I get a wonderful chance – 2

This Story is part of Chance Series

“Turn here,” Antony told her as she swung her car into his drive. She hesitated, wondering if she should simply say goodnight and drive away. Sensing her reluctance perhaps, Antony turned towards her, once again kissing her passionately, his hands again on her breasts, her resolve quickly melting away. She turned off the engine, and then got out as he came around, taking her by the hand and up the steps into the house.

She followed him up the staircase, and then into his bedroom. She stood allowing him to finish removing the rest of her clothing, and then his. He pulled her onto the bed with him, where she then straddled him, felt his hard erect prick slide heavenly deep inside the opening of her cunt. She fucked him wildly, eventually feeling his essence spurting deeply inside her, where her own climatic bliss quickly joined with his.


“Did you hear something?” Bill asked.

“Lucy sat up in bed, might be my friend,” she said. “He said he might come home tonight, so most likely he did.”

“He?” I thought you said that earlier!” Bill exclaimed a bit worriedly.

“No…I’m pretty sure I said he, and besides, nothing to worry about, we’re all good close friends here now aren’t we?” she asked. “We’ve played and partied several times together, in fact, I’m willing to bet that he’s not alone here either. Tell you what, I’ll go down and see if he’s busy, or if they’re even interested in partying with us, if they are…I’ll come back and get you and we’ll take it from there.”

“I don’t know Lucy, it really is getting late, maybe I’d better think about getting myself home now.”

“Oh come on Bill…don’t be a spoil sport, just give me a minute, I think after you have a chance to meet Antony, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”


Daicy was shocked to hear the soft knock on the bedroom door, though Antony answered before she had a chance to do much of anything.

“Come on in Sue…I’ve been expecting you,” Antony said. Seconds later the door opened and in walked this woman who Daicy had never seen before, and certainly wasn’t expecting to. She was naked, and very obviously attractive.

“What the fuck?” Daicy exclaimed upon seeing her, obviously confused, though the woman basically ignored her all together.

“Hi sweetie, thought we heard you earlier, but figured to give you enough time to have a little fun on your own before we just up and invited you to join us.”

“Join who?” Daicy asked a bit worriedly. “And who is this anyway?” she then asked.

Antony turned towards her. “Well, I guess it’s time we told you the truth here. Daicy Jenkins? This is my wife Lucy, Lucy…Daicy Jenkins, this is the woman of the firm I’m considering doing business with.”

“You’re wife?” Daicy exclaimed. “I thought you told me you were divorced!”

“Well? So? You told me you were married, but you came here anyway? So what does it matter?” And besides, Lucy’s got a friend here as well, we sort of do this on occasion for fun, perhaps after you meet him, you might be inclined to just go along, party with us…have some fun. And I promise you…it will go a long, long way in cementing our new partnership.”

“Fuck!” Daicy said, totally confused, but she felt trapped as well, “Well, ok…but I’m not promising anything,” she told them both. “Not until after I’ve had a chance to meet him at least.”

“No sweat,” Lucy said excitedly, turning to leave the room. I’ll go back and bring him in and introduce you to…”

“Not necessary,” Bill said, stepping into the room, nearly colliding into Lucy as she turned to leave. “The name’s Bill…Bill Jenkins. And the woman sitting there on the bed with her mouth open is my wife.”

“Your what?” Both Antony and Lucy said near simultaneously.

“My wife,” Bill said once again. “And I think…under the circumstances, that she and I have a lot to discuss.”

Daicy finally found her own voice. “You…you and Lucy? Were fucking too?”

“Like I said darling, I think…you and I have a few things we need to talk about. I think that it might be a good idea if we were to excuse ourselves and go home now in order to do that.

“You’re…not mad? Angry?”

“Why should I be? You haven’t done anything I haven’t done obviously. So what’s the point? The issue here is, are we going to finally sit down and talk about it? Or keep pushing things away and making whatever it was we once had, too hard to find again? Are we going to continue to fight over coffee grounds? What program do we want to watch on TV? Or get back to fucking and loving one another the way we used to?”

Daicy3 smiled upon hearing that. “I rather like hearing about the fucking part…can we do that first before we talk?”

“Before…and then afterwards,” Bill said. “Now come on, get dressed, I’ll follow you home…”

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