Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 1

This Story is part of Elena was hired for a rare naked party Series

“Which brings us to the purpose of this meeting. Tell me, what made you respond to the ad I placed online.”

Elena gathered her thoughts. “Well, I’m a college student. Tuition and rent are going up, and I was recently laid off from my job as a waitress. My best friend suggested that I try doing art modeling since it’s easy money. I wasn’t interested at first, but I saw your ad and it caught my eye.”

“Do you have any prior modeling experience?”

“None whatsoever.”


“Really? Why?” she asked, confused.

“The Windsors prefer inexperienced women. It’s a particular preference of theirs.”

“What exactly is the job offer?”

“Many extravagant parties are held in this residency,” Adam explained. “All of our guests are financially wealthy people. The events are always formal, with guests wearing their finest outfits and their expensive jewelry. Although these are classy events, there are many adult aspects to them as well.”

“Meaning, nude women?”


“What do women have to do?” she asked.

“Anything they’re comfortable doing. Some women simply pose nude. Others serve drinks or socialize with the guests.”

“Sounds interesting. And this is for $500 dollars per hour right?”

“$500 is what we advertise. The truth is, the women that come to work here are paid substantially more by Mr. Windsor, depending on the services rendered. Our guests also enjoy tipping the women. After a few hours, the women have made a considerable amount of money.”

“How much on average?”

“I’d rather not say. But it’s considerable.”

Elena thought for a moment. “If I was interested, how would this work? I simply show up and pose nude in a room full of people?”


“Is it that simple?”

He nodded, “It’s that simple. The only thing we ask is that you sign a confidentiality agreement. You may tell your friend that you’ve modeled nude or other things which may occur, but under no circumstance may you reveal the identity of our guests to anyone. Our guests are affluent people, and they value their privacy. Breach of this agreement will result in immediate legal action.”

The words ‘other things’ took Elena slightly by surprise. There was a suggestive tone that she wasn’t expecting. Regardless, she needed the money, and the job seemed simple enough.

“This sounds like something I might be able to do,” she said. “Do I have to audition or anything?”

“No. The Windsors have a preference for shy women with no experience in public nudity. They prefer women with average appearances. Someone like you is exactly what they want. It’s a fetish that many of our guests share. Also, the Windsors prefer college students because they value education, and they want to help women facing financial hardship.”

“I fit perfectly in all of those categories,” she replied, half jokingly.

“Indeed you do.”

Elena was slightly offended and had the urge to storm out of the mansion. But the job offer was great, and it caused her to think for a moment.

“I’ll do it,” she said.

Adam stood up and extended his hand. Elena stood up and did the same, and they shook hands.

“Our next party is the following Saturday, next week” he said. “Be here by 1 pm. After you’ve signed the confidentiality agreement, you will be working here from 2-6 pm. You are expected to be completely naked at all times.”

Elena’s eyes widened.


Days later. Elena stood in front of the living room mirror, fully dressed, examining her body. She modeled herself in different poses. The front door opened and Alice arrived at the apartment after finishing her classes for the day.

“What are you doing?” Alice asked.

“Do you think I look okay?” Elena replied, still modeling herself to the mirror.

“Stop being so nervous. You look fine.”

“I don’t think I can do this. No way. This isn’t for me.”

“Then are you going to call Adam and tell him the bad news?”

“I don’t know,” Elena shrugged.

Alice walked directly behind Elena, and they both looked in the mirror together.

“Of course you aren’t going to cancel,” Alice said. “Deep down, I know you want to do this. I can tell you’re curious.”

“What makes you so sure?”

Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 1 will continue in the next page.

Series NavigationElena was hired for a rare naked party – part 2 >>

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