Holding mood and time for her

This Story is part of Keeping It Together Series

“Maybe in time mom…maybe you’ll find someone else.”

I heard mom sigh once again. This time I’m sad once again. “I doubt it honey…we had something very, very special. An openness, an uninhibited way with one another that I don’t think I could ever again find with anyone else.”

I knew miya was trying to keep things light, trying to perk mom up again with her response. “Is that why you and dad were always so damn loud and noisy whenever the two of you were getting it on?” She stated.

“miya!” Mom exclaimed.

“Well you were you know!” Miya shouted back. “Hell, Joy and I always knew when the two of you were going at it, and were amazed that you did so as often as the two of you were. No one else’s parents ever did it that much, at least not as much as any of our friends ever told us their parents were…but you two certainly did!”

Once again there was silence. miya’s attempt at frivolity had suddenly brought their giggling session to a very abrupt end. I quickly and silently made my way back up the stairs to my room, remaining there until miya came to actually fetch me for dinner. Not too surprisingly, which perhaps I should have expected, she wasn’t about to let me off the hook either. I heard the knock on my bedroom door.

“Joy? You up? Dinner’s ready,” she called through the door, knocking once again.

“Yeah, yeah…I’m up,” I answered her back. “You can come in, you know,” I told her.

She opened the door and stood there looking at me. I was dressed, sitting on the edge of my bed.

She smiled, half giggling as she stood there. “Thought I’d better knock first…just in case,” she said letting me know in no uncertain terms that mom had told her about catching me in the bathroom, though I already knew that of course.

“Oh great…anyone else know about me jerking off? And getting caught by my own mother doing it?” I asked.

Miya burst out laughing. “Well, she was on the phone with Aunt Chris a while ago…so maybe!”

I reached over, grabbed the pillow off my bed and threw it at her. But miya was too fast for me, stepping back through the door closing it before I’d even come close to hitting her. Knowing mom, there was a really good chance that Aunt Chris now knew about it too.


Somehow we managed to get through dinner without any additional comments or innuendos being said about it, which was a big relief to me as I figured that might be the end of it. The three of us had even sat and watched a movie together, though mom soon after excused herself saying she was tired and going upstairs to bed. Mom kissed us both, her hugs lasting a moment or two longer than usual, and then she hurried on upstairs to her room.

I sat looking at my sister for a few moments afterwards. She had the same concerned look on her face that I did. “I’m really worried about mom,” I told miya. “I mean…stands to reason and all, but aside from going to work, all she does is come home and then go to sleep. This is the latest in a long time that she’s actually stayed up with us,” I stated.

“Give her time,” Miya said, not sounding all that sure about it herself. “She’ll come around…eventually. But she can’t do it all by herself either,” she added. “Which is also why I’m glad you decided to move back home, she needs you more than ever now,” miya said, sounding far more mature in her years than she ever had. “And not that you’re dad or anything like that, but I think mom needs to feel the strength and support of having a man around the house…and you’re certainly that,” she grinned, making the one and only direct comment all evening about me.

I might not have been as close to mom as mia was, but miya and I had also been fairly close growing up through the years, so candidly discussing some of the things we had talked about in the past wasn’t entirely out of the norm for us either. Even though it had been a while since we’d discussed or shared anything too intimate or sexual in nature. Because of that, I didn’t feel too awkward in speaking with her about it.

The fact that I took note of miya only wearing a man’s white tee shirt and pair of panties, something she quite naturally wore around the house late in the evening, had given me rise quite unexpectedly. Like I said, my sister had grown up a lot more in the space of a year than I’d imagined she would. Her slightly fuller breasts, braless beneath the tee shirt stood out quite prominently, her hard-pressed nipples poking out and against it.

“I can’t believe you and mom actually sat and discussed me jerking off,” I said matter of factly, but letting her know in an instant that I knew they had been. “It’s not like you don’t either you know,” I tossed out, though I’d certainly never caught her at it, and was simply fishing here, though trying to put myself on even level ground with her once again as I did.

“Maybe so…but no one’s ever caught me doing it either,” she said in defense of my accusation. “At least I’m smart enough to close my door! You on the other hand…” she snickered, laughing at her own joke, “God…would I have loved to have seen that…I can only imagine,” she continued giggling.

“Oh…so you’d like to have seen me doing that too huh?” I said joking with her not at all being serious, though the look on her face took on a whole other aspect. “Surely sis…you’ve seen plenty of other men, or done…”

Miya interrupted me before I could finish, “I never have,” she said almost quietly, shocking me.

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