I am in love with my mom – 4

Words failed me. I didn’t know what to say in fact, sitting there as I later realized I was, with my mouth open, surprised to say the least permanently imprinted within my face.

“Surprise!” Mom said with an awkward shyness I had never seen before.

“You’re telling me…what’s going on anyway?” I asked, though my interest had genuinely peaked at this point.

“As I’m sure you already know Mike, there isn’t anything I feel uncomfortable discussing or sharing with Val,” she began, confirming what I’d long suspected anyway. But even knowing that, I was still in a state of shock at seeing her best friend just as naked as she was.

And it’s not like I hadn’t entertained a few thoughts about her, along with the twins either. I had. But those were, and had remained, simple erotic self-indulgent fantasies, and not anything I ever thought I would actually see come to life, though I had of course fooled around briefly with each one of the twins. Still…this.

“I thought, this might be a good way to sort of end things as I’ve told you they must,” she told me, actually sounding sad about it, and not without some misgivings, though her frown brightened as she turned towards Val who stood there looking at me almost hungrily. “And believe it or not Mike, this was my idea, though Val had long ago confided in me, that she wouldn’t mind bedding you herself if the opportunity to do so ever arose. Well…now it has, IF you’re interested that is,” she asked curiously.

Val was almost the exact opposite of my mother in many ways. She was much taller for one, light skinned, having what they then called as being a dishwater blonde, more blonde than light brown perhaps. Additionally, she held to the more traditional styles of their age group, her pussy unlike mothers was neatly, though closely shaved, whereas mom’s was entirely bare, a bit of a novel surprise when I’d first discovered that in fact. But like mom, she too had nice-sized breasts, nipples a bit more pink, though with cherry tips that I noticed were extremely hard and well erect.

I sat there looking at the two of them as they stood side-by-side. What was I going to say? That what I was now looking at didn’t appeal to me?

“I am,” I said with a grin on my face a mile wide at this point, and an erection that was rapidly growing inside my pants.

“See? I told you he wouldn’t say no,” mom turned smiling at her friend, who’s somewhat worried, nervous expression now bloomed into a smile just as big as mine was.

“So Val,” I said as I stood up, hobbling on one leg briefly, pulling down my pants, allowing the hardness of my arousal to briefly be seen pressing through my shorts. “Knowing that I’ve been fucking my other mother didn’t weird you out?” I now asked, doing so as to being curious as to her thoughts for one thing, but also knowing, guessing perhaps, that as mom seemed to enjoy it, discussing dirty, decadent topics, they seemed to heighten her own arousal level. I wondered if doing that might accomplish the same thing with her as well.

She nodded her head, smiled and spoke. “At first, yes…I wasn’t really shocked, just surprised. Obviously you have from time to time been the topic of conversation, but long before any of this happened,” she honestly stated. “And because your mother and I have always been so close, with nothing that either one of us has ever kept from one another, I could quite comfortably tell her about my long held fantasies about fucking you, which

I’ve obviously told her about in the past. So…imagine my surprise, when she told me, she’d been doing just that herself,” Val finished as she and mom now moved over towards the couch, flanking me. “After she explained to me that this would more or less be your last weekend together, she then told me she wanted to do something particularly special in doing all that. Which is when she asked me, if I’d be interested in surprising you…with the two of us.”

“Well, you’ve most certainly done that mother,” I smiled, kissing her, and then Stella as the two of them stood to either side of me, each of their hands now fondling my prick. They then slowly eased me back down to the couch after removing the rest of my clothing. Situated there on the floor between my legs, I now watched, and then felt as two tongues and two pairs of lips began to seduce my shaft, kissing, licking and sucking it almost magically.

Mom knew through previous experience, I was good for at least two, sometimes three orgasms myself during the course of an evening. The first one always comes the quickest perhaps, for obvious reasons. But the second, and certainly the third, always took me a lot longer to reach, and quite naturally afforded mom the necessary time and pleasure that she herself also sought.

Needless to say, I wasn’t too worried as I sat there, selfishly reveling in the sensation of the two of them mouthing and sucking my cock together, enjoying the view, watching them, occasionally reaching over, fondling and caressing their tits as they did so.

“You have a gorgeous cock!” Val breathlessly moaned at one point, sucking it, and then kissing my own mother with my shaft sandwiched between the two of them as they did that. I nearly came, just by seeing them doing that.

“Thank you,” I moaned weakly, shyly…commenting on both of their exquisitely nude forms, looking forward now, very much so…to fucking them both, though there were of course other thoughts now racing through my mind. I wondered…

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