I love doing with these people – 5

Thomas laughed. “Yeah, whoever owned the ship had a portrait of a mermaid painted on one of the walls of the main stateroom. She’s kind of interesting to see, kind of takes you by surprise when you first see it, especially as there’s quite a bit of seaweed that has now affixed itself to a lot of what’s down there, which can be a bit hazardous unless your careful, not to mention making it much more difficult in searching for anything. Not much is left within the room to hide anything either, so we don’t go in there very often any more. But…she’s worth having a look at, especially for the first time if you haven’t seen her before.”

“I’d like that…sounds interesting, and fun,” I said a bit nervously, though I was still looking forward to going down that far, and helping Brian and Thomas search for additional treasure.

As Brian and Susan got in, instructing Steven and Julie  how to use the scuba gear, the rest of us sat on deck relaxing, though Maria as usual soon turned that activity elsewhere.

“I need to suck some cock,” she said frankly. “Come here you two, unless you’ve got something else better to do.” We didn’t. Mike and I quickly made our way over to where Maria was sitting, patiently waiting for us. Seconds later, Maria was trying to cram Mike and I’s cock’s into her mouth simultaneously, sucking each, playfully jacking and holding onto them with her hands while she did so.

“Might as well have our own fun, yes?” Thomas suggested, his rather impressive dick making an appearance as Sara and my wife looked at one another smiling.

“Heads? Or tails?” Stella asked, flipping a coin. “Tails!” Sara called, winning the toss, though so had my wife, as she quite actually preferred having her pussy eaten. Standing there, having my dick sucked, watching my wife as she sat on Thomas’s face, fondling Sara’s breasts while she in turn rode his cock, was exciting as hell. It wasn’t long in fact before both Mike and I were shooting what felt like a gallon of cum into her mouth, almost simultaneously as well, listening to my wife crying out at the top of her lungs as Thomas did whatever magic trick it was that he did to her cunt.

“I still need to find out what the hell it is he does whenever he does that,” I said as Maria licked off the last remnants of my pleasurably spent cream. Sara too was now in the throes of her own orgasmic bliss, riding Thomas’s long hard cock, gripping it with her pussy, milking him as he poured his own rich nectar deep inside her womb.

A short while later, Steven, Julie , Brian and Susan returned. “That was…incredible!” Steven and Julie  stated, confirming what Stella and I had already learned earlier.

“Pretty incredible on deck here too,” I told them both as we shared our thoughts and experiences of the past little while together.

“Well, if we’re going to get in at least one dive on the wreck today, we’d best get at it here,” Thomas stated once again checking the gear, as Brian brought out fresh, properly prepared tanks to dive with. Unfortunately, we’ll only have about twenty minutes to actually search the ship,” Thomas told me. “And when I say it’s time to go, I mean…it’s time to go, no arguments, understood?”

I knew from Thomas’s tone of voice, this was something he took very seriously, and though nervous enough as I was, I nodded my head, ensuring him that I’d stay by his side every step of the way.

It’s amazing the difference even twenty additional feet can make during a dive. The water was considerably colder for one, the sunlight not quite warming it nearly as much as it felt far closer to the surface. 

And though it was still light enough to see by, the water was far darker as well as we reached the wreck and as Thomas gingerly directed us inside through one of the long ago rotted away doorways leading into the bowels of the wreck itself. Hand signals were simple, and explicit. I followed along closely behind him with Brian swimming behind me as Thomas led me past room after room, and finally into the main stateroom itself.

As we entered, I noticed that what had once been the upper deck had collapsed into the room, though the reason for it remained unknown. What I did know however, was the reason why there appeared to be so much underwater fauna, and plant life growing within this particular area. A plethora of several species of fish darted here and there, schools of which played chase with one another, weaving in and out of the tall standing plants. High above, the sunlit surface of the water beckoned towards them. 

The swaying dance of the leafy green tendrils performing an underwater ballet as the current caressed them, bending them to its will. I followed Thomas further into the room as he swam through the foliage, parting it until reaching what appeared almost like a ghost! The mermaid Thomas had told me about, a painting, which nearly filled an entire wall, almost pristine, the oil-based paint holding up rather well, though there were spots on her that appeared to be finally deteriorating.

Thomas signaled to me, motioning towards the area he’d told me about earlier just before we dove. A section of the room and corridor he hadn’t searched in for a very long time, and since we were this far, he wanted to take a few moments and do so.

Brian remained closer near the doorway, one eye on Thomas down the corridor, the other on me, though I decided to remain where I was and not try and venture out any further on my own. I was content to study and admire this mysterious mermaid on the wall. As I did that, I caught a glint of something shining, the sunlight from above just enough to catch an unexpected reflection, though it had quickly disappeared.

I stood there, looking, saw it again, and this time placed my finger over the precise spot. Moving away from some of the still flowing plant-life, I saw what appeared to be a chain hung around the mermaid’s neck, and then lower down, situated between her bare breasts, what appeared to be a rather large and interesting gemstone. As I felt the spot where I’d seen the glint moments ago, I felt a differing texture, tracing it.

Thomas had insisted that we each dive with a diver’s knife, a safety precaution in the event we should become entangled by anything. Drawing my knife from its sheath, I poked at the small spot on the wall I had found, seconds later seeing what appeared to be a small tiny gold chain. I traced the edge of my knife along the length of the painted chain on the wall, seeing the wall stripped away as I did so, gingerly, carefully, pulling with it as I did,

more and more the length of a real chain. My heart was beating a thousand miles a second as I reached the precise spot where the gemstone hung between her breasts. In seconds, I had carved out what had been once painted over, hidden away. I dug out the rest of the chain, folding the entire piece securely in my hand and replaced the knife in my sheath. I turned just in time to see Thomas re-enter the room, tapping his watch, pointing towards the surface. I nodded my head, following, Brian right behind me as we chased the air bubbles from our tanks into the sunlight above.

I seemed to be breathing a bit quicker than the others, though with good reason. Thomas leading, looking behind giving me the thumbs up, I signaled back, giving him the same, with the biggest fucking smile on my face that I’d ever had.

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