Make interpersonal relationships with my friend – 4

After she lashed me 3 more times my cock was soft enough to fit the device over it. I snapped the little padlock shut and handed Daicy the keys, which she dropped into her purse. Then she handed me the little hex key and told me to tighten all the screw points enough so they just made contact with my soft cock. It took a few minutes since there were 28 of the darn things.

Finally we left the dressing room and I could see that the cashier was facing her small video monitors just before she turned away. The steel cock ring was heavy on me as we walked past her and she looked at me with a knowing smile. “Thanks for all your help,” Daicy said to her. “You’re welcome,” she replied, “Enjoy!”

We were both starving and went straight to dinner in the hotel restaurant after dropping out shopping bag off in Daisy’s room. Our dinner conversation was all about the conference and our work, but I never for one second stopped thinking about the heavy stainless steel on my cock and the other items waiting for us upstairs.

After our meal we picked out a bottle of wine to take back to our room, and then it was time to go upstairs and begin whatever was in store for me this evening. We found ourselves alone in the elevator going up to our floor and after a moment of silence Daicy turned to me and asked, “Have you been thinking about what’s going to happen tonight, johnson?”

“I haven’t stopped thinking about it,” I said.

“Neither have I,” she said. “Are you okay with everything we bought?”

“Oh, I’m fine with all of it,” I told her.

“Good, because I’m really excited… I can’t help it, this is still so new to me… I’m going to want to try everything out on you.”

“I know, it’s okay… we have our safe words.”

“Yes we do,” she said, as the elevator doors opened on our floor.

As we walked down the hall to her room Daicy said, “I hope you’ll never have to use a safe word… I’ll really try not to get too crazy.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, “I want you to do everything you want to do,”

“You honestly mean that?”

“Yes, I do. Even when it hurts badly it excites me to know it’s what you want.”

We reached the door to her room and she took me in her arms and kissed me. “I love you johnson,” she said.

“I love you too Daicy.”

She opened the door with her key card and we went in. “Why don’t you put the wine on the coffee table and I’ll get a couple of glasses,” she said.

I did so and sat down on the sofa, and a minute later Daicy came in with the wine glasses and set them down on the table. Then, standing in front of me, she said softly, “Please take all your clothes off, johnson.”

I got up and she sat down where I had been, and just like last night I started undressing as she watched. I was still wearing my charcoal gray business suit, and somehow that made it even more humiliating than taking off the casual clothes I wore last night. Daicy still had on the navy blue skirt and matching johnsonet that she’d worn all day, and crossing her legs as I stripped, smiled at me.

“You’re turning red again,” she said, “you’re so cute when you’re humiliated.”

Finally I was completely naked except for the heavy stainless steel spiked cock ring locked onto my penis. I was starting to get a little hard and beginning to feel the spikes pressing in on me. “Please get on your knees, Johnson,” said Daicy, “keep your eyes down and put your hands behind your back.”

I obeyed while Daicy went into the Adult Emporium bag on the floor and retrieved the shiny chrome handcuffs we bought. As she got up and moved behind me I could hear the metallic clicking of her opening them before snapping them tightly on my wrists a minute later.

“Did that feel as good as you thought it would?” I asked.

“Even better,” she answered as she sat back down, “how do they make you feel?”

“Captured,” I said.

“Mmm, which you are.” Then she took out the black leather collar and leaned forward to place it around my neck and buckle it firmly closed. Finally she took out the chain leash, clipped it onto the collar’s ring, and sat back with the leash holder in her left hand.

“What a beautiful sight… I love it,” she said, looking at me up and down. She leaned forward to kiss me and her right hand went down to my locked up cock. As she teased me with her fingers I felt the pressure increase against the steel collar, the dozens of screw points pressing into me more painfully.

“Is this thing hurting badly now?”

“Yes it is.”

“That turns me on so much… I’m really starting to think I’m sadistic. Are you sure that doesn’t freak you out?”

“No… I want to be the victim of your sadism.”

She kissed me again and as our mouths opened to each other she reached up and pinched my left nipple very hard. I moaned into her mouth and she trembled with excitement and murmured, “My victim, oh yes you are Baby.” Then she did the same thing to my right nipple.

Then she pulled back from me and slid over to the left side of the couch, and pulling on the leash, told me to sit beside her to her right. It was a little awkward scrambling to my feet with my hands cuffed behind my back but I managed to get up and onto the couch next to her.

There we were sitting side by side with Daicy still in her business suit and me naked save for my steel cock ring, the tight handcuffs holding my wrists behind me and the collar around my neck attached to the leash she was holding.

“It would be fun to just sit and watch a movie like this,” she said, “although I’d have to keep doing things to you every once in a while.”

“Would you feed me popcorn?” I asked.

“Sure,” she replied. “Would you like some wine now?”

“That would be great.”

She opened the bottle and filled one of the glasses, and after taking a sip from it herself she held the glass to my lips. It was overwhelming how completely I felt under her control by this simple act.

“Do you think you’re a masochist, johnson?” she asked as I took a sip.

“I guess to some extent I am, but it’s not really that I just like pain… it’s exciting when I know that hurting me is turning you on.”

“You were telling me last night about how pain and pleasure got mixed coming from the nerve endings from your ass.”

“That’s right.”

“What if I whipped you on your back? Wouldn’t that just hurt, and not be like, you know, sexual?”

“Um, yes.”

She was quiet for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. “You remember those cowboy movies I told you I liked watching as a kid?” she asked.

“Yes,” I replied. “You liked it when a guy got whipped.”

“Well, when a guy got whipped it was always on his back. If I wanted to whip your back, would that be okay?”

“That would be fine if it excited you Daicy.”

“Um, it would… I think I want to do that later. I’ll start slow again like you asked.”

“That would be good,” I said, as my cock throbbed painfully inside the spiked cock ring.

“Do you know what the hottest part of last night was for me?” she asked.

“Um, no, what was it?”

“When you started crying while I was whipping you. That’s kind of sadistic, isn’t it?”

“I think that’s pretty hot,” I said.

She reached over and began toying again with my trapped cock. “Some time Johnson, when we’re in a place where we can make all the noise we want, I’d like to whip you until you scream. Would that be okay?”

I winced as my cock swelled even harder against the cruel spikes. “Yes,” I said.

“Mmm, I can tell it excites you. Oh God, that thing must really be hurting you now.”

“It is.”

“I’ve got to use your mouth now johnson, I’m so hot for it,” she said breathlessly.

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