I never forget this enjoyment journey

“Well? What do you think?” she asked.

I walked back inside, my wife standing next to the bed in the most alluring sensual outfit I’d ever seen her wear before.

“Hmm, glad to see you approve!” She said grinning at me, though I noticed her eyes were directly looking between my legs. There was no point trying to hide my erection, especially under the circumstances, but then Nova frowned looking back up at me. “Hey! Wait! You got that before you saw me!” she suddenly started. “Who else were you looking at?”

“Let me start off by saying, you are the most beautiful looking woman I have ever seen!” Which quite honestly was the truth. Nova stood in a sheer floor-length; black lace evening gown that hinted at her nudity hiding beneath it without necessarily giving everything away. And though it was cut very low in front, dainty criss-crossing ties of lace held the front in place, though her breasts pressed against the sheer material, almost wickedly. At least she smiled once again when I said that, though I then told her about the incident which had occurred only a few moments ago. What I didn’t do was elaborate on how much I’d enjoyed seeing the exotic young woman’s tits.

“So…what’s Gregory like?” she then teased.

“I don’t know, he wasn’t there, but I’m sure at some point we’ll meet him. Oh, and when we do, don’t be afraid to ask to see him naked, apparently, that’s ok too,” I informed my wife.

“I just might,” she said, posing herself seductively, causing my cock to twitch, which had grown even harder now just standing there looking at her. “Um, you might want to see if you can make that go down a little,” she giggled. “Though I’m sure we’ll see a few more standing up like yours before the evenings are over, it might be in poor taste to arrive already having one!”

It took a few minutes, but eventually it did. Arm in arm we then left our cabin heading down the hallway towards the grand stairs and the formal ballroom two decks below us. It was interesting to see so many people just then leaving their own rooms, many dressed very similar to the way my wife and I were, though a few others had worn even more revealing outfits than even she was. Seeing all that nudity decorated in its finest, naughtiest form, 

was already threatening to again stiffen my prick as we made our way inside. Small two or four person tables ran around the perimeter of the dance floor. A small band sat playing, though no one was out dancing as yet, everyone was content to find a seat, sit down, order drinks and ogle the other guests as they came in.

I laughed looking over at the couple sitting a couple of tables away. The young looking husband sat with his somewhat nervous looking wife, but it was clearly evident he was having a great deal of trouble trying to hide his obviously very stiff erection. He was wearing a robe very similar to mine, though it was obvious he had nothing on beneath it, every move no matter how small, threatened to reveal his hard prick, 

as he sat constantly readjusting trying in vain to keep it covered. His wife, a cute little blonde, was wearing a likewise sheer, baby-doll type of night that had a great deal of fluff about the collar and cuffs as well as the hem, but was otherwise very sheer. Her dark pink nipples were clearly in evidence as she sat there nervously surveying the room. Just then she looked up, saw Nova smiling at her,

and then surprised me as Nova waved the two of them over to sit with us at our table. Almost immediately she grinned back, nodded her head and quickly spoke to her husband. Once again, I had to hold myself in check as they made their way over to us, her husband immediately placing both hands strategically in front of himself as they came over.

“You looked a little nervous,” Nova said, easing her nervousness immediately with that award winning smile of hers. “Though you might enjoy having a little company, believe it or not…we’re a little nervous too,” Nova finished saying. We then introduced ourselves, and learned that their names were Frank and Beverly, and that this was indeed not only their first cruise, but the first time they had ever done anything like this. They came from a very small, very conservative town somewhere in the Midwest, and for them, this had thus become a very daring, very bold adventure for them.

Frank was still blushing as he sat there, his eyes trying very hard to not sit and stare directly at my own wife’s tantalizing breasts, though just a bit more concealed behind the lace patterns of her gown that his own wife’s were.

“Don’t worry about looking,” I assured him. “I think…that’s the whole point of our coming here dressed like we are…so that we can look, and enjoy doing it.”

“That’s the problem,” he finally laughed at himself. “I am enjoying it…and it’s become very difficult trying to hide the fact that I am!”

“Me too, ” I assured him, and then sat back just enough so that he could see that I too was now as stiff and hard as I’d been back in the room, the head of my own dick peeking above the waistband of my very brief bikinis, making me wish in all sincerity, that I hadn’t worn them as at least I’d be as comfortable as Frank was, even though he was embarrassed in being so openly revealed.

“Like Brad said,” Nova began, “I don’t think you two will be the only ones sporting erections here tonight,” she went on,

 especially with all these hard nipples springing up everywhere too,” she announced pointing over towards another middle aged, but very attractive looking woman whose breasts were entirely bare, poking through a peek-a-boo type of an evening gown that had no intention of being worn or in covering her breasts. 

She had incredibly large thick nipples, so it was easy to see why she had chosen her particular night wear, she loved showing herself off, and with good reason.

