I am in love with my mom – 3

I was honestly too young to remember her bathing me as a child, though she told me of course that she had, telling me one such story as I hobbled on one leg with her supporting me, into the bathroom in order to do just that.

She had already started running the bath as I sat on the toilet seat, mom kneeling on the bathmat on the floor, wrapping my leg up in a garbage sack in some attempt at keeping the cast from getting too wet. After she had finished taping it, sealing it as securely as she could, I stood, letting her help me ease down inside the tub, draping my casted leg over the edge, resting it comfortably on a likewise garbage sack covered pillow.

She was wearing nothing more than a loose fitting robe, naked beneath it. The hint of her full breasts peeking out at me from time to time as she reached over, using the wash-cloth in her hand to soap me off with, as well as rinsing my skin.

“Been a long time since I’ve done this,” she smiled reflectively.

“Yes it has,” I responded pleasurably, no longer hiding the fact that even this simple of contact between us, could fail to arouse and excite me. Already my cock was beginning to stiffen, the head of it already breaking the surface like a periscope from a submarine. She laughed upon seeing that.

“That reminds me…” she began. “When you were so little, before you even really realized that you had something between your legs, discovering it for the first time, unashamedly touching it, holding it, exploring it as I washed you. It was a natural thing for you to do of course, so I said nothing, and even tried not to look at you as you did so, but then hearing you ask me about it, forcing my attention back to it,” she laughed remembering.

“What did I say?” I asked curiously, as even then I felt mom’s hand sink below the surface, her fingers now gripping the hardened length of my shaft.

“You asked me why it felt good whenever you touched it, and why it always got bigger whenever you did.”

I grinned, smiling back at her looking down at myself, “You mean like now?” She laughed with me, still remembering.

“Yeah, only I certainly didn’t do this,” she laughed back, purposely stroking it now, her hand making waves in the tub as she caressed my prick, working it up and down.

“What did you say?” I asked, curious, the slightly decadent sensation of her working my prick, remembering the past, giving the entire experience a rather naughty edge to it.

“I’m not sure I remember it exactly,” she began. “But I think I remember telling you that one day, when you were all grown up and a man, you’d find out why…or something along those lines anyway,” she grinned pleasurably.

“And now that I am?” I giggled almost boyishly, I’m finding out something else too,” I then told her.

“Oh? And what is that?” she asked, blushing a bit girlishly.

“Just how beautiful and sexy my very own mother is!” I announced, reaching over, freeing one of her magnificent tits, thumbing the nipple, causing her to gasp as I did so.

“Stop that! You’re going to get me all wet!” She said half-jokingly. I reached over, taking the hand-held shower spray out of the holder, threatening to use it on her. She quickly grabbed it however, almost falling into the tub on top of me as she did, though managing to take it away, and then actually pointing it towards me. I dared her to do so, though giving her a completely different target in doing so, now sharing with her yet another wicked little secret.

“Can’t tell you the number of times I actually used that to pleasure myself with,” I freely admitted. I watched her blush, though not in hearing me tell her that, but when she responded in kind, answering back.

“Yeah…me too!” She giggled.

Suddenly the thought of that brought a jolt to my cock, it twitched and throbbed of its own accord, making waves once again in the tub as I sat there thinking about it.

“Fuck I’d love to see that,” I told her without reservation, honestly hoping she might.

Once again she laughed, trying to distance herself from the subject perhaps, “Oh yeah right…like I’m going to masturbate right here in front of you,” she stated.

“I will…if you will,” I replied.

She looked at me hesitantly, surprise clearly etched within her face. She blushed even more profusely than she had been, stammering somewhat as she responded.

“I’ve…um, ah, I’ve…always wanted to see a man doing that,” she found her voice, freely admitting it. “Tried getting your father…” but then she choked off the rest of the sentence. It wasn’t necessary though, as I reached down, grasping my cock in my own hand, and began working it.

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