Naughty college girls made things thrilling in public

Evelyn held her chin high again. “If that’s what it takes, then let’s begin.”

“Panties please,” Scarlett said, holding her hand out.

Evelyn’s eyes widened. “Here? Now?”

“Where else, silly? That’s the point of all this. Haven’t you been listening?”

The extra politeness in Scarlett’s voice was slightly disconcerting to a girl like Evelyn. Of course this was a big deal. It was a huge deal! This isn’t something debate girls are supposed to do.

Yet here she was at this monumental crossroad.

Evelyn’s eyes scanned the area. It was almost noon, mildly cloudy, and time was of the essence. She refused to back down, not after everything she had gone through. All those endless hours of studying and academics were for a reason. How bad would it be to actually do this? If anything, it may even be enjoyable, she thought.

Taking a quick look around the coastal view of the quiet city to ensure privacy, Evelyn reached below her skirt, hooked a finger inside, and pulled her panties down.

“There,” she said, putting the warm panties in Scarlett’s hands.

Scarlett leaned forward to whisper something in Evelyn’s ear. Evelyn’s eyes widened as a result.


With Evelyn’s panties in Scarlett’s purse, they brisked down the street together for a little adventure.

“Where are we going?” Evelyn asked with her right hand on the side of her skirt, praying a sudden gust of wind wouldn’t expose her goods to any passersby.

“Don’t talk. Just do what I say. We still have enough time before lunch starts to complete this initiation. You’re almost there.”

Evelyn nodded, but her insides started churning.

Scarlett placed her hand below Evelyn’s back and pushed her to the door. “It’s a good thing that you’re wearing an elastic top. It will make this easier.”

Downtown Half Moon Bay was not as bustling as usual. But as Scarlett suspected, some of the local guys were hanging out in the small town square having a beer.

The two girls crossed the street heading towards the square. A blond man in his 30’s let out a low appreciative whistle in their direction. Scarlett hooked her arm into Evelyn’s, leading them to the man who sat in a group of four men.

Scarlett smiled. “You guys working for Doug’s Auto Body?”

“I guess Doug’s Auto Body on our T-shirts gave it away,” laughed the man. “I’m Doug, by the way, and this is my crew. What do you tender young things need?”

The men all wore wolfish grins.

Wide-eyed, Evelyn clenched Scarlett’s side.

“My sister and I are both artists,” Scarlett fibbed, biting her lower lip to look innocent. “We are chronicling public art in some of the coastal towns for a paper we’re writing for a college newspaper. We’ve been asking locals to help us.”

“Well, I guess this is your lucky day.” Doug turned to the men. “Sam, Pete come with me. Jason, get back to the shop and finish up that brake job. Follow us, ladies. On the side of this building is a full-size surfing mural.”

The men stood and they all went to check out the full scale artwork outside. The mural was massive and only a few cars were in the lot, but the best part was that it sat in plain view of the main street. Doug was droning on about the mural.

Scarlett pulled out her phone. “I need to take some pictures. Do you mind? I’d like all of you in the photos. My sister too. She goes in the middle.”

The men gladly obliged and assembled in front of the mural. Scarlett, who had her phone ready to snap a pic, shoved Evelyn in the middle of the group.

Scarlett pointed her phone at them. “Ok, please get closer to her… that’s good… a little more… perfect. Now Evelyn, pull your top down.”

The men shot their glances to Evelyn’s chest, wondering if this exposure would actually happen. And of course, Evelyn stood frozen for a second. She budgeted and pulled her top down a bit more to reveal the top of her small breasts. The men grinned at the sight.

“Not like that,” Scarlett chided. “Do it like all the other times. Here, since you’re nervous around all these nice men, I’ll do the honors.”

Scarlett took a few steps forward and casually yanked Evelyn’s top down, freeing those perky upturned breasts with pink nipples, which seemed to have stiffened immediately from the exposure.

Like a deer in headlights, Evelyn stood with a dumbfounded expression on her face, even as the group stared at her tits and cars were driving by. Have any of the drivers seen? Evelyn shuddered to think.

Doug gawked at her. “What kind of picture…”

“I told you, we’re art students,” Scarlett explained. “If you don’t want to participate in these photos, please step away.”

One of the men pulled at Doug’s sleeve. “She is fucking fine, I’m in.”

None of them moved away. Instead, they all took a long, hard look at those upturned perky tits, then struck a pose for the camera with big grins.

Scarlett stepped back and instructed, “Doug, cradle one of Evelyn’s boobs for the camera. Evelyn, try to smile for this one.”

As hard as it was, Evelyn forced the fakest smile imaginable while Doug cupped her tit. It was her first foray into public exhibitionism and already she was swimming in the deep end. If she were honest with herself, and her rapidly beating pulse, this was extremely exhilarating and gave her a rush like nothing before.

Scarlett again instructed, “Evelyn, turn your back to me. Put your hands on the mural on the wall. Doug, lift her skirt and pretend like you’re going to spank her.”

“With pleasure,” Doug grinned, waiting for the next move.

Again, Evelyn was in a state of shock. She had already bared her tits, why not her bottom? But the problem was, she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her heart raced faster, and the sooner she finished this, the sooner it would be done.

She turned and put her hands on the wall, bending forward and arching her butt upwards, letting her tits hang down freely. When Doug lifted her skirt, she felt a cool gust of wind brushing against her bare ass and pussy lips. The fact that she was already wet gave a cool tingling feeling with the breeze. It felt… nice.

As she got in position, she heard a few remarks from the guys:

‘Shit, the ass on this chick.’

‘No panties. My kind of girl.’

‘Those fucking pussy lips. There’s a bonus too. I can sort of see her asshole at the right angle.’

The remark about Evelyn’s asshole caused her to clench her cheeks together. Luckily, Scarlett called for the group photo to continue and the men took their places and pictures were taken. Two car horns blasted on the street and Evelyn was thankful that at least her face was hidden. She took a quick look at the street and noticed that traffic had slowed down. Was this because of her? The shame made her turn her head away.

Doug whispered to Evelyn, “You know I just love a shaved pussy. Yours is porn star quality. Your tits and ass too. If you ever need car work, let me know, and it’s in the house.”

“Thanks, I guess,” Evelyn whispered back.

Finally, the moment Evelyn had waited for had arrived. She heard the magic words.

“Well done, guys!” Scarlett exclaimed. “We’ve got all the artwork we need for this area. You guys are the best. Much appreciated.”

As the men expressed their gratitude for the free strip show, Evelyn yanked her skirt back down and tucked her pert boobs back inside her top. She held her head down so drivers wouldn’t see her face and she marched towards Scarlett’s direction and pulled her away.

Quickly, they headed back towards the direction of the hotel restaurant.

“How do you feel?” Scarlett giggled as they made their escape.

“Like I just robbed a bank,” Evelyn sighed. “Jesus.”

“You can pray later. Hey, look over there. Right on time.”

There was glee in Scarlett’s voice, and Evelyn could see why; the Professor had just pulled into the public parking lot, near the place where they’d all been eating.

“Oh god,” Evelyn moaned. “I’ve already shown my tits and p-word to those guys back there AND you took pictures of it! Isn’t that enough hazing for one day?”

“Afraid not, Sister. You’re solo on this one, by the way.”

“No way! Can’t you at least, you know, make the introduction so it won’t be so painful?”

Naughty college girls made things thrilling in public will continue in the next page.

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