Holding mood and time for her – 2

This Story is part of Keeping It Together Series

“Holding mood and time for her” Part-2 Continues….

“Not even once, except for dad,” she then added, blushing…but you obviously heard me say that. By the way…where were you anyway?”

“Standing just outside the door,” I finally admitted to her.

“So you heard everything then?” she asked.

“Oh yeah,” I grinned now feeling like I was back on equal footing with her once again, trying to press my advantage in a still teasing way, my intent to make her as embarrassed or as uncomfortable feeling as she’d made me feel earlier. “So…you get off on seeing dad jerk off? And what’s up with asking mom if I had a big cock anyway? What’s up with that?”

Miya ignored my first question, but she answered the second, or rather asked it again, putting me on the defensive when she did. “So…do you?” She asked point blank. “Not that I have much to compare it to even if I saw it,” she added. “But I am curious now…especially after what mom said. Do you think it is…in comparison to other guys?” she asked honestly, curious.

“You can’t be serious here!” I retorted, trying to laugh it off. “How the hell should I know? I don’t run around looking at other guys’ pricks either, you know!” The problem was, I had to shift in my seat, my erection now giving me fits as I sat there. With the direction this conversation had suddenly gone in, miya’s nipple’s had in fact hardened even more than they’d shown to be earlier,

now poking stiff and straight against the thin tightly stretched material of her tee shirt. And not only that, I then noticed that she too had to reposition herself, tucking her legs up and beneath her as she sat on the small little couch. As she did, I saw what looked to me like a small little dark spot forming in the crotch of her panties though she quickly pulled the hem of her shirt down in order to more properly cover herself. As I looked away from her there, back into her eyes again, I knew that she knew where I’d been looking.

“Chicken,” she teased.

“Oh yeah right…get real miya,” I responded back.

“Chicken,” she said again. “Come on Joy…mom saw it.”

“Yeah well maybe she did…but not on purpose,” I responded back. “Tell you what, next time I jerk off, I’ll leave the bathroom door open for you, and then maybe if you’re lucky.”

“Fine, you do that, and maybe the next time I am…I’ll leave my bedroom door open too, and maybe if you’re lucky…” As weird as this conversation was beginning to sound, I decided that maybe we’d best end it before it got even stranger, or before I made a move on my own sister. It had been a while since I’d slept with anyone, and now those old horny feelings were returning, and not just the need for stress relief kind of needs were telling me it was time to end this before anything happened that one of us might actually regret.

“It’s late,” I said standing up, momentarily forgetting that miya might notice my predicament, which she did. “I think maybe it’s time to go upstairs to bed,” I said regretting I’d said that the moment I had.

“Is that an announcement? Or an invitation?” miya asked, which I took as simply a way of her teasing me back without really being serious about it. I skirted her question just as she’d managed to skirt mine earlier.

“I’ll check on mom, see if she needs anything before I hit the sack,” I started turning.

“Well, you might want to do something about that before you do,” Miya told me. “As vulnerable as she is at the moment…she might take one look at that and forget who she is,” she said smiling, pointedly looking at my crotch. Though admittedly, she did have a point.

“I’ll just peek my head in,” I told her.

Miya burst out laughing, “Which one?”

Once again I reached for one of the throw pillows, but miya was already up and over the back of the couch before I could throw it at her.

“See you in the morning big brother,” she said grinning, and then blew me a kiss goodnight before disappearing down the stairs to her room. I shook my head, and then slowly made my way back up the stairs to my room, though as stated, intending to stop by mom’s room in order to check on her first before doing so.

I noticed the light was still on underneath her door, though she’d often fallen asleep with the bedside lamp on before. I took hold of the doorknob intending to just peek in on her when I heard what I thought was the sound of her crying. I hesitated, not wanting to intrude, yet concerned for her just the same. Part of my coming home was in order to be there for her when she needed me, which I decided at that very moment, might just be one of those times. I turned the doorknob, opened the door and stepped in.

Just in time to see mom lift her hips up off the bed, the sound I now heard not one of her crying, but groaning out her pleasure as she came. The sight of a bright blue vibrating toy embedded deep inside her pussy as she arched her back freezing me in place.

Now I know how she felt.

Holding mood and time for her – 2 will continue on the next page

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