Boys and girls make fun

I knew that was due to a lot of emotional stress in her life, especially lately. She certainly was by no means at an age where she should be turning prematurely gray already, but it had started. And she had changed her color of lipstick too, unless she wasn’t even wearing any,

which I supposed was a possibility. Her lips were more natural in color, still more thick than thin, but not nearly as much so as I remembered them being. I actually sat there in the tub, a vision of my lips kissing hers, though I quickly added the image of her hand wrapped around my cock as she did that, just to change the rating on my fantasy from PG to R at least.

It wasn’t long after that, that I treated myself to a nice hard orgasm there in the shower.

I had no misconception about this dinner going anywhere either. The fact she had let me see her naked, was more of an old flirtatious tease than promise the way I saw it at the time, though I was certainly open to more than that if the situation should arise. But going in, I held those thoughts in check.

After getting out of the shower and dressing, I then called to make reservations, though told they weren’t necessary, though taking them anyway. I then sat around for the next two hours just waiting for time to pass.

I knocked on her door precisely at nine o’clock. She met me coming out with her keys in hand, handing them to me. It was still muggy outside. She had worn a simple white peasant blouse just off the shoulder, along with a somewhat modest skirt, though it was red. Mom would have called them “slutty clothes”, especially seeing them on June, but I thought she looked magnificent, and told her so. Her long dark hair remained full, and free about her head and shoulders, an entirely new look from the one I remembered, and it looked damn good on her. She looked ten years younger at the least than she even was then.

The drive up to the restaurant took less than thirty minutes. We were soon ushered over to a small, but intimate little table next to the front window. It would have been the perfect setting for a romantic, intimate little dinner together. But that’s not what we were there for, at least as it turned out.

As we ate, June somehow got the conversation always directed at me, with me basically telling her everything I had done since leaving high school and joining the service. Trying to get her to talk about herself was like pulling teeth. Mostly, it was more about me, the girls I had known or dated, though we even then didn’t discuss anything too intimate or embarrassing. Not that I had a lot of experience,

I didn’t. I had in fact only lost my virginity a little over a year ago. And had only had intercourse perhaps a half a dozen times since then, and mostly with only the second girl I’d ever been with after that. It had been months now, since I had.

One thing I did enjoy, and once again went back to my time in her garden doing, was taking the occasional peek at her breasts as we sat there talking, laughing, and reminiscing about past days together. Though wearing a bra, it was a lacy one, and as she moved, it periodically shifted, just enough to occasionally give me glimpses of what I now knew to be her very dark nipples peeking through. This was far more of course than I’d even seen as a kid. And though it certainly wasn’t low cut, her well-rounded breasts were sculpted clearly, and held up firmly by that sexy lacy bra she was wearing.

It was the first strike of lightning, followed by a clap of thunder coming outside that alerted us we were about to get rained on. Which is when we of course both realized, we couldn’t put the top up!

We dashed outside, the intent to try and outdrive the storm before it really hit. So far just a few raindrops seemed to be reaching us, nothing too significant. Unfortunately, all that was about to change.

We had made it about halfway down the canyon when the rain really started coming down. I knew then if we didn’t find some sort of cover soon, we’d both be drenched. But it was basically too little too late even then when I found a small side road heading into the trees off the road. I took it, parking the car beneath a canopy of tall fir and pine trees. We were still getting a little wet even then, but not nearly as much as we would have should we have continued on.

The moment I parked the car, June got out. Just as I was, my hair now basically plastered to my head, my shirt dripping wet…so was hers. Only with it being white, it had gone nearly transparent. I could now clearly, and easily see her breasts, her bra just as saturated as her blouse, her dark nipples clearly showing through,

pressing against the material as it now clung to her like paint rather than material. It was hard not trying to look, but I did, more than once, and she of course noticed, laughing when she herself looked down and realized what it was I could see.

“Guess this wasn’t the best thing to wear out in a downpour now was it?” She stated, though she made no attempt to cover herself either. If anything, she now lifted her head upwards towards the rain, stepping out into it more fully than we’d even been inside the car. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do but never have?” She asked.


She looked over towards me, smiling, but not saying. And then she reached down pulling her blouse up and over her head. That was interesting enough, but even as she tossed that into the backseat of her car, she was already reaching around to undo her bra, tossing it in the back as well a moment later.

The only thing I could think of to do, was to stand there and stare at her without saying a word. Once again she tossed her head back laughing, and then looking up towards the sky, letting the rain hit her face, and now her bare breasts as she lifted her arms upwards, embracing it.

She looked to me like a goddess, or a half naked genie at the very least about to grant someone his wish, only I didn’t know that yet, or know that she was about to grant a wish I hadn’t even made yet.

When she reached off to one side, and unzipped her zipper, now removing the red skirt she was wearing, I was starting to think along those lines.

“Have you ever run naked in the rain before?” she asked.

“Well once, but that was actually sprinklers, and I think I was like four or five at the time, out in the backyard at home,” I told her, still mesmerized when I saw her likewise remove the thong she also had on. For some reason, that surprised me perhaps more than anything else.

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