Overtime make me pleasure – 2

This Story is part of Overtime Series

“Overtime make me pleasure” Part-2 Continues….

I couldn’t believe any of this was happening! I’d been flirting, getting all worked up with Kris earlier, as she was obviously starting to do with me. And now…here I was, standing on a ladder next to my boss, her hand purposely pressed against the hard stiff bulge in my pants. She leaned forward, her lips coming down on mine, and in the next instant, I was kissing her, hotly, passionately.

The next thing I knew, Diya had taken my hand in hers, placing it over one of her exquisite breasts. I felt the hard press of her aroused nipple in the palm of my hand, and then found myself gently kneading it, fingers soon locating and actually pulling on it through the material of her thin tank top.

“Maybe I left it in my office after all,” she mused, finally breaking away. Confused, I stood there momentarily as she climbed back down the ladder, though she looked up smiling at me. “You’d better see if Kris has finished,” she then informed me. “Then come see me, hopefully I will have found what I’m looking for,” she stated and then turned and walked out of the room.

I glanced down at myself, thankful I was wearing dark pants, though even then I could feel the spot of moisture, which had seeped through them. Making a hurried adjustment, for all the good that it did, I soon made my way back over to Kris’s desk, glancing into Diya’s office as I passed. She sat looking busy however, which threw me a little. Once again Kris smiled upon seeing me.

“Last one,” she said almost disappointedly. In the past, once she was finished, she was free to go. I generally hung around only long enough myself to put back the last few boxes for Diya as she finished up, and then generally left with her. I didn’t anticipate anything different happening tonight, though after the incident in the storage room, I now wondered.

It was about that time that Diya called Kris and I both back into her office. “Kris? I want to rerun the numbers on the Edwards file one more time, see if you come up with the same totals that I did. If you do, then we’ll go with that and accept them. Tom? While we’re doing that, why don’t you go ahead and take out the trash from dinner as well as empty out the trash cans we filled up tonight, we should be through with this by the time you do that and return,” she explained to us both.

I soon left her office, straightening the mess we’d left, hauling out the trash to the dumpsters downstairs. I was anxious to return as that might mean I’d be seeing Kris in her car, and from there…who knows. But at the same time, I was also thinking about Diya and that surprising little encounter we’d had in the storage room. I chalked it off to an inadvertent moment of lust and passion.

As she was my boss, I figured that she’d suddenly come to her senses, realized it wasn’t something either one of us should have allowed to happen, which explained the sudden abrupt discontinuation of what we’d been doing. But her smile upon leaving hadn’t shown any remorse, if anything…I’d gotten the impression that there might be more to come because of it.

Talk about confusion. I’d gone from famine to feast in the blink of an eye. I hadn’t seen a woman’s breasts in months now, let alone touched any. And now I had done both in the span of one evening, not to mention having my cock actually fondled by two different women in one night!

I was still wondering how I was going to deal with both situations on the ride back up the elevator, stepping off and expecting to find Diya and Kris shutting everything down and preparing to leave. The only light that was still on was the one inside Diya’s office,

though I couldn’t hear a thing going on, or any conversation taking place. I then assumed they had both gone into the storage room and were about to head in that direction when I spotted something lying on the floor of Diya’s office. I looked, and for a moment couldn’t make heads or tails out of it. Walking in, I stooped over retrieving the article, and only then realized it was Kris’s blouse that she’d had on!

“What the fuck?” I asked myself, turning. When I did, I then noticed what appeared to be something else just a few feet away down the hallway. I walked over still carrying Kris’s blouse, reached down and now retrieved what was obviously Diya’s tank top. “Damn!” I said again, now carrying both items, and looking in the almost near darkness along the floor. Sure enough, there was something else, but it was heading away from the storage room where I thought they must have gone. Instead, it was obvious this trail of clothing that I now realized was being left for me was headed in another direction entirely.

