Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 3

This Story is part of Secret Desires Series

my hips coming up off the bed, hers coming down to meet me, driving me back, the intensity of which was overwhelming. Moments later she collapsed against my shoulder, me holding her there listening to her labored breathing as it finally calmed, slowing.

And there, we both fell asleep.


I was startled to discover that Sophia was already up and gone when I woke up, being the light sleeper that I normally was. But I knew then I had had the deepest, soundest sleep that I’d ever had in years too, the pure pleasure we’d experienced together draining me of all stress, anxiety and concern. It had been a long time since I’d been with another woman, and I now realized just how much I had missed that.

I rolled out of bed with a smile on my face, and for the first time in recent memory, a totally flaccid cock as well. I was surprised when I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, it was already well after ten in the morning. I hadn’t slept past eight in years either! I laughed, whistling to myself as I went into the bathroom to pee and freshen up, returning to my bedroom to dress, only to discover I had but one pair of clean shorts to put on. It was time to do laundry…past time.

I wandered downstairs and saw a note propped up against my waiting empty coffee cup. It read simply, “We missed you this morning,” then included a smiley face winking at me which Sophia had obviously drawn as an afterthought. A postscript then told me they’d gone out to do some grocery shopping and would return a bit later to do some more sun-tanning and that I was welcome to join them if I cared to.

I poured myself a cup sitting down at the table reading the note once again. “Maybe I will!” I thought to myself. “And maybe…just maybe, Sophia will allow me the pleasure of secretly fingering her off again too!” I thought.

I finished my coffee, rinsed out my cup and smiled. At least last night I didn’t just waste it in a coffee mug. I then headed upstairs to grab my dirty clothes, and back down to the basement to wash them. I noticed there was a wet load still sitting in the washer, which I removed, only slightly annoyed in having to do so. As I opened the dryer to put those in so I could do my own wash, I now noticed a load of dry clothes inside there.

“Time for another family chat,” I mused, though smiling to myself as I said that. Things had indeed changed around here, most of it for the better to be sure. But living in such confined quarters would still take us all some getting used to. Especially when it came to sharing the bathroom, or doing laundry. I removed their dry clothes, mostly panties, bras, and thongs and a few tee shirts, along with their cut off nasty/naughty football jerseys.

After placing their wet clothes in the drier and mine in the washer, I then carried their things back upstairs to their room for them to put away. I still knocked even though I knew no one was home and then entered their room. I guess I shouldn’t have been so surprised, but I was. It was a mess. Amazing how two grown women could live like that, things scattered about the way they were.

Though I realized that was partially because they hadn’t gotten around to unpacking everything yet, nor had they begun putting things away yet inside the second dresser drawers we’d brought back either. Not wanting to simply dump their clean clothes on the bed and get them mixed up with any dirty ones, I decided to at the very least place them inside the empty dresser, figuring they could resort to everything later. I opened the top drawer intending to do so, and just stood there and stared.

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