Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 1

This Story is part of Elena was hired for a rare naked party Series

“I still don’t know if I can do it. I’ve never been comfortable with a lot of people looking at me. Being naked would make things so much tougher.”

“Why would it be tough? The job listing said they’re looking for a girl with an average face and body.”

Elena shot her friend a stern look. “So that’s me, right?”

“I’m only quoting the ad,” Alice smiled. “Don’t be so sensitive. Okay, pretty girl?”

“I know I’m average looking. I guess that’s why I’m so self-conscious about being naked in front of everyone. If I was a perfect 10, I wouldn’t mind taking my clothes off for that kind of money.”

Alice got up and placed her phone and a small note pad in front of Elena. There was a phone number written on the note.

“Just call them,” Alice said. “What’s the harm? Find out if they’re legit, then make your decision. The money is really good. Plus it could be great for your self-esteem. Maybe you’ll finally realize how sexy you can be.”

Elena thought for a moment. “Fine. I guess I’ll call.”


She picked up the phone and called the number. After a few rings, a man answered the other line.

“Good morning, you have reached Windsor’s residency,” a man said with a heavy British accent. “My name is Adam. How may I assist you today?”

A sudden sense of nervousness came over Elena. She had immediately realized that she was out of her depth. These were simply a higher class of people.

“Umm, hello Adam,” she said in a small, unsteady voice. “My name is Elena. I’m calling in regards to the ad you placed online. You know, the one about the modeling service. That one, remember?”

“It’s nice speaking with you Elena,” he replied politely. “Yes, I remember, we placed that ad several days ago.”

“Oh, is the offer still there?”

“Yes, the offer is still valid. Would you like to arrange a meeting between us to determine your eligibility?”

“That sounds great,” Elena replied.

“When are you free?

“How about Friday 10 am?”

He wrote down the time. “Friday 10 am. We officially have an appointment. Let me give you the address.”

Elena wrote down the address after he gave it to her. “Thank you. I look forward to this.”

“As do I,” he replied. “See you then.”


“Have a good day, Elena.”


When Elena ended the call, she looked at her friend with a mortified expression. She was in disbelief after making an appointment for a nude modeling gig.

“What just happened?” she asked rhetorically.

“I believe you’re on your way to your first modeling job,” Alice smiled. “Excuse me, nude modeling job.”

“This is all your fault.”

“My fault? All I did was hand you the phone. I didn’t force you to arrange a meeting with the guy.”

“I know,” Elena replied. “But you’re like a drug dealer, tempting me with your sinful ideas.”

“You won’t be complaining after all that cash you make.”

Elena shrugged. “Yeah, I guess that’s true.”

“So are you going to the interview?” Alice asked. “I’m not pressuring you or anything. It’s totally your choice. All I’m saying is that it’s a harmless way to make money. If you’re not comfortable doing it, then I’ll call him back and cancel the appointment.”

Elena thought for a moment. “You’re right. It’s completely harmless. And it’s not like I’m ever going to see those people in my everyday life. I guess I’ll go to the interview to see what the fuss is about.”

“Wow. You’re actually serious about this.”


“I’m shocked,” Alice replied. “But in a good way. I like that you’re trying new things. I could tell you were kinda interested in nude modeling when I brought it up yesterday.”

“Only after you mentioned the amount of money I could make,” Elena said to clarify. “This seems like a whole different level though. I wonder what they have planned?”

They continued eating their breakfast. Elena did her best to give an appearance of confidence, but deep down, the nerves were raging.


Days later. It was Friday morning and the two college students were on their way to the job interview. Alice drove her small car while Elena was on the lookout for the address. They were in a wealthy neighborhood, which was far nicer than they had expected. The closer they came to the address, the bigger the houses appeared, and they were eventually surrounded by large mansions.

“Jeez, look at this place,” Elena gasped.

“I know. I hope this wasn’t some elaborate prank for us to go bother some rich people.”

“You think this might be a prank?”

“I’m joking,” Alice replied. “I’m sure this whole thing is totally legit.”

Elena kept her eyes peeled before finally spotting the address.

“There it is. On the left.”

Alice turned the car and they stopped in front of the gate of a large mansion. She rolled her window down.

“Cross your fingers,” Alice said, before pushing the button on the intercom.

“Windsor’s residency,” a man replied.

“Hi, my name is Alice. My friend Elena has a 10 am appointment with Adam.”

“Yes, come in.”

“Thank you.”

The large metal gates opened and Alice drove inside the estate. Once again, the two young women marveled at their surroundings. The estate was large and spacious. The mansion was huge and elegant. Alice parked her car and the two friends looked at each other nervously.

“I’ll do the talking,” Elena said.

“Do you mind if I wait out here? I’ll just walk outside and enjoy the scenery.”

“What? Why?”

“It’s less awkward that way,” Alice replied. “Plus, big mansions give me the creeps. I used to have nightmares about places like this. Too many horror movies.”

“Well that’s reassuring to hear right now. Thank you.”

“You’ll be fine. I’ll be here to protect you in case anything happens.”

“Of course,” Elena replied. “If you hear screams, I’m sure you’ll use your ‘particular set of skills’ to rescue me like in that movie Taken.”

Alice nodded. “Unfortunately I didn’t bring any weapons. So I’ll just have to use my hands. Get in there already. Adam is expecting you.”

Elena got out of the car and walked up the stairway of the large mansion. The door opened as she approached it, and she was greeted by an elegantly dressed man in his early 50’s.


She sat awkwardly in the guest room while Adam prepared a cup of tea. When it was ready, he brought it to her on a tray, and she graciously accepted it, taking a small sip. He sat down across from her and they looked at each other.

“Beautiful home,” she said randomly.

“Yes, I’ve had the pleasure of working here for the past 15 years of my life.”

“I’m assuming you’re the housekeeper.”

“Something along those lines,” he nodded. “I’m in charge of running this household on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Windsor. They are my employers.”

“That’s nice to hear. My mom used to be a housekeeper for a wealthy couple.”

Elena was hired for a rare naked party – part 1 will continue in the next page.

Series NavigationElena was hired for a rare naked party – part 2 >>

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