Boys and girls make fun – 8

I did so, sitting it down next to her as she unzipped it and began rummaging through it. “Ah yes…I have one of these myself,” she said, reaching in, moments later withdrawing a vibrator that had more whistles and bells on it than I’d ever seen before. “This is the kind that makes my pussy squirt!” she announced excitedly, and then began using it on herself.

“Squirt?” I asked June, seeing her eyes suddenly widen in delight.

“How much do you?” June now asked her.

“Just depends. On how horny I am, or how long it’s been. But…I’ll say this, I am damn fucking horny…and it has been a few days now. So…might be a big one,” she laughed. “I won’t really know until I’m nearly there. But when I am there…I can usually tell. I usually get so fucking wet, I can fist myself afterwards as slippery as I get.”

I noticed after having said that FC, Cujo and June suddenly looked back and forth at one another.

“Ah, can everyone excuse us for just a second?” Cujo said, suddenly crawling out of bed along with the other two women. “You too Kay…we need to meet privately for a moment.”

With a somewhat confused expression on her face, Kay joined them as the four headed off into the bathroom together.

“I thought that was just a myth,” Mike said, his eyes wide.

“What?” Bob asked though he too thought it curious.

“About women having the need to run off to the bathroom together all the time,” he quipped, though he knew they were in fact up to something, as we all did.

“Wonder what that was all about?” I found myself asking.

“I think we’ll know soon enough, whatever it is,” Mike responded back. “And I’m sure it will be interesting when we do.”

Even Mr. Clean, the bald-headed virgin, sat on the bed wondering why the girls had suddenly up and disappeared, one moment three of them working his cock to hardness, and the next…suddenly disappearing like a flock of scared sheep.

Even with the door to the bathroom closed we could hear them talking, though no one could make out what was being said, not until Kay spoke up herself, and that we all heard quite clearly.


Bob, Mike and I all turned looking over towards the bed. “You don’t suppose…” Bob hazard a guess.

“Who knows maybe? I doubt it though…you heard her, and besides, she’s never done anything with a guy either.” I said.

“Except for the fact she just gave me a blowjob for the first time in her life,” Mike finished.

“What are you guys talking about?” Mr. Clean questioned. “You can’t possibly mean…” but he too was drowned out by another loud exclamation coming from inside the bathroom.

“But I’m a lesbian! I’m not even into men!” Kay said, crying out loudly once again. “And especially not one with the size of a dick that he’s got!”

“That answers your question?” Bob said snickering.

“Five will get you ten she doesn’t go for it,” Mike bet.

“You’re on. You don’t know Cujo the way I do. Once that woman sets her mind to something, she doesn’t give up until she has it.”

“It’s a bet then,” Mike said, shaking his hand. “And even if she does, I’ll bet you twenty, she can’t handle that monster even if she does try.”

“I’ll take that bet too,” Bob told the man. “Like I said…Cujo’s got an idea, and because she does, I’m willing to bet she’s got some sort of idea in mind for that little, or rather not so little problem too,” he stated once again looking towards the giant, who just sat there, the pole between his legs suddenly beginning to wilt again.

“Ah, you might want to stroke on that a little…I have a feeling things are going to get very interesting here again soon,” Mike told the man, especially as quiet as it suddenly got. Moments later the door opened, Cujo, FC, and June all with smiles on their faces. Kay on the other hand looked less than pleased.

“Come on Kay, you’ll have the distinction of doing something no other woman’s been able to do, if you can pull this off,” Cujo told her. “And…like we promised, the three of us will get with you next weekend, and treat you to an entire day of nothing but pussy fun, and all you have to do to get that…is just try. Not even succeed, but at least try.”

In my mind, she still looked dubious about doing whatever it was the girls had talked her into. Especially as she now stood there staring at the man’s prick, still looking a bit undecided.

“Ok, but…like I said, the only way I can even imagine trying to take that thing, is if I get off myself first, and it has to be a really big, really wet juicy squirt, otherwise I won’t be nearly as slippery as I need to be.”

“No problem, whatever you want, however you want it,” Cujo assured her. “So…what is it you want us to do?”

“Well, you’re going to need to get me nice and horny again for one,” she told them all. “So for starters, Maybe one of you can put on one of June’s strap-ons to sort of get me primed. While I’m sitting on that, I’m kind of thinking I’d like someone else to start licking and sucking my clit.

Then of course…I’d like maybe one of you, and even one of the guys to come over and suck on my tits. I think feeling all that at the same time should just about do it for me. After that…we’ll see. Like I said, before I’m even willing to try, it’s got to be a nice big long squishy cum, otherwise…no fucking way.”


To be continued…

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