Boys and girls make fun – 6

“Boys and girls make fun” Part-6 Continues…..

I was good with that, looking more at the experience itself more than anything else, just as June was. Once again she had worked up some new cards to take along with her, intending to hand those out as she thought appropriate once we’d sat and scanned the bar for potential play-partners.

And much to my delight, there were several already there when we entered, a surprising fair number of women as well as men. Obviously many of them knew one another from driving routes along the same stretch of highway, and often came here to this very bar whenever they were in town.

“We’re in luck tonight,” June informed me. “This might not be quite so difficult after all!” She said grinning from ear to ear. I looked over towards where she was looking as we slowly approached the bar. Two women happened to be there at the time, one sitting on a stool the other standing next to her along with one another guy. The one who was standing was a hard looking woman, though she actually had a pretty face.

She was muscularly built as well, but she looked like she could just about deck anyone who got in her way and not break a sweat doing it. Her serious scowl which she had when I first saw her, suddenly turned into one of delightful surprise, softening as she looked up and caught June and I slowly approaching her.

“Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in,” she announced as June and I just then reached her. Almost immediately the woman’s hand came up, as she placed it quite inappropriately over one of June’s boobs. “Nicest set of tits this side of the Rockies,” she informed her two friends. “And I should know, I’ve got to play with them before.”

Everyone laughed at that, including June. “So…what brings you in tonight anyway? Fishing again are we?” The woman asked.

“Hopefully, not now,” June told her, “Guess that depends on you…and your friends,” she said, now waiting for an introduction.

She soon began doing just that. “May? This is a friend of mine from the road, who I often drive the same routes with,” she said introducing her. “This is Kay,” she grinned. “Not at all into men,” she said, eying me, “But…she doesn’t mind sharing at all,” she laughed. “And this here is Big Bob,” she said introducing the tall sandy colored haired driver standing next to her. Likewise muscularly built, strong arms, though he did have what appeared to be a bit of a beer gut on him. “They call him that for a couple of reasons. One, he loves their hamburgers,” she chuckled. “And two? Well…that one I’ll let you find out for yourself if you’re interested.”

“Hi, I’m…”

“This is my friend James,” June, now May, said , introducing me, using what she now knew to be my middle name. “And this mean-assed hard looking woman here goes by the name of Cujo. She’s a Stephen King fanatic for one thing, and to be honest, I’m not sure anyone knows what the hell her real name is anyway. But…doesn’t really matter now does it?”

“Cujo?” I asked curiously looking at her.

“Yeah, they call me that because my bite is far worse than my bark. And I’m known for doing just that if and when I get aroused…sorta like I’m starting to do now just thinking about eating May’s pussy here. By the way…you don’t happen to have that strap-on dildo with you like you did the last time do you?” she asked, speaking just loud enough that a few others had turned their attention towards our more than interesting conversation.

“Just so happens that I did…why? Are you interested?” May asked.

“Every bit as much as the first time I met you,” Cujo stated, now leering at her. “So, you already got yourself a room then?” she asked curiously.

“Of course I do,” May said. “But I’m really in the mood to party tonight too. So…you’re friends interested in joining us later perhaps? Any others you know might like to come as well?”

“Not many others aside from old Bob and Kay here who I’d care about having a look at these ole floppy tits…except for perhaps Mike maybe. Even flirted with him a while back, thought it might be interesting to see what his cock looks like, see if it’s any bigger than old Bob’s here. I don’t know Bob, think you could handle the competition?”

He just smiled and laughed at that. “Not here to throw a tape measure against my dick or anyone else’s for that matter, just here to have some fun if that’s indeed where all this is headed.”

Cujo once again looked at me, or rather at my crotch as though sizing me up. “Hey, that reminds me, didn’t you have another fella you were with the last time we hooked up?”

“I did…but I’ve moved on,” May said, not going into detail. “Time for a change as it were,” she informed her. “Now…about this Mike fella? Anyone else?”

“Let me get on the radio, see where he’s at. Said he should be here within the hour, told him we’d meet him here. So yeah…there’s him. What about you Kay? Do you know anyone who might be interested in joining us?”

“Actually yes, F.C., she works here, though she told me she had the early shift tonight, so she should be getting off here in an hour or so.

Boys and girls make fun – 6 will continue on the next page

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