Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 3

This Story is part of Secret Desires Series

At first I didn’t know what I was actually looking at. I placed the clean clothes down on top of the dresser, and then reached in. I pulled out what appeared to be a longhaired blonde wig. I stood there just staring at it, my mind suddenly reeling with the implications, though even then…I still had no real proof. I argued with myself even, my imagination running away with me. Just because there happened to be a blonde wig in the dresser drawer didn’t mean anything, one way or the other. But…it did give me cause for concern.

“Had I in fact fucked my own daughter? Or had it indeed been Sophia who had come into my bedroom?”

I heard the car just then pulling into the driveway. I replaced the wig back where I’d found it, and then placed the clothes on the end of their bed anyway. Better that than where I’d left them and raise any suspicions. I soon headed downstairs to help with carrying in the groceries and was met with two welcoming morning smiles when I did.


We had soon unpacked and put everything away, with the girls soon scrambling upstairs to change. They returned a short time later, once again wearing their bikinis as I followed them both outside. As before, Dancy lay down on her tummy before reaching behind herself undoing the clasp on her bikini top, though Sophia of course had no problem simply taking hers off. Frankly, I was surprised she’d even bothered wearing it in the first place, though I supposed she had done so in the event anyone came over.

“Here, let me lotion you both up,” I offered to receive a thank you after hearing that from each of them. I first turned to Sophia, doing her back first, and then even her chest. She smiled wickedly as I did so, allowing my hands to run freely over her exquisite mounds which I enjoyed doing. I then turned towards Dancy.

“Here, why don’t you sit up so I can make it a little easier for you?” I suggested. She looked at me in surprise, hesitating only for a moment before responding.

“Ok, as long as you’re not uncomfortable seeing me,” she said, surprise clearly etched in her tone of voice.

“Doesn’t bother me, if it doesn’t bother you,” I responded back. “Maybe when you were little, just coming of age, it might have. Hard enough getting you to wear any clothes even then. But now…you’re an adult, a young woman, and even though you may very well be my daughter, or rather stepdaughter at least, you are certainly old enough to make up your own mind about such things. So…if you aren’t uncomfortable being around me in the nude, I certainly won’t be either.”

Dancy was grinning from ear to ear as she sat up leaving her discarded top on the ground. She even stood, suddenly slipping out of her bikini bottoms as Sophia sat by watching her do so with a somewhat surprised look on her face.

“Thank you daddy, I’m glad you’re good with this. You know me and clothing,” she giggled happily, and then sat down again as I began rubbing the lotion into her skin, first doing her back, and then having her turn around as I began massaging it into her breasts. We sat there looking at one another, smiling, her hard firm thick nipples once again filling my hands.

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