place of my own, and am planning on starting school again in the fall. Though after all that, I’d come up here, spend a few days relaxing, gathering my courage…and then see if I could find Jared, see if there was anything worth salvaging between us. Low and behold…guess who finds me instead? What do you call that anyway?” She said suddenly pressing herself against Jared kissing him deeply right there in front of us, with poor Jared not at all sure at the moment where to put his hands.

“Perfect timing?” I suggested, and then burst out laughing as Jared finally gave up worrying about it, and embraced her as everyone about us stood there looking on.


The pool waiter came over and took new drink orders from us, this time ordering Jared as well as Jill a non virginal drink. I liked the fact that she wasn’t at all shy or inhibited about sitting there bare breasted while we did so, though of all people, it was Jared who seemed the most perplexed and confused by her newfound boldness.

“Want me to go over and get your uh…towel or something?” He’d asked her.

“Why? You embarrassed about seeing my boobs? I thought you always wanted to, and now…here you are trying to cover them up instead. Though if you are uncomfortable, I guess I will if that’s what you really want.”

“I didn’t say that…it’s just that, well….um ah….seeing you, I mean, like this, suddenly…”

“Jared? Relax, enjoy your drink,” I told him, and then removed my own top, just as Sophia did.

“See? Now we’re all relaxed and equal here, though some more than others,” I said once again looking at Sophia’s much larger breasts. This time however, Jared didn’t even bother noticing, his eyes glued on Jill at the moment.

“So, what are you doing up here anyway?” She now asked the rest of us. For a moment, Jared had a worried look in his eyes.

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