Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 3

This Story is part of Secret Desires Series

“Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter” Part-3 Continues…..

“We don’t have a lot of time, perhaps a couple of minutes before Meal comes down,” she told me, now fondling my dick. I was about to tell her not to bother, but it honestly felt good as she stood there stroking it. I set my cup down on the counter, reached back with my hands holding on as she continued to stroke my prick a bit more firmly now. Once again I was hoping for more, anticipating perhaps for her to lean over and suck it a little at least, but she didn’t. As though reading my mind, she spoke.

“As much as I’d like to suck this, I can’t risk getting anything on my clothes, or face…” she grinned. Having said that, I now wondered what it was she was going to do. I could feel the tingle and sudden tightness in my balls, once again looking towards the doorway, half expecting to hear Dancy descending down the steps any moment now. “Let me know…” she said simply while still stroking my cock.

Within a minute I felt the first tickle of pleasure begin. “Now!” I just managed to breathe.

The moment I said that, Sophia grabbed the spare cup off the counter, holding it over the end of my dick. I stood there watching my spunk spurting into the cup as she held it over the end of it. As strange as it was, it was weirdly exciting, standing there doing that as she jerked me off, pumping my cock up and down, squeezing it until she had drained every single drop out of it, even shaking it off some. It was at that very moment we both heard the upstairs bedroom door slam, Mel was on her way down.

I had barely enough time to reposition myself, grab my coffee and stand there nonchalantly as Mel walked into the room. Likewise Sophia had reached over refilling her own cup.

“Hmm, that smells good. Pour me one too please!” my daughter asked.

To my horror, Sophia grabbed the cup still containing my spunk in it and made a motion to fill it. “Cream?” She asked.

Mel gave her an inquisitive look. “No…black, I don’t use cream,” she stated.

“Oh that’s right, I already filled it,” she stated. “Sorry.” She turned slightly winking at me, and held the cup under the tap turning it on, rinsing it out. I looked over and watched my cum curdles chasing one another in the drain momentarily as she rinsed Mel’s cup out.

Checking to ensure it was now clean, she filled it, handing it to her. And though it was, even that secret knowledge that I’d just poured my semen into it felt wickedly decadent and sent a renewed surge into my cock. I sat down before my prick could begin to swell again.

“So, Sophia tells me the two of you have interviews this morning,” I said smiling.

“Yeah, we do,” she said, glancing at her watch. “And we need to leave now in fact,” she added, taking another quick sip from her cup, setting it down on the table. “Shouldn’t be gone too long I wouldn’t imagine,” she added. “We were sort of hoping to lay out some today, catch some sun before we no longer can,” she added with a smile. “What’s on your agenda for the day?”

I had planned on updating my resume, and then scheduling an appointment with an employment agency and getting my information on file, which I told them. Beyond that, just straightening up the house some, which I hoped they’d find time to help me with later on. Once again I was pleased when they said they would.

“After we lay out for a bit?” My daughter asked hopefully.

“Just as long as you don’t sun-tan all day,” I responded back. With that, I gave them each a kiss as they headed out the door for their interview, and then slowly climbed back up the stairs to shower and dress for the day.


I had gone back outside to putter around in the garden when the girls came home about an hour or so later with the news they had gotten the jobs, and would be starting on Monday the following week when the restaurant opened. It was good news, and they were excited, as I was. They soon after dashed up stairs to change into their bikinis and lay out for a bit, once again ensuring me they would clean up the house and plan something for a celebratory dinner later on that evening. I was already looking forward to that.

I went back to weeding my sorely neglected garden when they came back down stairs carrying large fluffy beach towels, which they laid out on the grass. Almost immediately Sophia took off her top however, though Dancy wasn’t quite so brazen about it as she was. My daughter merely lay down on her tummy first, and then reached back behind herself undoing the clasp on her top.

“Oil me?” She asked Sophia.

I knelt there nearby pulling weeds, glancing over as Sophia leaned over and began rubbing oil into my daughters back. Her beautiful bare breasts dangling freely, making me wish I was lying beneath her myself, sucking on them…for starters. I’d already made up my mind about something else too, and would at the first opportunity mention it to her when I had the chance.

After she had finished applying the lotion to my daughter’s back, she held it up towards me. “Keith? Would you mind?” she asked.

“Not at all, just let me wash my hands first,” I said standing up. She and I both noticed the erection I had in my shorts as I did that. Though I quickly glanced over towards Dancy, who lay with her eyes closed unaware that I did. Turning on the hose, I quickly washed off my hands and then returned to sit down next to Sophia,

applying some lotion to her bare back, rubbing it in. As I did that, I leaned over whispering into her ear, just loud enough for her to hear me. “I want you,” I mostly breathed, but she heard me, turning her head around sideways still lying down and winked at me, mouthing the words back.

“I want you too!”

I continued to rub oil into her back until she suddenly sat up and began removing her bikini bottoms.

“I hate having tan-lines,” she announced. “But I don’t want to burn my ass either,” she told me, laying back down again. “Would you mind putting a little lotion on me there too please?” she asked. I saw my daughter’s eyes open briefly as she looked over towards us, just as I poured a bit of the oily lotion on Sophia’s ass cheeks prior to rubbing it in. Dancy smiled, and then turned her head away facing in the opposite direction.

Her smile gave me assurance that she had no problem with me doing that. But her turning her head away also told me she didn’t want to see me doing it either. A reminder as to their candid conversation the previous night.

As I rubbed the mixture into Sophia’s ass, she spread her legs slightly, allowing me greater access to her as I thoroughly coated her cheeks, and teasing her a bit as my fingers just brushed the opening of her wide open split.

“That feels nice,” she half purred, opening herself even further, telling me as she did what she wanted. Glancing once again towards Dancy, she remained as she was, looking the other way, so I allowed myself the adventure of actually running my finger tip up the length of Sophia’s sweet succulent furrow, the moisture of her pussy already gathering there as I did so. I sat beside her,

slowly finger-fucking her, her ass gyrating slowly as I did so, half humping the ground as well as my hand. I was surprised when minutes later she came, though doing so quietly with barely a whimper, though I felt her pussy clench down and around my fingers holding them tightly inside her for long moments afterwards, feeling her quivering and pulsating inside.

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone for a while,” I said standing up. “Another hour? And then we get busy?” I asked.

“Sounds like a plan,” Dancy said almost dreamily.

I walked back inside the house, aroused as hell as I stood there in the kitchen looking out. I nearly headed upstairs back to my room for a much needed jerk off when I saw Dancy sit up, likewise now removing her bikini bottoms. This time however, she rolled over onto her back, Sophia now sitting up as she proceeded to apply more oil to my daughters chest, breasts and then on down to her tummy.

I noticed as she did that, she tended to linger a bit while massaging her tits, even tracing her finger around and about my daughter’s nipples. Even at this distance I could see they were aroused, standing well up and off her chest, twin hard little points of pleasure. I found myself standing there in the kitchen, having unzipped my fly even before I realized that I had, now stroking my hard stiff cock as I watched them.

Moments later I watched as Sophia dipped her hand between my daughter’s legs. I watched as Dancy spread them, even bending herself at the knee granting her girlfriend even easier access. As Sophia fingered her, Dancy reached up cupping her breasts, kneading and caressing them. I found myself wishing that those were my hands instead, pulling on, and tweaking those incredibly hard nipples of hers.

Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 3 will continue on the next page

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