Make interpersonal relationship with my friend – 7

The rest of the evening was taken up by a long and luxurious shower, where we took turns soaping each other and washing each other’s hair. When we finished we toweled each other dry, and before leaving the bathroom Daicy made me hold a hand mirror so that I could see the array of red stripes down my back, ass and thighs in the reflection of the full-length mirror on the door.

“Wow,” I said, you really did a nice job, they’re so evenly spaced.”

“You’ve awakened my inner artist,” she said, “next time I might try for a criss-crossed pattern.”

We got in bed, naked as we always slept, turned out the light and held each other in the darkness.

“Johnson, I want to ask you something. You know my sister Sarah’s coming to visit next weekend.”

“Right, we might want to hang some plants on those chains in the den.”

“Well… maybe not. I haven’t mentioned this before, but Sarah… um, the two of us kind of shared some of the fantasies I told you I first had as a kid, we used to watch those cowboy movies together and talk about the way we felt seeing guys get strung up and whipped… the way we both felt.”

“Really? So, she’s a pervert like you?” I said, prompting Daicy to mock and punch me in the arm.

“Yes, I guess she is. But… we’ve always been close and open with each other… and I was wondering if it would bother you if I told her about some of the things we do. I’d like to share with her how lucky I feel about finding you.”

I had to think about this for a moment. “Does she really look at it like you do, I mean… she wouldn’t think any less of me for being a submissive guy?”

“Oh no, she’d just be happy for me and she’d really admire you. I’m sure she’d like to find someone like you for herself, and I hope she does some day. I know she’d be really interested in what we do.”

“Then sure, that’s fine… I guess I might feel a little funny around her, but no biggie.”

“Thanks, Baby,” Daicy said, giving me a kiss. “It means a lot to me to be able to share with her, we’re really close. She’s a really down to earth person, I’m sure she’ll be cool about it and you’ll feel okay around her.”

“Okay Sweetheart, I’m looking forward to meeting her… and I guess we don’t have to hang plants in the den after all.”

We both fell asleep quickly and woke up to a bright and sunny Sunday morning. The day was filled with chores, including cleaning the house and getting the guest bedroom ready for Sarah’s visit.

The following week went by quickly, and soon it was Friday. Daicy took the day off from work to pick up Sarah at the airport, and since the two of them had most of the day together I figured she would have already told her older sister about our recreational pursuits by the time I got home.

I was still a little nervous about it as I walked in the front door and entered the living room, where Daicy and Sarah were sitting drinking coffee. Sarah jumped up to shake my hand, saying “johnson, I’m so glad to meet you at last!”

“Great to meet you too, Sarah!” I said. She was a couple of inches taller than Daicy, almost as tall as me, with the same freckles and strawberry blonde hair but cut in a short pixie cut instead of Daisy’s shoulder-length style.

It was easy to see the family resemblance between them, although Sarah seemed more muscular in her arms and legs. Daicy had told me she was an avid surfer, which would certainly explain the great shape she was in.

We made small talk for a few minutes and Sarah’s easy-going manner soon put me at ease. When It was almost time to leave for the French restaurant where I had a reservation for us I went upstairs to change from my work clothes into jeans and a polo shirt. I came back down and off we went.

Dinner with the two of them was relaxed and enjoyable. Sarah had the same easy laugh and great sense of humor as Daicy, and the two of them together were a little like a well-rehearsed comedy duo, feeding each other straight lines and displaying impeccable timing from a lifetime of in-jokes. There was an affectionate closeness between them, and I could understand why Daisy liked to share things with her sister.

When we got back to the house we decided to break out some ice cream, since we had skipped dessert at the restaurant. Daicy served us and then she and I sat down on the living room sofa while Sarah took a chair across from us.

“Do you guys mind if I lose my shoes?” she asked.

“Make yourself at home,” I said, and Daicy and I both followed suit.

“So, if you don’t mind my being nosy,” Sarah began, “is marriage on the horizon for you two? I mean, seeing as how you’re living together and you seem like a pretty good match.”

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