Boys and girls make fun – 6

“She did,” May said, eying her. “And I’ll be looking forward to that, that and seeing if those enormous boobs of yours are real or not.”

“Oh they’re real alright,” she grinned back at her. “Tell you what, I’ll go get your beers, then I’ll come back and let you fondle one for a moment, see for yourself, provided I get to fondle one of yours too,” she added.

“You got a deal,” May said. “Provided…you let James here have a feel as well,” she challenged the woman.

She eyed me only briefly, nodding her head. “Be back with the beers,” she stated, and then turned and left.

“Well, looks like it really is going to be a wild night after all,” May stated excitedly, her hand suddenly reaching over beneath the table, her hand suddenly unzipping my fly. “And by the feel of things, I’d say you’re looking forward to it too!” She told me as she somehow managed to free my hard cock from my pants.

I was really starting to enjoy it too when F.C. came back with our beers. I thought for sure May would remove her hand, but she didn’t, making it obvious to our Amazon friend as she stood next to us placing the beers down as to what she was doing.

“Been a while since I’ve felt one of those,” she stated, continuing to stand there and watch.

“Be my guest!” May said, sliding out of our booth. To my surprise, F.C. exchanged places with her, sliding in next to me, now her hand holding onto my cock instead.

“So…you ever had a blow job from a woman with no teeth?” She asked me point blank. I sat there staring back at her, words failing me. To which she laughed. “No? Well…you won’t be getting one of those from me either,” she burst out laughing. “At least…not until I get to know you a little better anyway.”

“Fucking A!” I then blurted. At this point, I didn’t know who and what to believe, which is about the time she took my hand and placed it on her breast.

“Go ahead, feel away. They’re real, and they don’t come off, or out either,” she told me, still laughing. I did so, finding out when I did, that F.C., or whatever the fuck her name really was, had the biggest, hardest stiffest nipples I’d ever felt before in my life.

“Unbelievable aren’t they?” She asked, already knowing the answer. “And I am SO looking forward to fucking May here with one of them too,” she now quipped. “I do so love titty-fucking a woman!”

It was that image I now held in my mind’s eye as she continued to sit there stroking my cock. “Ok if I make him come for me?” She asked, turning to look back at May, “Or will that spoil things for later?”

“Oh I think he can handle that well enough, he’s already come once today, and several times last night. So I’d say he’s good for it,” she stood grinning, looking down at me.

“Hand me that glass over there,” F.C. stated as May walked over to the bar grabbing one of the clean glasses out of the rack, walking it back to her. “Thank you,” she said, taking it, and then placing it over the end of my prick. “Whenever you’re ready,” she smiled wickedly. “Let’s see some foam!”

Moments later I was doing just that, spurting into the glass as she held it there beneath the table, jerking me off into it. When she was finished, she lifted it, eyeing it, and then smiling…tipped it up to her lips drinking it. I was surprised, and shocked when she did so.

She drained every last drop, now licking her lips, smiling broadly. “F.C. also stands for Freaky Cunt, which I am too,” she finished, finally standing, giving May back her seat. “Which I’m sure you’ll agree fits me later on this evening,” she smiled. “So…see you later back in your room?”

“Cunt on it,” May shot back winking at her.

“Oh, I will….you can count on it too,” she said, laughing back at her and then headed back towards the bar, carrying the cum-fogged glass with her as she did.


To be continued…

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