Make interpersonal relationship with my friend – 7

“Hmm, we haven’t really talked about it,” Daicy said, turning to me and smiling. “Johnson only moved in last month, I guess we’ll see how it goes.”

“In my humble opinion, it’s going great so far,” I offered.

“It looks like it’s going great,” said Sarah. “You both seem really happy.”

“Are we?” I said, turning to Daicy. “I hadn’t noticed.”

Daicy ruffled my hair, saying “You’re damn right we’re happy, you big oaf.”

Nobody said anything for a minute, and then Daicy spoke up. “Johnson, I told you I was going to share with Sarah some, uh, common interests that we have,” she said, and looked across at Sarah while adding, “I thought you should know I talked to her about that today before you came home.”

It was quiet again for a few seconds before Sarah spoke up. “And I want you to know I think it’s wonderful, johnson… I want you to feel comfortable around me because I’m not at all prudish in the least about these things.”

“That’s good to hear Sarah,” I said. “Daicy and I had worked together for a long time before we found out what we had in common.” I put my arm around Daicy and added, “I think it came as a big surprise to both of us… and a very welcome surprise.”

“I think that’s so cool,” said Sarah. “I’m a little jealous of my baby sister, I guess she told you that we have some of the same interests… and I hope I can find a guy like you someday.”

“There’s a lot of us out there looking for this,” I said, “I’m sure you’ll find someone.”

“Mmm, I hope so,” she replied. Then she paused before saying, “Would you guys mind if I was really nosy and asked you some stupid questions?”

“Ask away,” said Daicy, “we’re open books!”

“Well, I’m just curious… how often do you, uh, you know, how often do you do…”

We all laughed when Daicy jumped in to finish her question. “Kinky stuff?”

“Yes,” Sarah said, “I just want to get an idea, um, what your life is like.”

“Well, we only do it when we’re both in the mood,” I said, “and sometimes we go weeks without doing it, we just get too busy with work and all. It’s like a special thing and maybe doing it too often wouldn’t be good… we’ll have, uh, regular sex but we’ll save the kinky stuff for special times.”

“I stripped him good just last weekend, but it was the first time since he moved in,” Daicy volunteered.

“Striped him?” Sarah asked, puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I put stripes on him with a whip,” said Daicy.

“Oh my God… that must have hurt!”

“It did,” I said, “big time.”

“Were they like, um, red?” asked Sarah.

“They’re still there,” Daicy replied. johnson… why don’t you take off your shirt and show her.”

A small shock wave went through me. I hadn’t expected this, and I looked at Daisy. She met my gaze and gave me an almost imperceptible nod. I stood up and pulled my polo shirt up and over my head, and after draping it on the arm of the sofa I went over to Sarah and squatted down with my back to her.

“Oh wow,” Sarah exclaimed, touching my back lightly. “Each one of these marks is from a whiplash?”

“Yep,” said Daicy, in a tone of self-satisfaction. “And there’s a lot more, it’s like that all the way down to his thighs.”

“Oh… boy, I wish I could see that,” Sarah said.

There was silence in the room for a few seconds before Daicy sent a bigger shock wave through me.

“Johnson,” she said, “would you take off the rest of your clothes, so Sarah can see all your stripes?”

I looked at Daisy from my squatting position in front of Sarah. She gave me another subtle nod, and I thought I saw a kind of faraway look in her eyes. Sarah said nothing.

“Okay,” I said. I stood up and slowly unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. By the time I was ready to lower them I was sporting an erection which would soon be on public display, and there was nothing I could do about that. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my underwear and lowered them together with my jeans, slipping them off along with my socks.

“Oh wow, you really did a number on him,” Sarah said, as I stood completely naked with my back to her and imagined her looking me over. I watched Daisy’s face and saw her eyes move down my body to my hard cock, and then she looked up and smiled at me.

“Could you turn around and face Sarah?” she asked me. I turned around and Sarah’s eyes immediately went to my erection. “Oh my,” she said. “Are you hard just from being naked in front of me, johnson?” she asked.

“Probably so,” Daicy volunteered before I could answer, “Have you heard of CFNM?”

“Um, no.”

“It stands for Clothed Female, Naked Male. It’s a big thing with a lot of male submissives, they respond to the humiliation they feel when for once it’s them getting objectified instead of the woman. It’s called a power exchange.”

“Mmm, I like this power exchange thing,” said Sarah. “Is what Daisy said right, johnson?”

My mouth had gone dry, but I managed to say, “Yes, she’s right Sarah.”

“You guys, this is so wild! So, you make him get naked while you keep your clothes on, Daicy?”

“Yep,” Daicy replied.

“I really like this.”

“I knew you would.”

“What do you do next?”

“Well, next I might put a collar and leash on him.”

“Oh Jeez, I’d love to see that.”

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