Dominants and Primates – 5

“Dominants and Primates” Part-5 Continues…..

I woke at nine-forty five, rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom to pee. The house was quiet, most likely mom and dad still asleep, which didn’t surprise me after the late night they’d had. Re-entering my room I quickly snatched up my cell phone from off my dresser, I’d forgotten to check it for messages before falling asleep. To my relief, Jayleen had in fact sent me a text just as she’d promised.

She’d gotten home, snuck back inside the house with no one the wiser. A second message was waiting for me, and I read that one. It said simply: I O U 1

I smiled at that, already looking forward to it, and then headed out to the kitchen. As I’d hoped, the coffee had come on as programmed, four clean empty cups sitting beside it. Obviously, even Mila hadn’t called or come over yet for her early morning coffee with mom, though I remembered her asking me to “come over” as opposed to seeing her here. I wondered why.

After pouring myself a cup of much needed coffee, I stepped over towards the window and looked out across the yard. Jacob’s car was gone, but then I’d expected that. Unlike most, Jacob very often worked on Sundays at the nursery he owned and operated, they always did a booming business on the weekends, so he usually took off Friday and Saturday and then worked the rest of the week. I ventured outside sitting down at the patio table. I wasn’t there more than just a few minutes when I saw the back door open across the way.

Mila stood waving me over, she was almost naked, wearing nothing more than what appeared to be one of Jacob’s long sleeved dress shirts and nothing else, especially as it was open. I started to head across, but then she stopped me seeing the cup of coffee in my hands.

“I was just about to make some,” she called out. “But if you’ve already got some ready, pour me one and bring it over,” she told me.

I went back inside the house, refilled my own and poured her one, and then ventured back across the yard to her place. She was still standing there in the doorway, though I noticed she had buttoned up the shirt as she greeted me. I was slightly disappointed.

“Jacob’s already left for work,” she informed me.

“Figured as much,” I responded back, handing her her cup, which she gratefully accepted. “So…what’s up?” I asked curiously, especially with her standing there dressed the way she was, not at all surprised to feel my cock lurch in hopeful expectation. If nothing else, perhaps she’d have me start filling up a new jar, something that no longer bothered me in doing for her.

“I have a bit of a favor to ask,” she said coyly, “Though I don’t think you’ll mind doing it for me too much after you hear what I have to say.”

“Sure, what?” I responded back, suddenly anxious to hear what new little surprise she might have in mind, though even when I did, I was a bit shocked by it.

“You know Laurel, yes?” She asked.

“Of course,” I responded, “I mean not personally really, but I ah…well, you know, saw them the other night over at the house, and then of course saw them again last night at the party, what about her?”

“Obviously Kevin, you’ve learned quite a few interesting things about many of us over the past few days,” she began. I nodded my head smiling. “And since you have, and the more I thought about this, the more I decided I might share with you something else, another one of our group’s naughty little secrets,” she said grinning even more broadly.

“And that is?” I asked curiously.

“Do you have any fantasies Kevin?” she asked, catching me off guard.

“Of course,” I answered simply. “Don’t we all?” Mila smiled at that, nodding her head in agreement.

“Do you ever act on any of them?” She then asked.

“Not really…no. Until lately, anyway, ” I smiled back. “But that wasn’t something I had considered to actually be a fantasy, until now,” I again added, recalling the way it felt to stand there masturbating myself in front of her while she watched. Suddenly now…it was one.

“Would you like another?” she then asked.

“Maybe,” I said tentatively, “what is it?”

“Helping me…and Laurel to enjoy one of hers,” she told me.

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, what if she blabs something to my mom or dad,” I said worriedly. So far, I felt like I could trust Mila at least, but I wasn’t so sure about Laurel being able to keep her mouth shut.

“Don’t worry…she won’t even know it’s you as long as you do what I tell you to do,” she informed me. Now I really was curious, not able to imagine what it might be. “Interested?”

“Maybe,” I said once again. “Tell me what it is I have to do, and then I’ll tell you,” I said a little impatiently.

“Well, as I said Kevin, we all have our little fantasies, and very often we try and help one another out in making them happen for one another from time to time. Anyway, Laurel told me one of hers last night at the party, I told her I’d see what I could do for her. She should be here in about twenty minutes from now in fact,” she explained. “What she wants me to do for her, and which I said I would do, was find someone who would cum on her while she lays there playing with herself.”

“Excuse me? Won’t she know it’s me? Like I said Mila, we met…it’s not like she won’t know who I am.”

“She won’t, if she’s blindfolded while you do,” Mila shot back at me. “Which is part of the fun for her, not knowing who it is, only that she’s being watched, and then spun on while she plays with herself. Her entire fantasy is in doing that, getting a guy so turned on that he shoots his cream all over her, and she never does know who it was that actually did it. That’s where I come in.”

Dominants and Primates – 5 will continue on the next page

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