Barely Xavier focus on my huge boobs – 2

This Story is part of Little Xavier Red Breast Series

After that, whenever and wherever we could, we did. Either at her place or at mine, whenever the opportunity arose for either one of us. I fucked her standing up, supporting her entire weight with her legs wrapped about my waist. We fucked doggy-style, which was almost as pleasurable as when we did it laying down together. But in hindsight, I don’t think there was a single position that we didn’t try, that wasn’t fun and exciting.

What I hadn’t planned on, nor expected to happen did. I had begun to fall in love with her. I should have known better in the first place to have ever gotten involved with her to begin with. That was my first mistake. Being twice her age was another. But at the time, I wasn’t thinking all that clearly.

My own marriage as I now knew would be coming to an end. There was no way of trying to save it, it had been long over even before I’d gotten so deeply involved with Xavier. It had been only a matter of time now anyway. And Xavier too was struggling with her own emotions. Still living with her partner, though it had been a while for the two of them now since they’d even been intimate, I knew that Xavier was struggling with that, as well as now openly enjoying her relationship with a man…me.

And because of all this, I certainly wasn’t expecting what was about to happen next.

It had finally gotten to the point where Xavier and Susan had sat down and had a pretty lengthy discussion about what was, and what wasn’t happening between them anymore. Though I had pretty much thrown in the towel myself, Xavier wasn’t quite ready to do the same thing on her end, though she had determined to pretty much tell Susan what she was thinking and going through.

Worried, she informed me she was going to tell Susan she’d been having thoughts about me, and was curious about being with me, even though we had long since passed that stage. I wasn’t entirely in agreement with that, but it was her call, and I knew she needed to put things out in the open, even if she went the long way around in doing that. What she did was tell Susan she’d decided to have sex with me, as she wanted to experience what it was like, being with a man.

What neither one of us expected, was when Susan insisted on being there when it happened.

When Xavier first told me about it, I assumed she meant that Susan would be sitting there watching us perhaps, though even then I wasn’t sure that was such a very good idea either. But when she then informed me, she planned on being a participant, I was honestly, and frankly stunned, as was Xavier.

Needless to say I was nervous as hell, anxious and worried when I drove over to their place. They’d both had a little to drink however, which had loosened them both up considerably, certainly not drunk, not by a long shot…but I was only too glad to join them and catch up.

Admittedly, the thought that I would soon be in bed with the two of them, and that part of that would be Xavier and I (supposedly) having intercourse for the first time was weird enough, but that Susan now was as enthusiastic about it as she appeared to be, was a little unsettling.

By now Xavier had shaved her pussy again, never heard what Susan had thought about her doing that, as hers was just the way Xavier’s had been when I’d first seen her. They were built very similar, though Susan did have slightly larger breasts, though not by much. It was again in another weird way, almost like being in bed with sisters, not quite twins perhaps, but damn close enough.

Almost tentatively, I watched the two of them touch one another, fondling each other. It was obvious it had been a while for either one of them since they had. Emotionally I was in fact struggling with it, and again…probably should have turned around and gone home, it might have saved me a bit of heartache in the long run, though probably not.

Instead of course, I wound up in bed with the two of them. I even went down on Susan, as Xavier sucked and played with me. And though it took a while, she eventually climaxed, something that surprised Xavier, as well as myself and Susan for that matter. After that, it was time to do what I’d supposedly been invited there to do, and while Susan watched of course. I slowly, taking my time…ensuring that Xavier was ok with it all, though we’d of course done it countless times already by now, finally entered her.

We slowly fucked, almost quietly in comparison to all the other times we’d been together. It was almost surreal. I didn’t cum in her either, (which I’d been asked not to do) though both Susan as well as Xavier took some measure of delight in the copious amount of my spending as I almost completely saturated Xavier’s breasts, once again seeing them redden with her pleasure, as I soon after knelt between her legs, licking and sucking her until she had had several orgasms in a row.

Ironically, it wasn’t our fucking that later caused their final and eventual permanent breakup, it was Xavier’s climaxing so easily, and so many times in a row through my going down on her that did it. It wasn’t long after that, that they finally split up for good. And it wasn’t long after that, that my wife and I also decided our own marriage was finished as well.

I now made my last and final mistake. I told Xavier I loved her. Things changed after that, rapidly and quickly. I saw her less and less for one. She was off doing other things, being busy, and as I later learned, seeing someone else. Even then, I would hear from her out of the blue, we’d get together, fuck like crazy, just like old times, and then she’d disappear on me once again.

She knew how I felt, and even though I now knew she was also seeing someone else, I still loved her, still wanted her, but it was driving me to the point of insanity about this time. And then, just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, she simply disappeared one day, moved away and got married to another guy.

Pretty ironic the way things ended up perhaps. Though I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised by it, too much going against us both for starters. But I should have known better in the end. A lot of heartache as a result of having known her, been with her, loved her. My Little Xavier Red Breast.

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