Within a short period of time, the room had finally filled to capacity, laughter, conversation and the sound of drinks being served filled the entire room. Finally, the host of the evening arrived, wearing a pair of bright red silk pajamas. After gathering everyone’s attention he then made an announcement.

“Thank you everyone for coming…and I hope that by the end of the evening, that can also be taken another way!” He paused momentarily for the laughter along with a few whistles and catcalls at his comment to settle down. “And now, as a way of getting acquainted, meeting others like yourselves who’ve joined us on what we hope to be a very exciting, and very erotic cruise…” he again paused looking about the room with a mischievous smile on his face, “we’d like to open up the evenings entertainment with what we call “Ladies choice”.

 Now then, Ladies? No fair choosing your own partner to dance with, after all, you can do that at home,” he again paused amidst laughter. “So…now’s your opportunity to step out, select some strange handsome, half naked stranger…and ask him to dance with you!”

With that, the band began playing a slow sensual tune as the woman, slowly at first, and then suddenly much more quickly began to stand and head off seeking available half naked, or sexily attired dance partners.

Nova and Beverly had it easy, asking Frank and I to dance, though we both stood with hard firm erections as we did so. Nova made short work of that as well, reaching down, grasping Frank’s prick in her hand, and leading him by it out onto the dance floor. By the time Beverly and I arrived, I noticed we weren’t the only ones who had one either.

“No doubt about it, this promises to be a very, very interesting cruise!”

Even before we’d gone downstairs to attend the party, we’d been given to know that several judges would be circulating throughout the evening. There would be several prizes and gifts being awarded for the most alluring or sensual evening gowns, along with the most slutty or decadent, as well as for the most demure, or less revealing. 

Looking at many of the others, I didn’t see anyone who I personally thought looked more sensually seductive than Nova did, a fact that Beverly herself had commented on shortly after they had joined us.

Now dancing closely together, it was hard not to enjoy the feel of Beverly’s perky firm breasts pressing against my chest. And though her husband Frank tried very hard not to stab his rock hard dick into my wife’s tummy as they danced, it was almost comical in a way watching him as he tried not to. Especially when Nova made it even more difficult, drawing him closer to her as they moved about the floor. The number the band had been playing soon ended however, and everyone stood clapping, I noticed as we all did, that Frank and I weren’t the only ones now standing up in full approval.

Even our MC made note of that fact, by announcing it was now time for the “Cock walk” as he called it. “Or rather, a very obscene version of the bunny hop,” he then announced once again to a great deal of laughter, though several of those who’d been standing on the floor began sitting down. Surprisingly however, there were still a great many who hadn’t, and though I had headed off to do so, Nova had quickly collared me, ensuring that I remained.

“Don’t be a spoilsport, we came here to have fun,” she said grinning. Likewise, Beverly had forced Frank into staying as well, as he stepped behind my wife, his hands on her hips, his wife’s hands on his, and mine then on hers. I soon felt the hands of another woman, turning around to smile, briefly say hello and noticed it was the gal with the enormous nipples and bared boobs who’d sauntered up behind me.

“Hi, I’m Brad,” I said introducing myself, turning just enough to take her hand shaking it, watching her tits bounce up and down freely for a moment as I did so.

“Jocelyn,” she answered back, looking down at my cock, sighing. “Damn, makes me wish you were behind me and not in front,” she chuckled playfully, though she was soon introduced to yet another stranger likewise with a hardon standing behind her. She smiled, winking at him and then turned back around facing me. “Guess I didn’t do so bad after all,” she said once again winking.

Minutes later, there was a long line of us winding about the dance floor doing the bunny hop. Needless to say, there were indeed a few interesting moments for everyone as people collided, the feel of Jocelyn’s heavy breasts suddenly pressing against me, my own stiff prick bumping into the firmness of Beverly’s ass in front as we did. No doubt, very similar experiences were occurring throughout the entire line, though it was easy to guess, that had been the purpose in the first place.

We eventually returned to our seats, the judges continuing to mill about looking at everyone. People danced, drank, or sat getting to know one another better, just as the four of us were. Midway through the evening however, things started to get just a bit more interesting when again the MC stepped up on stage, silencing everyone.

“Alright everyone, this is where we separate the shy from the not so shy,” he grinned. “This next dance is one we call, the let’s pretend to dance, while we’re actually fucking dance,” he announced. Once again there were several nervous chitterlings from a few, though those who had been on this cruise once before, suddenly clapped with excitement and appreciation at hearing the announcement. The MC then continued.

 “And…for those who are daring enough, as many of you know, I will be circulating amongst you, verifying,” he said, raising his hands, showing two fingers on each, bending them as though signifying his acceptance that the couple was indeed having intercourse. 

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