I love doing with these people – 3

“I love doing with these people” Part-3 Continues…..

“Let me see the sheet again,” she asked. Another fifty points and she could get something from the next level if she decided to wait. But as no one had done anything yet, we were all a little anxious and excited to see what would happen the first time.

“So, can I ask that two other people do something? Or does it have to be me and someone else?” she wondered.

“We can make that a condition, if everyone’s in agreement with that,” Sara stated looking about the group. “Any objections to her being able to ask for that?”

“Who gets the bonus points if they do?” I then asked.

“Well I’d say, the two participants do, only makes sense, but maybe the suggestion will be worth giving them up for,” Sara mused.

No one had any objections, though it was a moot point anyway. Stella had just raised the possibility for future consideration, which we’d all agreed to. “Ok…this one,” she said smiling. “Mutual masturbation…with Steven!”

Sara made note of the points being awarded, two hundred points for Stella, a Hundred for Steven for participating, and everyone else awarded an equal division of the two hundred points being redeemed. Sara rounded up to the next nearest ten, just in order to keep things easier while keeping track of everyone’s point totals.

“Ok, five minute time limit,” Sara announced. It was far easier for the two of them to stand up and move over to the full-sized couch on the deck where they now sat side by side with the rest of us looking on. Though initially somewhat flaccid, it didn’t take long for Steven’s cock to begin growing in size as my wife sat next to him fondling and playing with it. To everyone’s amazement however, it continued to grow…and grow…and grow.

“Holy shit man!” Mike actually exclaimed. “Who’d have thought?”

Even flaccid, it was evident Steven had a pretty good-sized dick, but seeing it lengthen to the size it finally had, surprised and amazed everyone. I’d seen some pretty good-sized cocks before, with neither Mike nor I being a slouch in that particular department either, but Steven’s prick was enormous, Julie  sitting there smiling as she saw it lengthen, looking on appreciatively.

“Now you know why his nick-name is Steven,” she told everyone, though that’s the only name Stella and I had ever called him by. “I’ve always referred to that enormous dick of his as my very own personal Steven Truck. His real name is Mickey.”

“Mickey?” I actually blurted out. “As in Mickey Mouse?” Steven gave me a look that immediately told me I wasn’t to call him that again. Bad enough that I and a few other of our friends had called him Lurch, that we could get away with. But I knew then, that calling him by his true name was a big no, no. And I had no intention of revealing that to anyone else.

As Stella continued to play with Steven’s enormous prick, he in turn sat beside her, one hand fondling her breast, the other worming its way inside her wet pussy. Already the sounds of his fingers playing in her wetness could be easily heard.

“Ok, time!” Sara announced. Stella moaned and sighed with the all too soon ending of their playful naughty time together, but stood up and returned to the table as Sara announced, “On to the next hand!”


Needless to say, the games got more and more interesting as time and the evening progressed. Mike was the first to redeem points at the next highest level, opting for a double-blowjob, selecting Julie  and Stella as his honored selectees. Interestingly enough, even Steven was surprised when Julie  excitedly and most eagerly jumped up in order to accommodate him as Mike leaned against the railing of the boat, both women on their knees as they began lavishing his prick with their tongues, taking turns sucking it.

Even the bonus points were interesting, if the girls actually managed to get him off during the ten minute time limit for this level, they’d each receive an additional two hundred points. And though they’d still have to win a hand before being able to redeem any of them, it was quickly reaching the point where each winning hand promised some sort of pleasure, whether doing…or just watching.

I had been hard as a rock now for well over an hour myself, as was Steven, his miniature “bat” as I came to look at it, all swollen, purple and angry looking, the knob of his prick reminding me of a small door-knob.

“Fuck that looks nice,” he said actually fisting himself as the rest of us sat there watching the three of them. “I know which one I’m going for,” he then informed us all, hearing a slight giggle come from his wife even as she continued mouthing Mike’s prick, now obviously working at getting those bonus points.

I was quite looking forward to that myself, wondering if he might indeed choose Stella as his wife’s first female lover, considering the fact that it would be a first time for my wife too really. Up until now at least, no one had balked at not doing something, though it was rapidly reaching the point where just about anything was possible, and I began wondering about that.

“Oh fuck…fuck!” Mike cried out seconds after that, telling us all as he did, and then showing us as his spunk suddenly leapt from the head of his prick, both Stella and Julie  then catching the rest of it in their mouths, trading places with his spurting dick, passing it back and forth between themselves.

“Well done!” Sara said, calculating the additional bonus points. A few hands later, we were all nearing the maximum point levels, where the action could really prove to get interesting.

Perhaps it was fate, or pure gut luck…but Steven managed to hit a straight flush against a regular flush against Stella. The moment he did, everyone looked over towards Julie . She merely laughed, shaking her head and stood up. “Where do you want me? And who will?” She then asked.

I was right, and even Stella seemed to sense it at the same time that Julie  had, as she’d stood up as well without being asked to.

“Right here on the deck,” Steven indicated, though he’d already reached for several of the couch cushions lying about, tossing them down so as the girls could make themselves a bit more comfortable.

“Now we’re at the fifteen minute time limit,” Sara reminded everyone. “And if either of them gets the other one to cum, then there are BIG bonus points in addition to that.”

It was of course pretty well known that neither one of them had so much as stuck even a finger inside another woman before this trip, and now, Stella was finding out about those curiosities, as was Julie , for her first time. They soon climbed into what was a traditional “69” position with one another there on the deck. Julie  on the botThomas, and Stella on top. I stood there looking down at them as was Steven and Mike, Sara joining in for free, her hands simply caressing the two women as they began lapping away at one another’s cunts.

“Side bet?” Mike asked.

“Towards what?” Steven and I both questioned.

“Three hundred points say they both cum.”

“Make it five hundred, and you’ve got a bet!” Steven said, “Two hundred fifty from us each?” He said, looking at me. I knew Stella could have several multiple orgasms, and her hardest always were through oral stimulation, so I knew I’d lose the bet with her. She’d come easily within the fifteen minute time frame, provided Julie  at least made some minimal effort in doing that. By the looks of things, she was an eager learner to find out. So the question was Julie .

I leaned over asking him. “Don’t bet on my wife,” I informed him. “I know she will…the question is Julie .” Steven smiled and winked at me, whispering back.

“It’s not about the orgasm for her, never has been. She actually prefers just feeling the pleasure. Not that she can’t or doesn’t cum, she does…but not until she’s wound up tighter than a drum. I’m willing to bet, that’s what she’ll do here, just want to savor the experience more than worry about getting off regardless of what Stella’s doing to her.”

I turned facing Mike again. “Ok, you’ve got a bet,” I informed him. “Both of them, within the fifteen minute time frame.”

He nodded his head, “Deal!”

Sure enough, mid way through I heard the all too familiar sigh of pleasure escaping my wife’s lips, though she continued on, licking away at Julie ‘s sweet split even as she came. But then Julie  did as well, surprising everyone, especially Steven and myself as Julie ‘s almost ear-splitting scream announced the arrival of her own very intense, very satisfying orgasm.

“Well I’ll be damned!” Steven stated, surprise clearly etched within his face, though so was a bit of awe and wonder as well.

I love doing with these people – 3 will continue on the next page

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