Boys and girls make fun – 7

“Oh yeah, I like that,” Cujo moaned even more deeply as June slapped her clit with my dick, pounding my shaft against her repeatedly before slowing, once again touching my dick tip against the woman’s clit, and then holding it there as she worked me back and forth, side to side and up and down rapidly.

“Like that do you?” June cooed excitedly.

“Fuck yes!” Cujo moaned in response. “You gonna make him squirt on me and then lick it all up?” She asked hopefully.

“Would you like that?” June asked unnecessarily.

“You fucking know I do,” she answered back hotly, then looking at me. “How about you James? Would you like to squirt all over my cunt and then watch May lick me all nice and clean again?”

Bob had walked over to the side of the bed, standing there looking down at the three of us once again fisting himself. “How about me?” He asked. “Mind if I toss a little cream onto your tits?”

“Please do!” She said grinning lustfully. “Shower me with all that hot sticky spunk baby, lots and lots of it! And you James…I want to feel you squirting all over my cunt, I want to feel the slick slippery spray bathing my pussy while May masturbates my clit with your dick. I want to cum like that, want to juice your prick while you’re juicing my cunt. Think you can do that for me?” she asked.

I knew in that very moment, it wouldn’t take much longer and I would be. I was amazed at how highly aroused I was. It wasn’t something I had honestly expected, and to be perfectly truthful, being with people I had barely met, seemed for some strange reason to excite me even more.

I had begun to understand the intensity of that, which June obviously was already well aware of. The encounter we’d enjoyed earlier in the stairwell with the still as yet nameless man we’d picked up, had even then given me some insight into that. And now here…watching as June continued to slap my prick against Cujo’s pussy, Bob standing off to one side, now purposely Thomas Hammering his own cock, had escalated my own arousal to new heights.

“You ready for some hot titty cum?” Bob asked clenching his teeth, his face already working up into a grimace.

“Hell yes! Shoot it baby, cum all over these big soft tits!” Cujo called out, once again cupping them within her hands, presenting Bob with a nice sexy target in doing so.

“It’s going to be a big one too!” He warned her. “Been a while…” he left off, his face turning red as the obvious intensity of his pending climax began racing up his shaft.

“Oh yeah, cum baby…cum!” Maybel now urged him to do so, still rubbing my cock furiously up and down Cujo’s split. “Squirt it! Squirt it! SQUIRT IT!”

“Here…it…COMES!” Bob shouted out, his eyes popping open as he looked down at himself. Even I had to look over, mesmerized as I anticipated his momentary climax.

Already purple and angry looking as it was, his prick head seemed to darken in color, his mushroom head swelling even more than it already was. The wide thick eye-slit suddenly opened, pulsating for a moment, and a pearly drop of pre-lube appeared. And then like someone had thrown a switch, his cock twitched, throbbed, and then shot an amazing streamer of white hot sticky spunk clean across the bed, missing her breasts completely, though he quickly readjusted his aim.

“Holy fucking shit!” Cujo cried out, surprised at the voluminous discharge, though it was rapidly followed by another, and then another, each one of those landing squarely upon her breasts. “Oh yeah! Yeah! More babies! Cum on these titties!” She said holding them up, her hard thick nipples suddenly covered in Bob’s spunk as he now leaned over, ensuring the last remnants of his still seeping prick covered them each.

I wasn’t far behind. The obscene spectacle of seeing him do that triggered my own release. June, well aware of it, now held my prick steady against Cujo’s clit, not even bothering to pump it as I throbbed once, twice, and then showered her cunt with my spray yelling out as I did, just as I knew June would want me to.

“Oh yeah…pump it baby…pump it. Make me squirt again…again, that’s it…oh yeah, see all that nice hot sticky spunk? See it squirting on her clit?”

I was mad with desire, lust…excitement beyond my wildest imaginings. And as I came, as I knelt there watching my semen shooting out the end of my prick, June’s hand now directing it up and down Cujo’s lips, still working her hard stiff clit as I did so, she too was climaxing. She didn’t at first even utter a sound, her body thrashing however wildly, making it somewhat difficult for June to continue rubbing her with my prick.

Finally, as the overwhelming sensation seized her, she cried out with a long unintelligible scream of delight, nearly ear splitting as she did. I wondered briefly just how sound-proofed the rooms were, and figured even if they were to some extent, Cujo’s orgasmic cry of delight would have still easily been heard.

Almost before I was finished, June dove between Cujo’s legs, her lips and tongue now continuing what I’d begun doing. Cujo immediately launched into a second orgasm, barely after the first one had run its course. I stood there next to Bob, the two of us watching as

June began licking up the pools and streamers of cum-cream that almost entirely covered the woman’s cunt. Laughing delightedly, deliriously as she did so. I was so engrossed in watching that myself, I didn’t even hear the knock on the door to our room, until whoever it was knocked again.

Still looking back towards the bed as June continued licking and cleaning Cujo’s cunt from my massive spending, I finally reached the door looking through the peephole quickly before answering it. Kay, FC and some other guy I didn’t know, hadn’t seen before stood outside patiently waiting, smiles on their faces. I opened the door, forgetting for a moment that I was standing there in the nude.

Giving me an appreciative eye as the three of them passed, Kay was the first one to speak.

“See I told you that was her scream,” she laughed. “We heard you the moment we got off the elevator! I wouldn’t be at all surprised if everyone else on this floor did either!” She added laughing.

“Yeah well…what can I say?” Cujo said finally sitting up, as did June, now wiping off her face.

“And this…must be Mike?” She asked, addressing the guy just standing behind the two women.

“Either that, or some guy that heard Cujo cumming the same time we did, and thought it might be interesting to drop by and see for himself,” she laughed, making me wonder if that wasn’t actually the truth.

“Yeah, I’m Mike,” he told her, extending his hand. “And as much as I’d like to join you all, I really would like to shower first…if that’s ok?”

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