Overtime make me pleasure – 2

This Story is part of Overtime Series

There’s something to be said about the almost obscene, pure erotic sensation of seeing two women kneeling over your prick while it squirts, fighting over, though actually sharing, each and every pulsating, liquefied expression of my own personal pleasure. In a way, it was almost like having an out of body experience. On the one hand, I was feeling every delicious sensation that was happening, and on the other, it was as though I was standing off to one side just watching it, enjoying it, and taking it all in.

Watching Diya as she fed my cock to Kris, sucking down and swallowing a nice hard-felt spurt, and then seeing her quickly giving it back to Diya, who then did the same was incredibly erotic. In addition to that, they got playful, holding it and pointing it at one another, great plumes of white frothy cream still exploding as they aimed it at one another’s tits, seeing my spunk splashing against the two of them,

still milking out whatever remnants remained of my spending long after the last furious pulsations had ended. Kneeling to either side of me, I lay there still mesmerized as two sets of nice soft breasts mashed against one another, my cock somehow, and somewhere smothered between. I was still slick with the rich creamy goo, titties now rubbing against one another, smearing whatever remained back and forth against themselves. Quite naturally I soon extricate myself from between them again, taking the seat that Diya had so recently vacated.

I now watched as they positioned themselves just enough that they could suck, lick and fondle one another’s breasts simultaneously. Licking the cream I’d just given them off of one another’s tits, lapping away at one another like two cats after warm milk.

I was amazed as I sat there watching them do that, when my cock suddenly began stirring again, and so soon after having just spurt out one massive load! But then again, it wasn’t every day that you saw two women so playfully devouring one another either, especially when one of them was your very attractive looking boss, and the other was a sweet sexy totally uninhibited younger woman who was at that very moment, sucking Diya’s tits like a hungry baby.

“He’s stiff again,” Kris, giggled looking over towards me as I sat there unabashedly fondling my dick at this point, taking delight in the fact I could do so, so openly watching the two of them together.

“One of the things I love about younger men,” Diya smiled, “Their amazing resiliency, especially when you give them something to think about,” she added. “Now, how about you come over here and give me a lick or two,” she asked.

I was only too happy to oblige.

Diya now lay on her back drawing her knees up towards her chest presenting me with a nice pink plate of pussy pie.

(Author’s note: Trying saying that fast three times with a mouth full of pink…women love it!)

As I leaned over the table lapping away at that succulent sweet split, I felt Kris walk up from behind me, her hand immediately coming around to grasp my fully hard cock, stroking me from behind, her sweet soft tits pressing against my back. I then felt her straddle one leg, the moisture of her creamy cunt slithering up and down against me. As she stroked me, she humped herself against me,

my tongue of course continuing to plow through the furrow of Diya’s pussy, her lubrications suddenly escalating the closer and closer she got to her own orgasm. Likewise, Kris too seemed to be hovering on the edge, now bringing herself off against my leg. I would never again look at a dog doing that in the same light ever again. Feeling Kris as she slid up and down against me, one leg now wrapped around mine entwined, her hand flying up and down the length of my shaft in time with that, was an amazing sensation on top of already mind-blowing, amazing sensations.

There was no warning, it wasn’t necessary anyway…I knew seconds before she actually came she was about to simply by the vulnerable, crazy screwed up look in my bosses face. It’s a very strange moment, which is why perhaps most of us don’t care to look at ourselves in a mirror when we climax. In many ways, the features on our face turn into almost unrecognizable portraits of ourselves at that most inopportune time. Diya was no different, her eyes suddenly glazing over, her mouth turning into a teeth bearing grimace that looked more pain than pleasure. Her nostrils flaring, her cheeks suddenly turning red, almost purple.

And in the next instant, her cunt turned into liquid nearly drowning me in the process. It wasn’t so much a stream or a squirt, as it was a cascading gush of female fluid. Sort of like watching a rapid rise in a river when the dams burst far up above it. I mean she was already wet, leaking like crazy,

the essence of her sweetness I’d already been lapping up and drinking down as quickly as I found it, as she produced it. But when the river rose…all I could do was open my mouth and let it pour in. Like I said, nearly drowning in the process, but I’d have died happy right then and there if I had done.

In the meantime, Kris was still vibrating like a washing machine gone wild against my leg. Her hand damn near tearing my cock off at the root as she held onto it like it was the on and off switch or something, thrusting herself violently now against me, screaming and shouting out unintelligible obscenities, though every other word or so was one I could actually understand, like fuck, cock, cunt, though I think a lot of the others where a continued mixture of those three all run together, making up new words the way they sounded as she stood there and came.

Talk about irony. Both women were spent, and there I was, now sporting a nice hard swollen erection. Who’d have thought? Several minutes passed as the two of them gradually collected themselves. When Diya had, she sat up.

“Come on, let’s go get the stuff,” she said smiling, speaking to Kris. We quickly straightened up the conference room leaving no signs of evidence behind, though the table did appear to have a nice polished sheen to it now when we left.

“Stuff?” I wondered, not actually asking the question, but finding myself following behind as the two of them left the conference room, snatching up the pile of clothing as they did. In moments we had all reached the elevator. As neither of them had dressed, I could only wonder in mild curiosity as to where we were going, and what on earth was going to happen next. Darleen pushed the button for what was the parking level garage below us,

and then headed off towards her car with Kris and I following, still in the nude, carrying our own “stuff”, as we did. Upon reaching her car, she opened the trunk, handing several quilted blankets, a few pillows, two bottles of wine, cheese, and some wine glasses for us to carry. Darleen then pulled out what appeared to be an overnight satchel with what was obviously a change of clothes in it, and then shut her trunk once again, heading back towards the elevators.

When we got inside, this time she inserted a key, pressed what was the “roof” floor button. Obviously, only those who had a key could get the elevator to accept that particular destination. As we headed up, Darleen turned towards us smiling.

“One of the perks of management around here,” she said slyly. And I noticed by Kris’s bemused expression, this was new to her as well. Moments later the elevator stopped, the doors opened, and we walked out into what was a very ritzy looking piece of paradise.

Everywhere you looked there were planted flowers growing in abundance, it almost looked like a tropical paradise the way it was laid out. In the midst of which were a few lounge chairs, tables where the “management” obviously came up to relax and get away from it all, though Diya then said they’d been coming up here more often than not for their meetings rather than spending it inside the stuffy conference room when it was too nice outside to do otherwise.

We quickly made a space amongst the chairs and tables, laying down several layers of the thick padded quilts as Diya opened a bottle of wine, pouring everyone a drink. We then sat enjoying the soft cool gentle breeze of the night, stars twinkling in the night sky above us. I was almost as mesmerized by all this as I was at seeing the two of them sitting there, still beautifully and wonderfully naked, reminding me there was obviously a lot more yet to come.

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