The strange part of all this was, I knew on the one hand something was going on of course, which excited the hell out of me, as evidenced by my once again hardening cock. But I couldn’t for the life of me explain reasonably to myself how I had somehow gotten involved in this to the degree that I obviously now was. I honestly had no idea what that specifically meant, or what I was to expect when I finally arrived at wherever it was they were obviously directing me with this trail of discarded clothing that was being left.

By the time I arrived at what I now know to be the main conference room where all the important meetings were usually held, I saw piled there on the floor in front of the door the balance of whatever clothing hadn’t already been discarded. I dumped what I held in my hand on the floor there on top of them, steeled myself for whatever awaited me inside, and turned the knob on the large double wide doors and stepped in.

Even knowing what I then knew awaited for me inside, I still wasn’t prepared for it.

They were both nude of course just as I expected to find them, but what I hadn’t expected to find was the two of them lying on top of the large conference room table with their heads buried between one another’s legs. Facing to the side of me as I came in, they both took a moment to look up and smile at me. I’m sure the confused expression on my face asked a thousand questions all at once.

“Surprised?” Kris said giggling.

“That…would be an understatement,” I responded, somehow managing to find my own voice.

“We’ve been planning this for over a month now,” Kris informed me, continuing, though Diya spoke up as well, finally sitting up as she did so.

“It was actually Kris’s idea that we both seduced you,” she said. “Needless to say Tom, we got together a while back ourselves, and you quite naturally came up in our conversations. We thought it might be nice to include you in our fun little activities, provided you’re interested of course,” she asked looking at me. “Though by the looks of it…I’d say you are!”

There was no point trying to conceal my erection, especially now. Seeing the two of them together, totally naked, and obviously enjoying one another, something they’d been doing for some time now, I could only stand there and grin stupidly at my good fortune.

“So…are you going to join us or not?” Kris asked, sliding off the conference table and walking towards me. As she helped me to remove my own clothing, I glanced over towards Diya. She had taken a seat in one of the plush conference room chairs, spreading herself, resting one leg back up on the table, her hands and fingers busy between her legs. Seeing her sitting there playing with herself the way she was, seemed almost surrealistic, but then again so had coming in and catching the two of them licking one another’s cunts too.

“Come back and lay on the table again Kris,” Diya told her, “So I can taste you some more while Tom has a little taste of me!”

She quickly did so, once again laying down, Diya now standing, leaning over as she went back to work on Kris’s sweet pussy with her tongue. Positioned as she was, I slid beneath and between the boss’s legs, sitting there, looking up at her pink pouty pussy lips, disbelief that any of this was actually happening still filling my head. But soon I was filling my mouth with Diya, and nothing after that really mattered any more.

Just listening to my boss moan, and then to Kris as Diya obviously pleasured her quite satisfactorily, especially when her low deep-throated groan and then giggling squeal of delight informed us both that she’d just had an orgasm. At Diya’s direction, we then changed places and positions with me suddenly serving up on the table as the focus of both of their attentions. I felt two pairs of hands as well as lips begin to explore, play and drive me to the point of insanity. Knowing that it was not only Kris’s tongue lapping away at me,

but also the very talented tongue of my own boss doing the same, I could only writhe there in complete bliss as the sensations of their two mouths taking turns with my cock, hands and fingers seemingly everywhere else at once, soon brought me to the very brink far sooner than I had expected. I was almost embarrassed at the ecstasy that was threatening to erupt, warning them immediately, hoping for a bit of a reprieve in delaying the inevitable. But apparently, they had no intention of allowing that, and if anything, suddenly doubling their efforts, literally.

“Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” I announced, wondering upon having said just what to expect. I knew personally as horny as I was, that whenever I was…like this, I usually blew an amazing load. And this time was no exception either. I knew it the moment the first gigantic mind-blowing squirt left the end of my prick that I was going to shower the two of them with several streamers of spunk, wondering what they’d think when I did, how they’d react, and more importantly, what they would do with it as I did. I had to fight to literally keep my eyes open while I watched them.

Overtime make me pleasure – 2 will continue on the next page

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