Boys and girls make fun

Not that she removed it, but that she was even wearing one. I don’t know why…but I had pictured her in something else, certainly not “granny panties” as they called them, but certainly not a thong either. Point being…now she was naked, entirely, except for her red sandals, which is all she had on.

“Come on…run with me,” she invited. In the next instant, I was tossing my clothes into the back of the car along with hers. I was a little embarrassed too. Funny how the mind works, especially the male prideful mind in these particular moments. I was naked, without an erection, and was embarrassed that I didn’t. Wouldn’t I have been more embarrassed had it been just the opposite?

Maybe, maybe not…but at the moment I was, even dropping my hand down between my legs in some sort of effort to cover myself as she reached out her hand towards me, only then starting to run off in the direction of what appeared to be a small meadow.

I caught up to her easily, taking her hand as she led me on a carefree run through the rain. A rain I hardly even noticed, nor did I feel it as being cold either. Every fiber of my being happened to be on fire at the moment, and even the deluge we were now in, couldn’t have put me out if it had gone on like that for days.

And still I ran, without getting an erection. It felt that good, that peaceful, that nice. It was the most exciting, erotic, sensual moment of my entire life, and we really hadn’t done a thing!

Winded, laughing, still holding hands, June came to me almost by accident. With the ground now beginning to become saturated, the few bare spots within the field were turning to mud. Quite naturally she slipped going down. Still holding her hand, my first instinct was to somehow catch her and keep her from doing so. I had no footing in order to accomplish that. The moment she went, she took me with her quickly. Before either one of us knew what was happening, we were lying there together on the ground, in the mud and the rain, me having fallen almost directly on top of her.

It was like a scene in a movie. Seriously. I know I could probably google an infinite number of romantic love scenes where two lovers are kissing, or making love out in the rain. I don’t care. Maybe it had been done a hundred different times in a hundred different ways, but never like this. Not in my mind anyway.

One moment we’d been running, laughing, holding hands. In the next, we were a muddy mess, lying on the ground, our lips crushed together kissing passionately. Limbs entwined, hands suddenly everywhere at once. It was as though the skies were waiting for this to happen, as suddenly the rain stopped, though we didn’t.

And then she was spreading her legs, my cock at the entrance of that wet delicious pussy. I pressed, feeling her lips suddenly surround, engulfing me, but before I pushed inside her all the way, she cautioned me.

“You can’t cum inside me,” she said apologetically…”I’m not using anything.”

I nodded my head in understanding, and then filled her. I felt my prick caress her cervix, tickling her there before sliding out, and then in again just as quickly. We began to move together, slowly fucking, nice deep penetrating thrusts as her legs came up to wrap around me, her hands digging into my back as she moaned audibly, loudly. We began to slowly pick up speed, though I now began to worry, feeling the pleasured release already tightening my balls.

“I can’t…too soon…” I breathlessly spoke, trying to fight and control the urge.

“My mouth!” She said just as breathlessly, suddenly disengaging herself from me, rolling me over as she did, and then just as quickly sitting down on my face, her mouth all but swallowing my cock as I speared her with my tongue simultaneously.

I felt the first spurt of my release as it began filling her mouth. As it did, she began climaxing too, surprising me when she did as I’d not expected or anticipated that she too was as close as she was. As she came, I tasted the sweetness of her own honeyed nectar that oozed from her split like whipping cream. She didn’t exactly squirt ejaculate like some women could and did,

but her climax was definitely different from any woman I had known or been with. I wanted to wash my face in her spending, smear it all over, which I basically did. June continued to suck me dry, even long after we were both spent, we lay there on the wet ground, only then beginning to feel the dampness.

“Well, what a mess we are!” She laughed looking down at herself. We were covered in mud, almost from head to foot, and began brushing one another off with clumps of wet grass, until we had gotten most of it. Making our way back to her car, we put on as little as we could get away with for the drive back. June put her blouse back on, along with her tiny little thong, and nothing else. I did likewise, putting on my shirt and my shorts, and then we finally got back on the road heading home.


I’d like to say we got home, ended up showering together, and then made mad passionate love the rest of the night. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I was surprised that shortly after we had reentered the road, how quickly June’s mood seemed to change. Even sitting there half naked, which had already begun to arouse me all over again, she seemed subdued, withdrawn.

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