Overtime make me pleasure

This Story is part of Overtime Series

This is a new story called “Overtime make me pleasure” let’s begin…. The sign on her door read, “Diya Jenkins”. Ms Jenkins as I addressed her at work was my boss, though during times when things were less formal, I along with everyone else called her Diya.

I’d only been working for her for a few months now. It was a small enterprising little company, but the workload kept me busy and was very interesting. I did a lot of research on products, submitted bids, and then sent those in to Diya for approval and ordering. The one thing I really liked about my job was that there were only a handful of employee’s and everyone seemed friendly and easy going.

Somewhat laid back, it wasn’t a stuffy environment, allowing us to wear pretty much whatever we wanted to as long as it was clean and not too terribly revealing. I particularly liked Fridays when Diya would usually come in wearing a nice pair of form fitting jeans as opposed to the more professional look of skirts and modest blouses that she wore during the rest of the week.

For being in her early to mid forties, Diya had an incredible looking body, though most of that was of course based on my own overactive imagination. She had dark brown shoulder length hair that she usually wore up, except again on Fridays when she usually wore it natural, which was how I preferred seeing her. Dark brown eyes, full lips and an olive complexion, she had an air of exotic beauty to her that was both sensual as well as mysterious. Her laugh was infectious, often taking out the stress of any given situation, though she had a serious side to her as well; that was a no-nonsense approach when the situation called for it.

I liked working for her. She was fair, just, and always willing to work alongside you as opposed to just dumping something onto you and leaving you to flounder about trying to figure things out on your own.

In addition to Diya, there was also another very attractive girl working there, closer to my own age somewhere around twenty-five or six perhaps and only employed two months longer than I’d been. Kris did most of the office filing and record keeping, and did much of the correspondence for Diya. Needless to say,

at times the three of us worked very closely together, especially around the end of the month when we compiled all the purchases or contracts we’d completed and submitted for the month. It was during those times we sometimes worked late, Diya usually ordering Pizza, or Chinese takeout. Not having much of a social life at the time, I’d come to actually look forward to those late evenings while working together.

Kris was herself a very bubbly outgoing young woman. Somewhat petite at just five feet, a very slender figure, small but obviously noticeable breasts, Kris wore her long blonde hair in a ponytail most of the time. She had the typical blue eyes of a blonde, with a fair complexion and a sexy smile that always appeared and as I believed, to be genuine.

Part of my reason for not having much of a social life had been my own fault. I’d always wanted to live out on the West Coast, and when the opportunity came to move out there, I took it. My girlfriend at the time was happy where she was, and so we naturally parted ways, so it wasn’t that I was unattractive.

I’d just been too busy settling in at my new job and place to actively start dating again. I certainly didn’t consider myself a hunk either, or anything even closely resembling model material, but I’d done well with the girls during High School and had been fairly popular. At 5’10” I still had a pretty good build, worked out twice a week, ran every other morning for an hour before work, and didn’t eat a lot of junk food, which certainly helped. I too had dark hair, wore it a bit longer than most guys perhaps, but had always done so, and unless otherwise directed, had no plans in changing it.

Like I said, it was the end of the month, a busy one, and because it had been, we had a lot of numbers to crunch, a lot of documents to compile which promised a couple of later than usual nights at the office. I was actually looking forward to it when Diya came by my desk the day before.

“Not that I have to remind you Tom,” she said smiling at me. “But I think that we might be actually working a bit longer tomorrow night and Friday than we normally have in the past. I hope you haven’t made any plans for late evening as I’m afraid the three of us are going to be here for a while.”

I hadn’t, and told her so, getting a pleased smile in return upon hearing that. “Pizza or something else?” she asked. “Kris has already opted for Chinese, but said either one would be fine with her.”

“Chinese sounds fine with me too,” I agreed, admiring her firm full breasts as I said that, trying very carefully not to let her know I had been looking at them as she stood there in front of my desk. The deep red somewhat sheer blouse she wore perhaps a bit smaller than she should have been wearing, two buttons seriously being tested to their limits in keeping the front of it gathered and closed. Even then as she turned off to one side,

just enough of a gap opened to reveal the lacy red bra she was wearing along with a great deal of ample, soft looking flesh peeking up and over the cups. As she turned back to face me again, I averted my eyes from where I’d been looking, but her movement had been a bit quicker than I’d expected, and I wondered if she hadn’t caught my eyes looking where they hadn’t belonged. Her smile remained however as she thanked me, and then headed off back into her office.

As for Kris, I was looking forward to working late with her too. Over the past month or so, we’d gotten a lot closer, we’d flirted some, though nothing that might suggest it was anything more than that. We’d gone out to lunch together a few times, generally took and shared our breaks together when we could, though one of us usually had to be around whenever Diya was in the office, so even then we didn’t spend a lot of time together as we might both have preferred. Working late together however would assure that, and especially as

Diya permitted an even more relaxed casual attire in our dress during those evenings. It had been the one and only time I’d actually seen Diya in a pair of shorts along with a fairly tight fitting tank top that looked like it had been painted on. Rather than going home after work, she had changed in her office.

And though it was impossible to actually see anything, the silhouetted shape as she did so through her door had given me just a hint of her voluptuous body as she’d changed clothes, shortly after stepping out now wearing the outfit I’ve just described. Once again I had to avert my eyes so I didn’t appear to be staring, though I admired the shape and tightness of her ass as she walked away a few minutes later.

We’d already been hard at it for the past couple of hours when Diya suggested it was time to take a break and relax while she went off to pick up the Chinese takeout. Kris and I were both looking forward to that when she did as it would give us both a chance to chat, relax and enjoy one another’s company for a bit waiting for Diya’s return.

Overtime make me pleasure will continue on the next page

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