Make interpersonal relationships with my friend- 2

She walked to the front of the chair and bent down to begin wrapping the clear packing tape around each of my wrists, securing my hands to the chair’s arms. When she was finished she walked back around behind me.

“Johnson , spread your legs so each of your feet is against the back legs of the chair.” I complied, and she knelt down to wrap tape around each ankle.

Finally she stood up and said, “There… Oh God Johnson , I love seeing you this way. I don’t think you’re going anywhere for a while.”

“I don’t think so either,” I said, testing my bindings. I was tightly bound, my hard cock pressed against the back of the chair, my legs spread and my ass up and out for Daisy to do her worst. I stared at the chair’s cushion inches below my face, knowing I was about to get beaten…. maybe beaten long and hard.

Daicy went back to the sofa to pick up my belt and walked to the front of the chair. I raised my head and all I could see were her legs and the belt hanging down by her side. She reached down with her left hand and stroked my hair.

“Are you really sure about this Johnson ? I guess this is your last chance,” she said.

“I’m sure Daicy,” I replied. “You can start.”

“Okay,” she said quietly. “I’ll start out slow like you asked.”

I lowered my head as she walked behind me. She put her left hand on my ass and said, “I’m so turned on seeing you like this. I can’t believe I’m really going to whip someone and it’s going to be you, Johnson .”

Her hand left me and she stepped back. There was a pause while I guessed she was measuring her distance, and then the first blow came. It wasn’t too hard, but as she continued striking me again and again a warm stinging heat began to grow.

She was working her way down over my ass, not hitting the same spot twice. After about ten minutes of this she stopped and put a hand on my back.

“Is this okay? Should I start doing it harder now?”

“Yes, that’s fine Daicy.”

“I have to tell you Johnson … I like doing this.”

“I’m glad you do, I like it too.”

“Oh God, this is so wild,” she said, “I’m so turned on really whipping someone… well, I’m sorry Johnson  but this will start hurting more.”

She began whipping me harder, starting at the top of my ass again and working down. It was hurting a lot and the pain began to take me away. There was a sexual jolt each time she struck me as I moved my hips to her rhythm, jamming my hard cock against the back of the chair.

After another ten minutes of this I was grunting with each blow and she showed no signs of stopping. She started on my ass again, swinging the belt even harder, and I wondered how hard she was capable of hitting me. I could hear her breathing becoming harder and faster, either from exertion or excitement. Probably both.

Finally she stopped. “I’m not through yet but I’m going to give you a little break Johnson ,” she said. She ran a hand over my ass, saying “You’re getting pretty red back here. Are you still okay?”

“I’m okay Daicy,” I said, “are you still enjoying this?”

She came around in front of me and bent down to stroke my hair. “It’s really exciting me , Johnson ,” she whispered in my ear, “I can’t believe how much it’s turning me on, it’s making me dizzy. But I’m so sorry to be hurting you Sweetheart, I know I was hitting you pretty hard. Are you getting off on it?”

“It hurts but it’s okay Daicy,” I said, “it’s good, and I’m getting off.”

“God, I’m so wet Johnson … I’m going to take off my jeans before I soak through them.”

I heard the sound of her taking off her jeans and I wished that I could see this. Not being able to make me feel more degraded, like I had no right to see her body… the only thing I was entitled to was to be a body for her to whip.

After they were off she walked back up to me and pressed herself against my bound left leg, spreading her legs a little so that my thigh was in between hers. I could feel the warm wetness of her sex through her panties and my cock was so hard it was hurting.

Then she put her hand on my ass and trailed her fingers slowly down my crack, finally coming to my cock and balls. When she touched my cock for the first time I thought I might explode, but after a minute she brought her fingers back up, this time pushing them deeper between my cheeks.

“This is mine too, isn’t it Johnson ? Tell me it is.”

“My ass is yours Daicy, you can do whatever you want with it.” I said as her fingers wriggled closer to my asshole.

“Are you sure? Do you have any idea what I might want to do back here Baby?”

“I can guess,” I said. “Do you know what pegging is Daicy?”

“Oh yes,” she said with a giggle, “I covered that in my homework too. Would you like me to do that to you?”

“Yes, if it’s something you want to do.”

“Johnson … yes, I’ve fantasized about fucking a man’s ass… I’ve never done it before but I’d like to try,” she said. “I want to get one of those strap-on things. Not too big… at least to start,” she said, mischievously.

“That would be good… I’m a virgin back there.”

“Mmm, I like that. But you won’t be for long.”

Her hand left me and she walked away. A moment later I could hear her opening her luggage and it sounded like she was getting something out. Then she came back to me and I heard a plastic bottle being opened.

Then I felt her fingers covered in a cold lotion slip between my ass and find my asshole, and I knew I was about to be explored where I’d never been before. She rubbed the cream on me and then pushed a finger in… her middle finger, I guessed. I moaned.

“How does that feel, Baby,” she asked.

“That feels good Daicy,” I said, feeling like a piece of meat.

“Let’s see how two fingers feel, okay?”

I felt full as she slowly pushed two fingers into me, deeper and deeper until I could feel her knuckles against my ass.

“Do you like that Johnson ?”

“Yes Baby. I can’t wait for you to fuck me with that strap-on.”

“Mmm, I can’t wait either. You’re so tight back here.” She withdrew her fingers slightly and pushed them right back in, slowly fucking my ass with her fingers as I grunted like an animal in time to her rhythm.

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