I get a wonderful chance

This Story is part of Chance Series

“Lucy,” she offered back. No last name, but then again, he hadn’t given her one either. “Me too,” she then added, still smiling, though friendly now, more so than before. “Haven’t seen you in here before,” she then offered, wondering.

“First time,” he said truthfully. “Usually just go straight home from work, no rush to do so tonight though,” he added, wondering why he’d told her that. Wondering if subconsciously he was trying to tell her he was interested, even though he really wasn’t if the truth were to be known.

But it was a quick little shot of self-confidence, sitting here at a bar next to an attractive woman, carrying on a friendly conversation, no yelling, no smart remarks. Flirting a little maybe, which is as far as he knew it would go. Hell, she wasn’t really flirting back with him, just being polite, friendly. Obviously a professional woman who likes himself had stopped in for a drink on her way home, perhaps even meeting up with some friends. Nothing more. Bill even glanced around, wondering if she was in fact waiting for someone.

“Here alone?” she asked.



“Buy you another drink?” She’d just finished her first one.

“Sure, thank you.”

“Thank you,” Had Daicy said that this morning before leaving for work, he might not be sitting here now, wondering what it would be like to fuck this woman he’d just met.


The presentation went well. Better than expected even. They’d been at it all morning, the model of the new proposed shopping mall had been eye-catching. Wooing several prospective tenants into moving their big name stores into it meant the difference of a small success, or a big one. Daicy had managed to invite three really big names to the presentation, two of which now seemed genuinely interested. And though construction was still well over a year away, getting some big names on board early on would make all the difference.

Jim Peters, Daicy’s boss had suggested, recommended for those who might be interested to drive out to the site later on, have a look for themselves, and then perhaps sit down to dinner and continue on with the discussions. Of those who were interested in doing so, one of them was her newly found account.

Antony Edwards was the Chief Executive Officer for one of the largest clothing store chains in the country. If she could land that one, then others would follow. No one wanted to give anyone else an edge, especially in a rapidly developing section of town where the growth had been enormous over the past few years. It was an ideal location, and held the promise of substantial financial success.

It also meant she’d be working late, but she’d pretty much already planned on that anyway. And besides, Bill was working late again himself, though he seemed to be doing a lot of that lately anyway. She couldn’t help but wonder…

“Daicy? Can I see you for a moment?” Jim had asked her to draw her off to the side. “I hate to do this to you,” he began. “But something’s come up in the San Francisco office, I have to fly out tonight. Think you can handle entertaining Antony and Christopher yourself? Take them out to the sight, show them around, and then have dinner with them later? See if you can get a feel for what they’re thinking? What might they expect in return for setting up shop with us?”

“Sure Jim, no problem,” she said enthusiastically, confidently. She wouldn’t have gotten the promotion to begin with if Jim didn’t feel he could count on her. Jim smiled looking down at her breasts. That was the only thing that had ever raised any suspicions with her regarding her promotion.

Jim was known to be a bit of a womanizer, and though he’d not come right out and approached her sexually, there’d been plenty of hints, a few off colored jokes, and then of course the obvious blatant stares at her chest. Though she really only had herself to blame for that tonight anyway. She knew as well as he obviously did, that her rather prominent breasts looked particularly attractive through the blouse she was wearing. Not to mention her long shapely legs that she knew she was showing off beneath the short, almost too short of a skirt she had on in addition to that. Jim smiled and then winked.

“Whatever’s necessary, you know the drill,” he told her. “Wherever they’d like to eat…whatever they’d like to drink…woo them, whatever it takes,” he’d said once again emphasizing the word.

They had soon after driven out to the site, though Christopher had followed them in his own car, begging off on going out to dinner afterwards. Antony on the other hand had been far more friendly, very outgoing and easy to talk to, not to mention being easy on the eyes. She had found herself entertaining a few thoughts, naughty ones. Wondering what he would look like naked, in bed laying next to her.

His almost boyish blonde hair, dark brown eyes, chiseled, very masculine features could have had him posing on the cover of any fashion magazine. But here he was instead, not even fifty yet, and already the CEO of a major clothing chain, and he was obviously showing signs of being interested in her to boot! Twice, she had seen him glancing at her partially exposed thigh as she drove the car, once even reaching over to just briefly rest his hand on her leg as they discussed the possible competitors who might also be interested in moving in.

She’d felt a flurry of goosebumps racing up and down her arms, her neck, and over her breasts. She had felt her nipples stiffen at the all too brief contact, wishing he had left his hand remain where it had been…all too briefly. She’d given him assurance that even if they did, he’d have the biggest area, the best access, the best of everything. Whatever he wanted… He smiled at that.

“Whatever I want?” She’d heard him say. Remembering her boss’s words just before they’d left.

“Whatever it takes.”

Antony had been impressed by the proposed sight, walking it together, discussing and imagining how it would all look in comparison to the model he had seen earlier. It was just hot enough outside that she had taken off her jacket, tossing it over her shoulder as they walked about. She could still feel the press of her hard nipples, the lacy thin sheer bra not helping much, nor concealing her fairly obvious predicament. She had caught him looking at her, looking at her tits, normally she might have taken some offense in that, but not today.

She wanted him to look, wanted to see his smile, his reaction, especially when she let him know she’d seen him looking, and had welcomed it.

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