I am in love with my mom – 2

“Obviously it did,” I said, lifting my hand up just enough to actually finger one of them, feeling the tautness of her nipple, flicking it forcefully, hearing her moan pleasurably as I did so. “Come for me,” I then told her. “Please mom…let me hear you, and see you cum.”

It wasn’t outside of anything we had already done, and perhaps because of that, she hesitated only for a moment. Though this time, she slipped out of the jeans she was wearing, and removed her thong entirely as well. She now stood next to me at the side of the bed, entirely naked. It was the first time in a long, long time…I’d actually seen her exactly so.

“You’re still very, very beautiful,” I then said.

“Thank you,” she said somewhat awkwardly, feeling embarrassed even then about herself, looking down, a small pooch on her belly, her breasts not quite as firm as they perhaps once might have been, an ass that looked every bit as enticing as either of the twins had appeared to be to me. I noticed too a few stretch marks here and there that had escaped the twice daily applications of her vitamin E lotion perhaps. But to me, she was just as beautiful as she could have ever been, and I told her so over and over again.

I lay there, watching her as her hand slipped between the slick wet folds of her pussy. Coming away seconds later with a sweet white slick substance that coated each. I reached up, somehow managing to grasp her hand before she could take it away, pulling it towards me as far as I could until the cast no longer made it possible for me to do so. She looked at me inquisitively, curious.

“Feed me, give it to me,” I said in a near whisper. I let go of her hand, and then watched her as she lifted it, two fingers covered in the white sweet substance, and then spoon fed me once again. It was a hell of a lot better than oatmeal.

After that, mom threw all caution to the wind, her fingers a blur working her pussy for me as she stood there, her fingers delicately strumming her clit as she no doubt very often did there in the secrecy of her own bed at night. I lay watching the ecstasy as it filled her face, hearing her cry of release as she came, the bent knees almost collapsing, buckling inwards as she finally tumbled to lie beside me there on the bed. My lips once again, lightly softly, nursing her nipple.

More than anything I wanted to fuck her, slip my cock inside that wet juicy passage, but I knew that to raise the issue with her, especially now, would destroy the moment, and very possibly any chance, any opportunity I might have afterwards either. I knew then I would have to bide my time, take things slowly, and let the opportunity eventually present itself. It did so, three days later.


I had been watching the news and weather when the idea came to me. The forecast called for a heavy period of pretty severe thunderstorms over our area. Looking back, I remembered times when I was much younger how the thunder and lightning had always affected my mother back then. I’d always found it exciting to watch, never being afraid of it, though it was obvious my mother became considerably frightened by it. My dad thought it was foolishness on her part to show such fear of it when she was, as he called it, “totally safe and nothing to be afraid of.”

It was after that, I would quite often call out to her in the night when the storms really intensified. She’d come into my room, crawl into bed next to me, and then hold me close. I would lay there smiling, letting her comfort me from the supposed fear I now feigned, though knowing as I did that, it was she who drew comfort from me as we lay there listening to the peels of thunder, watching the forks of lightning as they lit up my bedroom.

Obviously, it had been a while since we’d done that. But with the storm clouds threatening the early evening skies, I smiled inwardly, hoping that this would indeed be a loud and noisy storm when it passed.

I couldn’t have asked for a better scenario. As I lay there listening to the sound of the distant thunder rumbling, growing closer with each passing moment, I expectantly looked towards the doorway of my room. The sun had just barely gone down, my room now dark though with just barely enough light to see by, which I discovered as with the next clap of thunder, the lights suddenly went out, throwing my room into darkness.

“If that doesn’t do it…nothing will!” I told myself, smiling. Sure enough, only a few short minutes after that loud clap of thunder and almost blinding light outside my window, the door opened to my room, the sound of my mother’s voice heard as she stood there in the doorway looking in on me.

“You ok?” She asked.

Obviously I was. But it wasn’t me she was really referring to. I could hear the edge of nervousness in her tone of voice. She really did hate thunderstorms, always had and probably always would.

“Come lay by me,” I answered her in response. Though it was early evening, she was already wearing a simple throw over nightgown that she quite often wore to lounge around the house at night as a way of making herself comfortable. As the next timely crack of lightning lit up the night sky, its brief dazzling brilliance silhouetted her form as she stood there. In seconds I saw her body backlit against the flash,

knowing she was nude beneath the almost transparent gown that hung comfortably on her frame. She crossed the room slipping into bed beside me, almost immediately tucking my head against her breast, her hand gently stroking my face as I lay there in the crook of her arm.

That simple gesture took me back to days so long ago when we would often lie there together in my bed, listening to the sound of the thunder as it washed over us, eventually moving away. Very often, she would fall asleep there in my arms or me in hers, though she would generally get up sometime before sunrise and make her way back into her own room. Except for the very accidental contact of her breast,

perhaps pressing against me, or an inadvertent brush against her if I should be spooning her from behind, there was never any sort of sexual contact whatsoever. At least none that I took as being that. Admittedly, it was again another one of those times and moments when I briefly thought of it, but then chased away the thoughts before they could manifest themselves into a hard steely erection between my legs.

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