I love doing with these people

We weren’t really gone all that long when we slowly made our way back to where Mike and Sara had gotten a small fire burning on the beach. As yet, there was still no sign of Steven and Julie , though that didn’t surprise us. According to the little we did know, Steven was quite the stud-muffin, and could fuck forever. It was even likely we wouldn’t see the two of them again until morning.

“Enjoy yourselves?” Sara teased us seeing us return.

“We did…though probably not as much as Steven and Julie  still obviously are,” we snickered at their expense. Now with the fire going, I could see far easier Sara’s magnificent nude body, her tear-dropped shaped breasts looked sensual as hell. Each one capped with an equally alluring looking areola, far smaller than Julie ‘s were perhaps, but just as dark and inviting, looking…or rather begging to be sucked on.

To be honest about it, my mouth was now watering with the thought that perhaps at some point…maybe, just maybe…I might. Like Stella was, she was shaved, the women stood talking in silent whispers for a moment just out of earshot, I could just imagine what it was they were actually discussing too, though for the moment at least, Mike and I were both being treated to the breathtaking view of the two of them. As though reading my mind, Mike spoke.

“Can’t you just imagine the two of them going down on one another?” He quipped?

Frankly, up until now…I hadn’t honestly considered that. But I certainly was now. I was glad we were sitting again, feeling the all too familiar stirrings in my prick as I sat there, glad I could at least fold my leg up just enough to partially conceal my rapidly escalating condition. It was at that moment the girls strolled over towards us.

“We’re going back to the boat to make up a fresh batch of Margaritas,” they told us, though Stella winked at me upon saying that. I knew then they’d spoken…at least a little bit, and would no doubt take the time to continue that particular conversation while making another pitcher for us to drink. Mike and I sat there watching our two lovely ladies stroll back to the boat, nice firm asses jiggling a little as they did. I heard Mike sigh contentedly while watching the two of them, which I found myself doing right along with him.

“Like I said…I don’t think there’s anything more sensual, more beautiful than seeing two women pleasuring one another, and the thought of seeing Sara with Stella has got me as excited as hell!”

Unlike myself, Mike sat, his legs firmly planted on the ground in front of him, but his prick was at full staff, sitting well up from between his legs. I tried not to look, but I simply couldn’t help myself. I’d never seen him hard before for one thing, and the fact that he could sit there the way he was, so nonchalantly, without giving any thought to his condition whatsoever surprised me. But he surprised me even more when I saw his hand suddenly grasp his dick and he sat there fondling himself in spite of the fact I was sitting there next to him. I still hid the fact that I had a pretty good-sized erection myself.

“You know Jack, I don’t know that anything will in fact happen while we’re here, but it’s certainly fun thinking about it. So who knows? I will tell you this…Sara’s got one hell of a slick, soft pussy. And she has the muscle control to literally jack you off inside of her. But not only that…she’s a squirter too. Ever seen a woman squirt before Jack? Seen a woman gush? Well…Sara sure does. Wickedly hot if you don’t mind me telling you so. Nothing like it, feeling all that hot warm juice spraying around your cock when she cums, or pouring inside your mouth while you’re eating her. Fuck…drives me nuts just thinking about it!”

Just hearing him say that made me a little nuts too. Admittedly. Finally finding some confidence, I replaced my foot, my cock now sitting up just as proudly and as stiff as Mike’s was. I was surprised at myself when I actually reached down, and began fondling it, just a little at first, as Mike sat next to me, no bones about it…simply jerking himself off. Before I knew it…I was too.

Several minutes later, sitting there listening to the slap of his fist going up and down, the squishy lubrication he was milking out of his prick in order to better stimulate himself with, he soon groaned, pointed his rigidly hard prick out in front of himself, and let fly! I sat there watching in amazement, streamer after streamer of his spunk spurting out the head of his cock, landing somewhere off in the sand in front of him. Suddenly, I felt my own delicious climax begin, and then I too was bending my prick forward, squirting out my own nicely hard felt squirts of spunk off into the sand.

“Ah yes…nothing better than a nice hard wank beneath the stars, sitting on a beach thinking about those two gorgeous wives of ours now is there? Well…three actually, he added with a snicker.”

For once, I couldn’t disagree with him.

It was only minutes after that that the girls came back carrying a fresh pitcher of margaritas. The fact I was still sitting there with a partial erection, having not quite calmed down from my very recent orgasm didn’t go unnoticed. Handing me a fresh drink, Stella looked down, and then over at Mike. He too still had a bit of a stiff dick as he sat there.

“So, what have the two of you been thinking about?” Stella asked us both teasingly.

“Well the two of you of course,” Mike answered for us both. “In fact…we just enjoyed a nice little wank together while we were sitting here. In fact, watch your step if you’re squeamish about such things, but I think our cum is sitting somewhere in the sand pretty close to where you’re currently standing!”

Sara giggled looking down, as did my wife momentarily, but she quickly looked up towards me. “You mean to tell me the two of you actually sat here and jerked off?”

I was somewhat glad for the surrounding darkness, I could actually feel my face turning beet red, and couldn’t help but wonder what Stella might think of this unexpected revelation.

“We did!” Mike announced proudly without any reservation whatsoever. “It felt pretty good too…especially out here beneath the stars. Though to be honest, I’m a little surprised that Jack did as well, though I’m glad to see he’s a bit more open-minded than I would have thought.”

“That…makes two of us,” Stella said, though her surprised look had turned into what I’d always called her sultry-horny one. It was obvious, the thought of me actually doing that while sitting there next to Mike as I did, had turned her on.

The girls soon settled their chairs opposite from where Mike and I were sitting on the other side of the small fire. We all sat looking at one another, sipping our drinks when Stella finally spoke having just finished her third one.

“One more of these, and I might do what the two of you did earlier,” she said giggling. “I’m still horny just thinking about that!”

I was about to suggest that maybe we take it inside in order to take care of that when Sara spoke up. After she did, I was damn glad I had kept my mouth closed.

“I’d be more than happy to lend you a hand if you’d prefer that,” Sara said, looking over towards my wife. Sara sat looking at me across the fire, and then smiled.

“I bet you’d love seeing that wouldn’t you honey?” she said, slurring her words a little.

Series NavigationI love doing with these people – 2 >>

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