Holding mood and time for her – 2

This Story is part of Keeping It Together Series

her pert young boobs fully showing as she leaned over the table and began rummaging through things. This was honestly the first time I had ever seen my sister’s exposed breasts before, and I could only stand there and stare at them, not to mention having another look at my own mother as she likewise stood, her robe opening from time to time as she ironed.

I was glad that no one else could have possibly seen me, or they’d have thought me to be a Peeping Tom, which I was. Laying flat on the ground, just barely poking my head up enough to see into the window, I lay there spying on the two of them listening to their conversation as I did so since the window was partially open.

At first it was pretty mundane, miya asking mom which clothes were ok to simply fold, and which one’s she insisted on being ironed. As nice as it was for me to be looking at the two of them, I nearly got up in order to begin mowing the lawn. The last thing I wanted to do was make things worse for myself, getting caught spying on the two of them. But that’s when I saw mom put the iron down and turn towards my sister.

“By the way, thought you should know, I slept with Dan.”

I felt glued to the ground, unable to move, to breath, waiting for the bombs to go off.

“So…you took my advice then?”

“What?” I said to myself as I lay there. “What the hell she’d just say?”

“I did…and you were right, I needed that, needed it more than I realized I really did. I just hope your brother doesn’t hate me for it because I did.” Miya laughed.

“Oh I’m pretty sure that’s not something you need to worry about,” Miya told her. “If anything, he’s probably worried about whatever it is you’re thinking about knowing him. Though I don’t mind telling you, I’m a bit jealous of you myself. I tried seducing him myself, a little anyway, but he never really picked up on it, or he was too shy to act on it, either one. But it was only fair that you slept with him first anyway. Now…I just need to find some way of convincing him to do the same with me.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather, though I was already lying down, and felt too damn weak in the knees to even stand up if I’d been able to. It was obvious they’d discussed this, and more importantly, it was evident that my own sister wanted to sleep with me as well! If I’d been confused before, I was even more so now. Not that the thought of that didn’t intrigue me, it’s just not something I had ever considered doing before, let alone act on it. But the biggest surprise of the day was yet to come.

I then watched as mom opened her arms, miya stepping into them giving mom an affectionate hug. Ok, nothing out of the norm there, just mother and daughter being affectionate, even if they were both damn near nude while they were.

“Like I said, you were right about me needing that,” Mom said once again, “But…you were also there for me when I needed you two. And though I never expected anything like that to happen, nor had I ever considered the possibility of enjoying the pleasures of another woman, especially my very own daughter, I’m just as equally glad that that happened too,” she now said. I watched in total disbelief as my mom and sister kissed.

Kissing not as family, but as lovers would, deeply and passionately. At the same time, seeing my sister’s hands come up, grasping my mother’s slightly larger, but equally soft breasts. Mom’s too then came up to cup and fondle my sisters as the two of them continued to stand there kissing one another, fondling one another’s tits. I simply couldn’t believe what I was seeing or hearing.

It was about that time that I saw my sister suddenly drop to her knees in front of mom, though she had disappeared from my sight in doing so. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what was happening however, especially by the look on moms face as she reached over to hold onto the ironing board with one hand in order to steady herself. Her eyes now closing, her mouth opening into an oval as she stood there licking her lips.

“Fuck the lawn!” I said standing.

I walked back inside the house and stood there in the kitchen trying to collect myself. Whatever fears, worries or concerns I might have had, suddenly flew right out the window I’d been looking in. I turned and headed down the stairs. Quietly I made my way down the hallway, stopping just outside the open door of the laundry room where they both still were. I took off all my clothes, dropping them into a pile just outside the door.

My cock was hard, angry looking and swollen beyond belief. I stepped around the corner of the door, somewhat surprised, and pleased to see my sister’s back facing me, now naked as well as mom was the one down on her knees licking her. I approached as quietly as I could, coming up from behind. I reached around, cupping my sister’s breasts, causing her to jump as I did so.

“Feel good?” I asked, kissing her neck, looking down towards mom just as she looked up.

“Well, I guess that takes care of that little problem now doesn’t it?” she said smiling, and then went right back to licking my sister’s quim.

Miya giggled, allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief, and then reached down, finding my stiff hard cock which was pressed against her ass at the moment, fondling it.

“Yep, just as hard and as big as daddy’s,” she exclaimed without even looking at it.

“Yes it is…” Mom agreed. “And speaking of which…since we’re obviously all aware of one another now, maybe we should take this someplace a bit more comfortable than in here?”

I still had one or two questions to ask…but those could wait until later. I soon followed my sister and mother down the hallway, miya’s bedroom being closest, and with the biggest bed as well. I collapsed in the middle of it with mom and my sister on either side, the two of them soon licking, sucking and lapping away happily at my dick together. There was no denying the fact that never in a million years would I have ever thought anything like this to be possible, but here I was. And soon, I’d be fucking one and then the other, over and over again as often as I wanted, and whenever I wanted.

Just watching miya as she licked mom’s pussy, me fucking her from behind was enough to have me blowing my first load in no time. Watching mom lick my spunk out of my sister’s cunt, with me then fucking her in the exact same position…well, I lasted a bit longer that time, though not much.

Things are indeed different now, I’m glad I came home. But then again so are my mom and my sister. Moms certainly in a much better frame of mind now, she’s even talking about dating again. Some day. But for now, she’s content to keep things between the three of us, as am I. As is miya.

And to be honest. I’m not sure I’d have it any other way.

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