I get a wonderful chance

This Story is part of Chance Series

She’d suggested a place for dinner. He’d declined that one, recommending another, a place a bit more intimate, good food, but far more cozy and intimate. Daicy had always wanted to go there herself, but she and Bill never had. Now was as good a time as any. The fact that it would be just she and Antony alone, was even better. Already she could feel the wetness forming between her legs in anticipation of more, a lot more.


It was early yet, but the place was starting to fill up pretty fast. “Let’s grab a booth before they’re all gone,” she suggested. “There…that one,” she said, standing not giving Bill a chance to really consider it, though he did so briefly even then. There was nothing to go home to however, nothing but a cold dinner and TV.

Here at least he had someone to talk to, someone very attractive in addition to that. It was far better than going home to an empty house. They carried their drinks over to the table. “I’ll be right back,” she said smiling, and then turned heading off towards the restrooms. Bill watched her go, following her with his eyes. She had nice legs, nearly as nice as Daicy’s were.

Daicy. She’d told him not to wait up for her. Well, he certainly wouldn’t be doing that. He smiled, maybe she’d actually get home before he did, and then who’d not be waiting up for whom?” He felt the stiffening of his cock, making a quick unobserved move in adjusting himself a bit more comfortably. He had no expectations of anything actually happening, but you never knew. Lucy seemed to like him, perhaps even a little attracted to him. She hadn’t been overly flirtatious, but they had laughed,

shared a few jokes and had obviously gotten comfortable enough for her to want to spend a little more time together. Maybe her situation wasn’t much different than his own. He turned just in time to notice her walking back. There was something different in the way that she did, and then it dawned on him, she wasn’t wearing a bra! He had noticed the tell tale press of her bra strap as she’d sauntered away into the bathroom.

Walking back towards him now, the suggestive jiggle of her breasts, the hard pointed tips almost obscenely pressing against the thin material of her sweater assured him of the fact that she now wasn’t. “What else had she taken off while she was in there?” He wondered.

He’d expected her to slide into the booth sitting across from him. But she didn’t, sliding in next to him instead, sitting where they could both see the majority of the other patrons, yet secluded in a way against the far back wall, unobserved, unapproached by anyone else needing a table. He could feel the press of her thigh wedged comfortably against his when she did, one hand reaching for her glass as she took a drink,

the other suddenly resting on his leg. He felt her fingers lightly trace an imaginary line of tiny circles on his upper thigh, felt his cock stiffen even harder than it had been, once again almost uncomfortably positioned. Her fingers dangerously close to discovering that if she was to widen her playful drawings, and then before he knew it, she had. He felt the tip of one finger brush against the side of his rock hard shaft, felt her nail suddenly dig in deeper along the side of it, now running up the entire length of it towards the head.

Here she again lingered, a light teasing touch as she surrounded it playfully before allowing her finger to once again travel back down in the opposite direction. Bill took a sip of his drink, dropping his own hand down beneath the table. He placed it directly upon her own leg, feeling the contact of bare flesh as he did so. He began teasing her in much the same way she continued teasing him, tempting fate, running his finger tips briefly beneath the hem of her skirt. Lucy shifted, lifting herself up, and in doing so,

bunching the back of her skirt entirely behind her. He had looked over watching as she did that, her bare ass clearly showing through before she had sat back down again. He knew then, her bra wasn’t the only thing she had taken off.

They had ordered another round of drinks, this time a beer. Lucy had done the same. Even then, Bill knew they’d have to sit there for a while nursing those before it would be safe enough to drive home. But what had been thrilling was when their waitress came over to take their order. He had continued to feel Lucy’s hand now firmly grasping his prick through his pants, squeezing him playfully, wantonly as the waitress took their order, completely oblivious as to what was going on beneath the table.

And even if she wasn’t, even if she’d suspected anything, she hadn’t let on, though smiling sweetly promising to return shortly with their drinks. He had then felt her hand on his, lifting it, placing it, she had done so, letting him know in no uncertain terms what she wanted, what she needed. What he needed now, and had been needing for far too fucking long! She was wet, her pussy was literally soaked as his finger slid deeply and easily inside her.

Bill was still finger-fucking her cunt when the waitress returned with their beers, once again smiling down at them asking if there was anything else she could get for them.

“Yeah, a few more napkins,” Bill had thought, saying, “No thank you instead, we’re good.” Lucy now escalated the excitement, the danger, her fingers working down the zipper on his slacks, her hand burrowing inside, finding and then freeing his member. As hot as it was inside the bar now, the cooler air on his now exposed cock felt exhilarating, though just having his dick held, toyed and played with there beneath the table had a lot to do with that.

He felt her squeeze the swollen bulbous head of his prick, felt the trickle of precum ooze from the tip as she gathered it up, smearing it around the crown of his cock-tip further pleasuring and exciting him even more.

Somewhat awkward now, and perhaps a bit too obvious, Bill removed his hand from between Lucy’s legs, especially as she was so intent now on fondling his prick. He was able to reach over however, lifting up one side of her sweater just enough to slip his hand inside onto her breast where he fondled it playfully, easily locating her hard thick nipple, pinching it, hearing her squeal quietly in delight as he did so. Lucy again squeezed his prick, found another nice thick dollop of his cream, took a quick look about, lifted her sweater and applied his juice to her neglected nipple.

“Play with that one for a minute,” she whispered hotly. He did so, smearing his own juice around and about it, delighting in the sensation of that hard little teat, so slick, so delightfully firm as he teased and pleasured it with his own juice.

It had been a long time since he’d felt a tit in his hand…too long. Admittedly he missed playing with Daicy’s, but…obviously she didn’t.

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