Dominants and Primates – 4

Mila cut me off with a knowing look, mouthing the words “tomorrow…come see me,” so I accepted that, briefly acknowledged my father who told me to try and stay out of trouble, and then headed home.

I had nowhere to go. Though nobody knew that of course. And…I also knew that Jayleen would be coming over at some point. I had already stayed far later than I thought I would, and probably later than any of the rest of them would have preferred I did too. But I had no doubt the night was about to get interesting in more ways than one.

Thirty minutes later I pulled my car out of the drive. I knew they had all seen me go, or thought I had anyway. I then drove around the block, parking my car in the school lot behind us, and then cut through the neighbor’s yard back into our own. I’d done this a hundred times before in the past, and also knew that this would also be the way that Jayleen would come from, whenever she did.

I opened the back gate that accessed the alley where we set out the garbage to be picked up, and then entered the yard keeping well below the fence as I moved around back over to the fence separating our yard from Jacob and Mila’s. It was a high fence, built for privacy, but like any wooden fences, there were still a few good-sized knotholes that had fallen out.

Finding one at the perfect height as I sat down in the grass on my side of the fence, I peeked through at the party. Luckily for me, they’d remained outside as warm as it was inside, and with no one else being able to see anything going on, felt it was now a bit less risky to do so. All four women were now topless, mom included as they sat around laughing, joking, and as I watched, feeling one another up.

Which is also when Jacob came out of the house carrying a deck of cards. “Hey everyone, since we’re all here tonight, what’s to say we play a game of Kings and Queen’s?” He asked. It became immediately obvious that everyone was up for that by the sudden reaction, already half naked anyway, the girls soon began removing their clothing. Once again I glanced down at my watch,

it was already eleven thirty by this time, Jayleen could be showing up any moment now. As much as I wouldn’t have minded sticking around to watch, I knew that I’d have a hard time explaining myself. I quickly moved to the opposite end of the yard, glad I had when ten minutes later Jayleen showed up. As expected, she’d parked her car next to mine at the school and had come through the gate, meeting me below the window of the guest room.

“Where’s your folks?” She asked nervously.

I answered her truthfully. “Next door, playing cards with the neighbors,” I told her.

“Canasta? Spades? Hearts? Pinochle?” She asked. “Bridge?”

“No….Something called Kings and Queens,” I said smiling.

“Oh, never heard of that one,” she told me.

“Yeah, me neither, not until recently,” I said elaborating, wanting to change the subject. “So, why’d you decide to sneak out and come see me?” I asked curiously.

“Not here,” she said worriedly looking about, though we were perfectly safe, and would be for quite a while yet no doubt. “Can we go inside?”

I stood up, dragged over the small bench I kept on the side of the house just for this very reason. Stood on it, and then lifted the window. “After you,” I told her. “Just step down, you can’t really see it, but it’s there, a bed right below you,” I directed her.

Jayleen swung her legs through the window, and then slid in, I quickly followed her, closing the window behind me once again. From there, we went through the connecting bathroom into my room, and only then locked both the doors from inside.

“You sure we won’t be discovered?” she asked worriedly.

“Trust me…they just started playing, I seriously doubt they’ll be home until well after one or two in the morning,” I assured her easily. “So now then, like I said, what’s up? Why’d you risk coming over here, sneaking out? Your father will kill you…kill us both if he finds out you know.”

Jayleen smiled and began unbuttoning her blouse as she stood there. Though it was hard to see her as clearly as I would have liked, just the silhouette of her as she undressed was enough to arouse me immediately. I’d been in a state of arousal half the night anyway as it was. The teasing I’d been given next door had seen to that, and now as Jayleen finished removing the last of her clothing, she slid into the bed next to me, her hand reaching out as she did.

It was the first time since we’d begun seeing one another that she’d actually touched me. The initial contact felt almost like an electric shock as she did, her small warm hand suddenly surrounding my shaft, tentatively stroking it. Almost by reflex, I reached out in the dark, touching her soft bare breasts for the first time as well, hearing her moan as she did.

“I wish mother hadn’t found those condoms,” she continued to moan softly.

