An Excellent Learner – 2

Oh yes I was right about her. I was right, I was right. She loved my roughness, my passion and hunger, the pleasure that bordered on pain. I held her wrists and played with her tits and kissed her, then pulled the neck of her top down till her breasts spilled over the top and I bit and licked them as my hand found its way down to her crotch and I began to lift her skirt.

“Oh no! No!” she moaned, but I knew she had to say that, just as I had to refuse to listen to her.

“Listen,” I whispered into her ear. “This is Thursday and there’s no one here. The cleaning crew isn’t even in this part of the building on Thursdays. Understand?”

“No,” she said. “No…” but her hips were already moving in a lewd and urgent invitation even though her skirt was still stretched several inches below her naked pussy.

I pressed my lips against her throat and continued to inch her skirt upwards, wanting her to feel every millimeter of thigh as it was exposed, until finally there was no need to go any higher. I touched her between her legs, and she turned her face to me, begging for a kiss, desperate to hide her emotions as my fingers slid along her exposed wetness.

“Please,” she gasped. “Don’t make me! Don’t!”

A little plea for dignity, but dignity would be the first thing to go, was already gone. Emma’s arms were tied behind her in her own panties, her top was pulled down and her tits were crowded together and almost popping out of her bra, her nipples peeking over the edge like rising suns, and her chest shining in the dark with my saliva. Despite her protests, her hips were humping and revolving against my fingers with obscene urgency as she tried to bring them into contact with her clit.

It was way too late to ask me to stop. Way too late, and I played with Emma’s pussy like it was a handful of pearls, toying with her and strumming her like a harp. And if I needed any more proof of her level of excitement, I only had to bring my mouth close to hers and feel her feverish kiss, a kiss that begged and pleaded with me one minute, then bit me in savage impatience the next.

Her tongue fluttered in my mouth like a little bird in a burning house, trying to get free and it drove me mad, because something was inside Nova Trying to get free, and I wanted it. I wanted it with every fiber of my being. I wanted her to give it to me and me alone, and I wanted all of it.

And suddenly she gave it to me. She tore her lips from mine and cried out, then choked on her own breath and arched her body away from the wall, shoving her pussy out onto my hands. I saw a brief look of panic in her eyes, as if she couldn’t believe this was happening to her, and I grabbed her panties tight and used them to press her body against mine with all my strength, as if she might fly apart.

I shoved my finger into her deep, deep—deep and held it there as her thighs quivered and trembled and orgasmic spasms made her bear down on my finger in waves of peristaltic pleasure that made me absolutely dizzy with desire.

The sight of Nova Coming was so intense that I felt my own orgasm start and only stopped it by sheer force of will, pulling my cock away from her body and just holding her as her body snapped like a whip with each convulsive release, trying not to think, trying to keep my mind a blank.

I held her up, let go of her panties and just held her against me as she shook and trembled and her orgasm faded like distant thunder. She worked her hands out of the crumpled garment and held onto my shoulders, panting.

“You okay?” I asked.

“God!” she said. “I was just so turned on all day, thinking about it. That was intense.”

“Can you walk?”

“Of course. Yes. Why? Where are we going?”

“My office,” I said. “It’s my turn.”

Chapter 4

Nova Put herself together and got her books and picked up her panties from the floor, and we didn’t say much as we walked down the hall to my office. The corridor was deserted, and only every fourth light was left on, making the place look especially forlorn.

I’d originally thought about taking Novato to a motel, but that seemed wrong somehow, and my place in the city was too far. Besides, this was not a simple love affair or sexual tryst. There was a wrongness about this and a transgressiveness that was a deep part of the very fabric of this relationship at this point. Maybe we could have done it in a car, or behind a dumpster, or in some basement boiler room, but that’s the way it had to be, furtive, secretive, perverse and illicit. My office would do nicely.

As an adjunct instructor at Crane, I didn’t have my own office. I had a desk in an office used by two other, full-time instructors but that was all right. No one was around after 3 PM anyhow—ever—so the office might as well have been mine. The narrow window in the office door had been covered with construction paper by one of the full-timers so he could sleep in there unobserved, and although one wall was all window with a view of the parking lot, if the office lights were off you couldn’t see in.

I’d already brought in what I needed before class in a box and left it under my desk, and now, as Novastood uncertainty in the darkness, I set about my business.

“Take off your clothes,” I said as I spread a blanket over the top of the steel desk.


“Come on. Take off your skirt and your top. No one’s coming in.”

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