Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 2

This Story is part of Secret Desires Series


“Back in the truck,” she informed me. “Hurry…we don’t have a whole lot of time here!”

Before I knew it, she was down on her knees in front of me, once again my fly unzipped, my now flaccid cock inside her mouth as she sucked it, though she didn’t give any indication she was disappointed in finding it like that, and it didn’t stay that way very long either. It couldn’t have been any longer than a minute and I felt my prick explode, pouring what truly did feel like a gallon of cum into her mouth as she took it, swallowing even then having trouble doing so, though somehow she managed it.

Moments later she stood up, wiping her mouth, smiling. Which was when we both turned having heard a dog bark. There was a guy standing no more than perhaps ten feet away from us. How long he’d been there we had no idea while waiting for his dog to take a crap, or at least pee perhaps. He was grinning however and actually held his thumb up towards us, and then walked away.

It was a different guy from the one I had seen inside the restroom, and he too looked like he could have been the trucker, or the driver of the other car. It didn’t really make any difference, it was time to get on the road once again.

“What took you so long?” Dancy asked the moment we got back. “Stop for a quickie maybe?”

I felt my face turn beet red, though I answered her, “Yeah right. No. I had to uh…you know, do both.”

“Ah huh,” she said, grinning at her friend, and then giggled. As did she. I wasn’t about to say anything or even attempt to add to that, so I didn’t.

“Should be home in another hour, hour and a half,” I told them. “Long before sundown anyway,” I added, looking up at the sky. “But, maybe we should stop on our way home and pick up something for dinner at least, I don’t think any of us will feel like cooking tonight.”

“Yeah, sounds good, I wouldn’t mind eating out by myself,” Sophia started with a deadpan expression. I glanced over towards her, as did Dancy, who only then I noticed had actually reached up pinching her on the side of her tit, though she’d done so in such a way so as not to reveal to me that she had. Sophia yelped however, jumping.


“You know what,” Dancy chastised her, and then sat grinning at me. I pretended I had no idea what was going on and started the truck. Seconds later we were back out on the road once again.

Twenty minutes later as we were driving along, I looked into the rear view mirror and saw the same eighteen-wheeler we had seen in the rest stop earlier. Eventually he drew alongside us in the right lane with me in the middle lane going a bit faster than we were above the posted limit. As he slowly drew near us side by side, he looked over and waved, likewise honking his horn. I realized as he did that, he’d been the guy standing outside with his dog. He waved once again, and then called out to us, “Show me your tits!”

I was half tempted to speed up, but I was already going ten over the limit as it was. And slowing down didn’t seem to be any sort of better solution either. For one thing, I just wanted to get home, though I wasn’t too pleased about getting harassed by some horny perverted truck driver either. Though as I thought about it, I’d been the perverted one standing there getting a blowjob at the rest stop by a young girl half my age.

To my surprise however, Dancy looked over at Sophia. “Shall we?” she said.

“Why not? Maybe after we do, he’ll be on his way. If not, we’ll take the first exit rather than let him continue to annoy us. But I’m betting once we give him what he wants, he’ll leave us alone.”

With both of them wearing their naughty football jerseys, it was very easy for the two of them to lift them up flashing the truck driver. For only the second time in my life, though in as many days now, I caught another brief glimpse of Dancy’s breasts. It was about the only thing that I’d seen on her that didn’t remind me of Mia. They were so totally unlike my wife’s in nearly every way. And what I found upon seeing them, even though it was only for the briefest of moments, was that they were even more beautiful than Sophia’s were. And I found myself actually hoping I would catch another glimpse of them again.


The trucker in fact left us soon after far behind him. As we drew closer to home, Dancy suggested pizza, even calling the order in. I wasn’t too surprised to discover she had memorized the number, having called it often enough when she lived at home. It was ready and waiting for us the moment we arrived, and soon after devoured as well shortly after we had gotten home.

With a full belly, and tired from the long grueling drive home, I decided to make it another early night. After showering, I kissed each one of the girls on the forehead and bade them goodnight. Even tired as they both seemingly were, they opted to stay up for a bit, and no doubt fall asleep later while watching a movie. Dancy had very often done that before, so I pretty much expected it. What I didn’t expect as I leaned over giving Sophia a kiss, was her quick little groping hand at my crotch, though there was no way Dancy could have seen her do that. Even then I jumped slightly, backing away.

“All you have to do is ask…” Sophia said, mouthing the words to me. I merely nodded my head noncommittally.

“Good night girls, sleep tight!” I told them both, and then hurriedly made my way upstairs before my rapidly growing erection gave me away.

It was nice to lie down in my own bed. That, and actually fall asleep on my right side. At some point however I found myself dreaming, and knew that I had been when I woke up glancing at the clock on the nightstand. It was just then nearing midnight. Sure enough, it had been a combination of that perhaps, along with the subtle unfamiliar sounds of the night, which had woken me.

I had in fact been dreaming, a very erotic dream, so I wasn’t at all surprised to find myself lying there in bed with a hard-on either. Unfortunately, even though I knew I’d been dreaming an erotic dream, it was already starting to fragment as I fought with trying to remember as much of it as I could, though I don’t really know. Especially when I realized what the major content of it had been.

I had never once ever fantasized or thought dirty naughty thoughts about my own stepdaughter. But I certainly have now. In my dream, I’d been laying there, Dancy on one side of me licking my dick, Sophia on the other side. And I’d been loving it, though now wide awake, I was aghast at my own thoughts, even aroused as I was. I tried shaking my head as though to clear it, but the super sharp image remained inside my head. And then came the sounds again. Very faint, almost indistinguishable, but I heard them.

I looked over towards my closed door leading into the bathroom. No light glowed from beneath it. Quietly I slipped out of bed silently moving towards the door, stopping just long enough to listen. I could still hear the faint sounds coming from their room, though not as yet being able to make out what I was hearing or what was being said for that matter. Turning the knob on the door just as quietly, I stepped inside. It was almost too dark to see.

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