“It’s ok, I think we can wait for that,” I told her, happily content to be experiencing this much. “And besides, I’d rather we wait to do that when we’re not rushed and can both take our time without any worry or interruptions.”

“Thank you,” she said, obviously relieved and in agreement with me, though she now leaned over, her tongue and lips just grazing the swollen tip of my cock.

“You don’t have to…”

“Shh, I want to,” she told me. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a very, very long time now,” she added.

“Me too,” I responded, “So turn around, lie down so I can do the same to you too.”

In seconds we were curled up in a ’69’ position there on my bed. I couldn’t believe I was finally this close to her bare pussy, though it was still difficult to see what I was doing or looking at there in the darkness. It was that darkness however that was giving each of us some measure of security however as we both fooled around, exploring the newness of all this for the first time.

Both tentative at first, we soon became more familiar and comfortable with what we were doing. Jayleen’s mouth began to suck, nibble and coax my shaft to an even greater hardness if that was possible. Likewise, my own tongue now ran up and down the length of her bare split, the sweetness of her essence coating my tongue as she began to lubricate.

“Is it ok?” She asked worriedly. I laughed, understanding her fears and worries, though I was giddy with the excitement of doing this for the first time, my answer coming in the form of finding her clit, gently sucking it deep within my mouth hearing her moan pleasurably in response.

Her mouth however, and my pent up arousal had me too soon to the edge. “I’m too close already,” I announced openly. “I don’t want to cum yet,” I begged as she stopped sucking me, releasing me. I moved away then, turning about forcing her to lie on her back as I slid more comfortably between her legs. As I did so, I reached up locating her breasts, her nipples hard taut and full as I rolled them gingerly between my fingers, simultaneously flicking her tender little clit with my tongue.

“Oh fuck…Kevin! Kevin!” she moaned sweetly. It was the first time I had ever heard her use the word before, the tone of her voice lusty, music to my ears as I began to assault her pussy even more firmly with my tongue. “Oh baby…finger me,” she now asked. “Finger-fuck my pussy!”

Almost reluctantly I released one of her tender nipples, my hand coming down to join my mouth and lips, worming my middle finger inside that heavenly wet split. I was amazed at the abundance of moisture that I found there, easing my finger in and out of her, delighting in the sensation of the pearly substance, which coated it as I began hearing the decadent, squishy sounds emanating from her cunt as I fingered her.

“Like that?” I mouthed into her pussy, delicately sliding my finger in and out as I kissed and licked her.

“Yes! Oh God yes!” She moaned hotly. “Add another,” she now implored me, “Fuck me with your hand baby, fuck my pussy, suck my clit, make me cum!”

I had never heard her talk like this, though admittedly we’d never done anything like this before either. Obviously, once aroused, as I now knew her to be, she’d become this hot wanton vixen, her legs so obscenely spread, her pussy wet, the decadent naughty sounds it made as my fingers slid in and out of her. Just hearing that, as I knew she did, seemed to add to and escalate her own need, whatever inhibitions she might have had, evaporating away as she got more and more vocal with her speech. I only wished I could see her better than I did, vowing to do so soon, very…very soon.

“Oh my God Kevin! Can you hear how wet it is? How slippery my cunt is baby? God I’m so fucking horny! I want to cum so fucking bad!” She nearly screamed as she obviously approached orgasm. Which was about the time I saw the light flick on somewhere in the house, the illumination from it being turned on suddenly appearing beneath the door in my room. Unaware of it however,

Jayleen began to climax, though her rapturous cry of pleasure seemed more internal luckily for me as she exploded. As her pussy clenched and then seemed to expel an even greater abundance of her juice, I felt her hands on the back of my head pushing me against her.

I felt her ass literally come up off the bed as she mashed herself against my face thrusting wildly for a moment, making it even more difficult for me to continue licking her. Only then did she begin to breathe again, the sound of her pleasure finally finding a voice. I had no choice but to reach up, placing my fingers against her lips.

“Shhh, somebody’s home,” I warned her, sadly disrupting her pleasure as well as mine as she worriedly sat up, disengaging herself from me. We both know sat staring towards the door, though I knew it to be locked. My fear however that we might have been overheard. Seconds later the lights again being turned off, the sound of the back screen door closing in the distance.

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