Pleasures with guilt

This is a new story called “Pleasures with guilt” let’s begin….. It was a beautiful Saturday morning as I stepped outside the door of our home. As I’d been doing now for the past two years, I was off to visit my best friend Sophia who lived just a short three blocks away. We usually traded off weeks, me going there, her coming here. It was my turn to walk over and spend the morning with her, sipping coffee and enjoying our weekly gossip sessions with one another.

 During the time we had come to know one another, our husbands had quickly become best friends as well. Like us, they usually went out golfing together at least every other weekend, which gave us more than enough reason to spend the better part of our mornings together.

And I didn’t mind getting up early in order to do that either. It was my favorite time of day. The quaint little neighborhood we lived in was always so peaceful and serene. Most people are not quite up yet, still sleeping in with very little traffic on the road, only the occasional jogger running by, people out walking their dogs enjoying the same calm and quiet of the morning that I was.

Sophia was already standing in her front door waiting for me, a cup of fresh hot coffee in her hand which she extended towards me even before I’d left the sidewalk walking up their drive towards her.

Aside from one brief curious fling with my college roommate years ago, I had never entertained nor ventured again down that particular path. I’d have made another exception for Sophia. She reminded me of Thomas in so many ways, though ironically they didn’t even look like one another at all. It was however her bubbly personality,

 her enthusiasm for adventure, and her uninhibited thinking that had first attracted her to me as a friend, and later, on some few occasions, becoming the object of the rare fantasy where I once again entertained private thoughts. Thoughts which I had never acted upon, or felt like I ever really would be as tempting as they actually were.

Sophia was around the same height that I was, around five and a half feet. Though a blonde, she certainly wasn’t dumb, actually having an IQ somewhere around genius level, though you wouldn’t have known that in simply speaking with her. 

She never lorded her intelligence over me, or anyone else for that matter. But she could if necessary provide statistics, logic and somehow manage to conclusively support whatever discussion she might be involved in. But like I said, on top of all that, she was attractive, if not downright sexy as hell, and she knew it too, though once again, she never really used that to her advantage either. Well…most of the time anyway.

Sophia loved to flirt, not only with my own husband, but very often with me as well. It was the kind of fun sexy flirtation that was more innocent than serious, but it never failed to ignite my husband Rob’s ardor, and very often even my own.

Sophia wore her hair short in a very sassy, again flirtatious sort of way, where I on the other hand wore my dark brown hair long, usually in a ponytail most of the time. She’d been after me to cut it, wearing it as short as she did, but with a much more rounded face than she had, I just couldn’t see getting away with the same sort of look.

Sophia had another thing going for her as well, though at times I think she considered it to be more of a detriment as opposed to being an attribute. She had fairly large breasts, easily a D cup, if not a double D, as opposed to me being more of a large sized B, or small C if that. But in that too we tended to disagree.

Sophia was always telling me how she wished she had breasts more like my size, but that her husband Bill would kill her if she ever seriously considered having them reduced. Though I might have wished for larger breasts myself, I’d never once considered having them enlarged, perfectly content with them the way they were, as my own husband Robert so often told me he was.

As usual, Sophia stood in her front door holding open the screen, coffee in hand, one for her, one for me. Her robe opened. I don’t know if she actually had a sash for it or not. I’d never have seen it if she did. Never seen her wearing it tied together, yet when she did have a free hand, she very often walked with it clasping her robe closed.

 I’d even once commented on why she did that. She’d mentioned she had it around somewhere and perhaps should try and find it, though she also said she enjoyed teasing her husband by not keeping it closed. And more importantly, he loved it whenever she did that, very often flashing him one thing or another without her ever realizing that she had.

 In that, she almost did play the dumb-blonde role, but I couldn’t help but wonder if that wasn’t deviously planned as well. She seemed to enjoy teasing her husband constantly, and loved how he appeared to be constantly aroused, constantly horny whenever he was around her. I knew from our conversations, they had a very satisfying and enjoyable sex-life. Once again, because of her perhaps, mine too had slowly gotten to be more and more like that with Rob.

But that was indeed my very dear and best friend Sophia. The way she wore, or almost didn’t wear that silly robe of hers was more along the lines of Sophia’s personality. I never saw her with her robe closed again after that.

“Morning sweetie!” She called out upon seeing me. “Beautiful day isn’t it?”

I laughed out loud good naturedly. “Beautiful view too!” I called back as I began the short walk up the driveway towards her. “I’m sure Mr. Edwards across the street thinks so too,” I added as I’d seen him step outside his front door briefly, leaning over to pick up his morning newspaper before disappearing back inside. But not before he’d taken a good long look at my best friend, one breast clearly in evidence as she held up my coffee in offering to me.

She glanced over towards his house, but he’d already gone back inside. I half wondered as she did if he wasn’t still standing back in the shadows beyond the window looking out at the two of us as I reached her, embracing her, and then just for fun, mauling her exposed breast briefly.

“That should make his day alright!” Sophia squealed and then stepped back letting me inside. “You’re in a naughty bit of a mood aren’t you?” She then asked. “If I didn’t know better, I might think you’re just horny enough to take me to bed and have your way with me!”

“Damn near,” I told her, half considering it. “Rob was almost late picking up your husband for their golf game!” I said grinning at her. I woke up to the alarm, as well as his very hard cock poking me in the back. 

Decided to do something about it before he left. Unfortunately, he got his jollies well enough, but left me even more aroused and horny than I already was. I guess the good thing is, he’s promised to make up for it later on this evening, so I guess the extended arousal I’m in while waiting for that will be worth it.”

“I could help you take the edge off,” she quipped. And once again, I wasn’t at all sure if she was just being her usual self, joking around, or might actually be suggesting it for real. I just smiled at her without saying anything. “Or…you could go into the bedroom and try out that new vibrator I just got and told you about. I love it, and I know you would too!” She told me.

I did actually own one, but it wasn’t anything too terribly complicated or elaborate. Just a simple slim, silver vibrating device, much like the way they were in the beginning before they started getting all the new whistles and bells attached to them.

“I think I’ll wait until that toy party of yours you invited me to,” I told her. “Maybe then, I might actually get something different,” I told her. Oddly, I really did now wish to change the subject before my panties got any wetter than they were already beginning to be. The likelihood of that happening remote however, as usually our early morning discussions centered around sex most of the time anyway, that and the latest gossip we sometimes shared, which usually did too.

“So…how’s Jared doing anyway?” I attempted to change the subject. I should have known better.

That was another difference between us. Sophia and Bill had a teenage son, about to graduate soon, though his plans were of course to eventually move out and head off to college. Rob and I had never had any children of our own, I couldn’t for several reasons, though we’d once considered actually adopting a few years back.

 Our jobs, new careers had of course given us the excuse to never really pursue it. And though we sometimes still talked about it, it’s about all we ever really did. I was only a couple of years younger than Sophia was, though neither one of us really looked our age. At thirty-five, I knew I could easily pass for someone in my late twenties, and Sophia easily did that herself.

“He’s fine, doing well…though lately I think he’s been having girlfriend problems, if you know what I mean,” she snickered. “He got in really late last night and headed straight up to bed. He tried to hide it, but I could tell he was sporting an erection. No doubt he struck out once again with his new girlfriend Stacy. She’s a cock-tease if I’ve ever seen one!”

I was used to her uninhibited way of thinking of course, that was Sophia. But hearing her talking about her son’s sex-life on such a personal level still tended to throw me a little whenever she did that.

Pleasures with guilt will continue on the next page

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