Make interpersonal relationships with my friend – 4

Then it was time to choose a strap-on harness, which Daicy had said she wanted to try wearing to further violate me. It didn’t take long for her to decide that one in particular had a realistic penis dildo that closely resembled my own in size and shape. “You’re going to find out what it would feel like to be fucked in the ass by you,” she whispered to me, setting my cock swelling against the rubber bands I still wore.

This harness had the added bonus of another dildo on the inside that would go inside her vagina, and I thought to myself that this would inevitably lead to her fucking my ass long and hard enough for her to cum herself.

After grabbing a tube of lubricant expressly designed for anal sex we made our way to the store cashier, an attractive young woman with a severe haircut and rather extensive tattoos and piercings. As we placed our items on the counter I wondered if she was curious which one of us would be on the receiving end of all this gear. “Did you find everything you were looking for?” she asked us.

To my embarrassment Daicy quickly settled the question of who the sub was by replying a little nervously, “Actually no. Do you have, like, a small flogger that would be good to whip a penis with?”

The cashier replied that she did, and went off to retrieve the item she had in mind from a nearby display case. She quickly returned and presented us with a very short flogger having only 4 thin leather strips at the business end. “This works really well,” she told us, and smiled at me while adding, “it’s small enough that you can aim it exactly where you want it to go. Anything else?”

“Um, do you,” Daicy began, “have anything that would, uh, make it hurt when he got hard?” My face was probably turning a little red at this point.

“Well,” the cashier said, “a lot of people use the Gates of Hell, but my boyfriend says they just squeeze him and don’t really hurt. Maybe you’d like to try this,” she said, and reached down below the counter.

What she brought up was the most menacing-looking sex toy I had ever seen. It was a hinged stainless steel cock ring, more like a sleeve really, being at least an inch and half long with dozens of pointed screws that would be aimed at the hapless cock inside it. A tiny padlock kept the device closed around the penis, and it even came with a small hex key to adjust the depth of the screw points.

“I love this, my boyfriend says it hurts like hell when I start getting him hard,” the cashier said, again looking at me and smiling, clearly knowing what I was in for and enjoying the thought.

“Oh… well this looks perfect,” Daicy said, “I think that’s everything for now.”

Our purchases added up to a pretty penny; this stuff was pricey. “I guess we can’t expense this,” I said, and Daicy laughed.

With our shopping complete and our new toys bagged I started to leave, but Daicy had another idea. “Do you have dressing rooms?” she asked the cashier.

“Yes,” she said and pointed the way. “You can try things on in there but no actual sex is allowed.” I then noticed the small video monitoring screens behind the counter and realized that nothing would be private in those dressing rooms.

We made our way back to the dressing rooms and went into the nearest one. After closing the door Daicy said, “Johnson, don’t you love this stainless steel thing? Let’s get rid of those rubber bands and go ahead and put it on you.”

As she was taking it out of the package I lowered my pants and briefs and took the rubber bands off of my cock, grateful to finally be rid of them but also knowing that something worse would momentarily replace them. I glanced at the small camera mounted up high in the corner and began to get aroused thinking the cashier might be watching. “Daicy,” I said, “I’m too hard to put this on now.”

She looked at my erection and said, “I’ll have to fix that, johnson” and took out her brand new little flogger. Before I could utter a word of protest she took the head of my hard cock in her hand and brought the flogger down hard on my shaft, making a loud snapping sound that I was sure could be heard in the store.

“Jeez,” I gasped, “that really hurts.”

“I’m sorry Baby, but I really want to get that thing on you.”

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