An Excellent Learner – 2

“An Excellent Learner” Part-2 Continues…..

I walked her over to one the plate glass windows that looked out onto the woods beyond the parking lot and the glow of the suburbs, the strings of highway lights leading off into the darkness. The moon was up, looking pale and confused.

“You look at that and what do you feel?” I asked. I didn’t wait for her to answer. “You feel the night inside you, something dark and delicious, full of secrets and beauty, something beyond words or your ability to express it, don’t you, Emma? I know you do.”

She stared out the window, her eyes large and luminous. “Yes.” She nodded, then smiled privately. “But I’ve always been weird.”

“Yeah. And I’ve always been weird too.” I smiled back. “But those feelings are real, and I can show you how to reach them, how to experience them. I can bring the night inside, Emma. All those things you’ve dreamed of? I can make them real, and you know what? They’re even better in reality than they are in your imagination. They’re much, much better.”

I took her arm and led her down the corridor to my office and unlocked the door. She stood in the corridor looking nervously inside, and I knew all I had to do was order her inside and she’d follow. I’d lock the door and keep the lights off and tell her to lean over the desk and she would, then I’d open my pants and take out my aching cock, push her skirt up over her hips and pull her panties to the side and thrust it into her.

God, I’d go in so smoothly! She’d still be wet and ready and she’d gasp. Her knuckles would grip the edge of the cheap metal desk and she’d start to rock back and forth as I fucked her, moaning softly, and she’d drop her head in female submission as I held her hips and guided her up and back, plundering her pussy with my thick tool before I threw my head back in rapture and shot my heavy load into her.

Yeah. I could have all that right then and there, and my dick was aching for it, but that’s not what I wanted. I wanted a lover, not a piece of ass, someone who was in this as deeply as I was, and for that, I needed for her to want me too. I had to leave her wanting more.

I put my briefcase down on the desk and stepped out of the office, closing the door behind me, and saw the trace of disappointment on her face as the lock clicked shut. She wanted it even though she knew she shouldn’t want it, and that was perfect.

“Come on,” I said. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

“I’m parked right outside.”

“That’s okay. I just have something to tell you.”

The lots were empty for the evening classes during the summer, so we were pretty much alone. Nova Drove a nice car, white and sporty. The summer air was warm and balmy and the wind rustled through the poplars. It all looked so normal and suburban and collegiate.

“Next class,” I said, “Wear a skirt and no panties, understand? If you want to go further with this, if you want me to show you what I know, wear a skirt with no panties and sit where you’ve been sitting so I can see. That’s how I’ll know you’ve agreed. Can you do that?”

She looked at me and I saw her nostrils flare slightly. “You’re serious?”

“I’m very serious.”

“But you don’t know anything about me.”

“I know enough. The rest I really don’t care about. Who do you live with? Your parents?”

“No,” she said. “Some girlfriends. We share an apartment.”

“Well tell them you’ll be late next Thursday. You’re going out for drinks after class.”

Nova Opened her car and stopped. “I don’t know anything about you either.”

“Like what?”

“Are you married? Have a girlfriend?”

“No and no.”

“How can I get a hold of you?”

“You can’t. I don’t want to be chatting on the phone and trading life stories, but here, I’ll give you my address and cell number. Just don’t use them except in emergencies, okay?”

I wrote them down in her notebook as she watched.

“You live in the city?” she asked.

“Yes. In a loft. It’s nice. Maybe you’d like to see it sometime?”

Nova Closed her notebook and gave me a flirty smile. “Yes. Maybe I would.”

I watched her red tail lights as she drove away, then I went back into the building and into my office. I kept the lights off, spun my chair away from the door, unbuckled my pants and pulled down my zipper. The fingers of my right hand still smelled like Emma’s pussy, and the memory of her soft, slippery flesh was still upon them.

More, I could clearly see her face as she struggled to hold onto her composure as I masturbated her, see the female animal within her struggling to break through the inhibitions and the smooth, American-model California perfect make-up. I could see the dark female need behind that sunny artificial wholesomeness—the even white teeth that needed to bite, the painted and glossed lips that needed to suck and open in a scream of ecstasy, the sloppy, throbbing cunt beneath her cute, up-to-date clothes.

That was it—the savage, the wild, feral female, lust-crazed, dizzy with orgasm. That’s what I wanted, and my hand pumped my cock as I thought of her arched in pleasure, tied hand and foot, surrendering to the sensations I caused her, pushing out her orgasms at me one after another like something she had to get rid of, and then the burning, tingling, ecstasy was on me and I spurt my come for her in hot, impotent bursts catching the jets in my other palm to keep it from splattering all over my pants.

Chapter 3

I wasn’t really nervous about the next class session. It wasn’t that I was feeling cocky or especially sure of myself. It was more like I was sure of Emma, sure of who she was and what she was like, and I knew that it was going to happen, maybe not then, but then next session, or the session after. We’d shared too much of ourselves, an intimacy that went beyond the merely sexual, and my acceptance of her bound her to me in a way that she couldn’t easily walk away from. If I’d just played with her and then fucked her,

she could have blown it off as a one-time affair, a kind of mistake, and used my own guilt against me. She could have expected I’d spend the rest of the semester avoiding her, and she would have cozied up to her own feelings of being sick and perverse and accepted my rejection as the price of her perversion.

At the time I met NovaI was in the second year of struggling with my Novel, my Big Project, a dry, overly-intellectual, over-thought pile of crap that got more and more discouraging and unreadable the longer I worked on it. What money I was making from writing came from writing porn—knocking off quickly romantica novels of sex and passion featuring dominance and submission, bondage and discipline,

and the truth was, I was much better at writing this kind of stuff than I was at writing what I thought of as serious literature. When I wrote sex, I wrote it with my heart and soul. I discovered things, I remembered things, I imagined things. I wouldn’t say I became obsessed, but I did become consumed with a special kind of need for a special kind of woman. I became attuned to the sexual flame that burned inside me and began to see everything by its light. I became a kind of antenna, and that’s why I was so sure about Emma.

Novacame in. She was wearing a salmon pink tank top with the bra straps showing, which was the fashion that summer (although I doubted she’d worn it that way at work), and a black skirt. She was also wearing a big pair of sunglasses, which she’d never done before.

The sunglasses made her look very mysterious, and the top did great things for her breasts. I wasn’t the only one who stared, or, rather, who pretended not to. She took a seat in the fourth row up and crossed her legs so I couldn’t see if she’d followed my instructions or not.

An Excellent Learner – 2 will continue on the next page

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