Dominants and Primates – 3

“Well, it may take a few days, but I’m sure as hell not going to go that long before seeing you again either, which is why I called. You don’t have any plans tonight do you?” she asked.

I thought about telling her about the barbeque I’d been invited to, though I actually hadn’t been invited to it either, not officially anyway. “Nothing really, why?”

“So you will be home later than? Late? I mean really, really late?”

“Yes of course I will…what else would I be doing without you?” I answered back. I could hear the smile in her voice.

“Good, don’t exactly wait up for me, but I was wondering…can you still get in and out of that window you told me about?”

“Sure, why?”

“Like I said,” she continued on without explaining further. “Just look for me, don’t know when I’ll get there…but I will, gotta go…bye!” And with that she hung up the phone before I could say anything more.

“Holy shit!” I said to myself. “What the hell’s going on? Is there a full moon or something?” And then I laughed, realizing that there was, though I didn’t think any of this had anything to do with that. Still…

I took a nap, or at least tried to, rolling over periodically to look at the clock on my nightstand as it crawled through the minutes. I waited until it read 3:50, deciding that was close enough. This time I threw on a tee shirt along with my cut off jeans before heading back into the kitchen. Sure enough, mom was on the phone when I entered. She waved at me even as she spoke, letting me know to wait for a moment. I sat down next to her at the table, anxiously impatient.

“You sure you don’t need us to bring anything besides that?” she asked. “Ok, see you about seven then,” she finished hanging up. “That was Mila, we’re all going over to their place later for a barbeque, so don’t make any plans before then,” she informed me. “And…she also said she’s waiting for you to come over and help her finish putting the room back together. Jacob helped her finish moving, but immediately went up for his nap after doing that. She could use the help.”

“I was just headed over there now,” I told mom, once again seeing her give me that curious look. “What?” I found myself asking.

“Oh nothing…just something your father said earlier,” she told me once again, smiling a bit secretly. “Just that you seem more willing to do things for Mila than you are around here,” she then added though I could tell that she hadn’t meant that in a bad way. If anything, she was just letting me know that she and dad had some thoughts regarding my reasons for possibly hanging around her so much.

“Oh mom…it’s not like that, Mila, Mrs. Matthews,” I said correcting myself, “Is more like a second mother to me in a way. I don’t mind doing things for her, any more than I mind doing things for you, and I don’t think of her in certain ways either just in case you’re wondering.”

“You don’t?” She asked honestly surprised. “She does dress a bit more provocative than I do, so why wouldn’t you? Only normal.”

“Like I said mom…she reminds me of you, and I certainly don’t run around thinking things like that about you either. And besides…I do have a girlfriend you know.”

“Which reminds me, you know that Jayleen’s welcome over here,” she informed me. “Don’t see her come over very often, she is afraid of us?” she asked.

“It’s not that, it’s her parents. Let’s just say they’re a bit more over protective of their daughter, a bit more strict if you will. Now that she’s finally eighteen, maybe they’ll lighten up a bit, and then perhaps she’ll be able to come over a bit more often.” With that, I stood giving mom an affectionate kiss on the cheek and darted out the back door before she could say anything else. I needed to, my dick was already starting to form a tent against the front of my pants and the last thing I needed her to see was that.


My cum jar was already sitting on the kitchen table when I came in. At least this time it looked a little fuller than the last time I’d seen it, and with any luck, more so after this time. At least I’d had a bit longer between “jerk offs” to build up some reserves, or so I hoped anyway. And especially when I saw Mila standing there, she was already naked, or mostly anyway, still wearing her cute little black thong and nothing else.

“Don’t worry, Jacob’s sound asleep upstairs. I’d told him I’d wake him when it was time to get up and get ready for the barbeque, you are coming aren’t you?” she asked.

“God, I hope so!” I quipped meaning something else, just as she had earlier. She laughed at that and blushed.

“Tell you what, as a sign of trust, I’ll even do it for you myself this time, if you’d like that,” she told me.

“Fuck! Seriously?” I said in disbelief. Once again, even Jayleen hadn’t done that for me yet. Mila’s would be the first hand besides my own…well, and very possibly my mother’s when I was younger, but that didn’t count. This was something else entirely.

“Only if you’d like that,” she started smiling.

“Oh yeah, hell yeah,” I told her, as she began to unbutton my cutoffs, and then unzip my fly. Once again, my shorts fell down around my ankles almost immediately, my prick hard and stiff already waving, throbbing at her excitedly.

“How about I treat you to something else?” she then added as she turned heading back over towards the fridge. I didn’t bother asking, I just waited…wondering. I enjoyed the scenery too much for one thing as she leaned over looking inside. Her near perfect ass with the thinnest of black strips wedged between her ass cheeks caused my prick to bounce, throbbing with a mind of its own. She stood up, in her hand what appeared to be a tub of Cool Whip.

“You’re kidding me,” I said looking at her. She simply smiled however, popped open the lid, and scooped out a generous helping of the white frothy cream, seconds later she was lathering my dick with it.

For the third time that day, I wanted to die. Only this time…I thought I had already died and gone to heaven.

Once again I stood there in the middle of her kitchen floor, only this time, it was her hand that was slowly stroking my rock hard shaft. And much to my surprise, the Cool Whip felt better than anything I’d ever used before, and I made a mental note of it for the next time mom went shopping. This was one I was reasonably sure even mom and dad hadn’t tried.

“Fuck Mila, that feels… so… damn… good!” I just managed to say with every stroke of her hand. There were no worries about me coming this time, if anything…just the opposite, I was now worrying about coming too soon!”

“You can play with my tits if you want to,” she then said as she stood there in front of me holding my dick.

“Shit, why didn’t someone tell me it was Christmas?” I said. “I’ve gotten everything I’ve ever wanted!” I said glibly, excited as hell, though she laughed at my comment.

“Everything?” she asked.

“Well…almost everything,” I answered back, though I had placed my hands over her beautiful breasts, feeling their weight, lifting them in my hands and then fingering her nipples. “But this…is certainly good enough for now,” I then added, sighing pleasurably.

“Just remember…in the jar, so tell me,” she said.

“Don’t worry…I think you’ll know. But yes…I will,” I promised her. Already the sensation of my dick exploding was starting to be felt, especially when one of her hands cupped my tight ball sack, giving it a gentle caressing little feel. “Oh fuck!” I moaned a bit too loudly perhaps, but she didn’t seem too concerned about it when I did.

“Feel good does it?”

“Oh hell yes.”

“Like the way my titties feel in your hands?”

“Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!” I answered back. And then asking in return. “You like the way they feel in my hands?”

“Hmm, very much so, yes. If you weren’t my best friend’s son, I might consider doing something more,” she said teasingly.

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

“Maybe…letting you see, even actually touching my pussy some time. Would you like that?”

My answer came in the form of a huge gushing squirt. Several of them in fact.


I stood there watching discharge after delicious discharge splashing against her bare breasts, to my surprise, she didn’t seem to mind it all that much. At least she wasn’t mad at me for having done so. “Pick up your jar,” she told me then. “Might as well add the rest of it to this,” she informed me. I did as she asked, pouring out the contents of my two earlier ejaculations, watching it as it ran down between her tits, joining the fresh tracers I’d just splattered against her. “Now…there’s enough cream to give my tits a worthwhile cum lotion massage,

” she informed me. “That’s your payment,” she then added. “But it’s not the last one either. I may very well have you do this again next weekend,” she smiled as I quite happily began working in all that cum cream into her soft smooth skin.

After today, I didn’t think things would ever quite be the same again. Truer words were never spoken. The night was far from being over yet.


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