An Accident changed a woman’s life

“And what about you, Natasa? Where do you hail from?”

“Oh, I grew up not far from here, actually, but I live in the city now. Brooklyn actually, though I hope to get a place in Manhattan soon.”

Liam’s face screwed up as if he’d smelled a skunk. “No life in the city. All that concrete strangles the life from everything’ within.”

I laughed. “The city is full of life! The bustle, the crowds, the museums, the theater. How can you say it strangles the life out of everything?”

“Movement is not the same as life. When was the last time you heard a rain pattern on your roof? When did you last see a wild animal stop to graze yards from your window? When did ye last hear the silence of new fallen snow?” he waxed poetically, just as a gust of wind moaned past the cabin spattering frozen rain into the window with the sudden rattle of pages turning, and we laughed.

“I don’t suppose I’ll be hearing that silence during this storm,” I answered.

He shook his head, looking down, and said, “Nay, not this night.”

He stood and went to the fire, adding another log and prodding the embers. He seemed to be listening to the wind echo in the chimney.

He returned to sit beside me, and I asked about his life in the Isles. He told tales that seamlessly wove together his life with the legends of his father’s people until he had me in tears laughing.

“So fairies are always the excuse whene’er a man comes home too late and smells of more than just smoke and ale. And for just about everything else as well.”

“I see. And do the wives believe these tales?”

“Not a bit o’ it, but they happily blame the fairies for the knots on the husband’s head come morning,” he grinned, pantomiming knocking me over the head with a skillet.

I shook my head and laughed along.

“What about you?” he asked abruptly, “Surely you have tales from your life in the city.”

I thought about it and realized I didn’t really have much to tell. My life was work and an occasional outing with friends, once you took the men out of the equation. I told him about my job. That took all of about thirty seconds. He prompted me for more and I had to admit my life really was pretty dull.

“What about yer man? Surely a beauty like you has a man to hold ye on a cold night, or when yer dreams wake ye in a clammy sweat? It’ll be Valentine’s Day in a few minutes, I bet someone’s waiting’ for a kiss,” he asked, smiling tentatively for the first time.

“No. No man at the moment. I had a boyfriend for a long time, but it wasn’t working out. And then I met a lying, cheating bastard,” my eyes inexplicably teared up at that, “No,” I choked out, “no men in my life.”

Liam scooted a few inches closer and took my hand. He didn’t say a word, didn’t ask any questions, but just sat beside me and held my hand as I got my breathing back under control.

We sat like that, shoulder to shoulder, and stared into the fire for a long time. I was casting quick, side-long glances at him when I caught him doing the same thing. He smiled comfortably, while I blushed at being caught.

Still facing the flames, Liam asked, “How did ye come to find this place, again?”

His eyes seemed to spark and flash with light, and he tightened his hold on my hand, intertwining our fingers. His lips quivered just a bit, but he remained still.

“I saw the lights from the windows through the forest and followed them,” I answered, wondering why he’d asked.

“Mmhmm,” he murmured, looking around the room.

I followed his gaze and realized the room was not brightly lit. I looked at the windows and they were fairly small.

“Fairy lights, I s’pose,” he said, softly.

He turned to face me and leaned in closer. I found myself leaning into him without consciously deciding to do so. When his lips brushed mine it felt like the whole world suddenly focused down to that one point of contact, that all of the energy of the storm outside was now running like a current between our lips. As you can’t pull away from the source of an electric current, I couldn’t pull away from him. Nor did I want to.

He wrapped his free hand behind me, sliding it into my hair and pulling me even closer as he ran his tongue along my lower lip before nibbling it between his own. The sheer power of the force running through me made me moan, parting my lips and giving his tongue entry.

He tasted rich gravy and red wine, and I wanted to relish every morsel. When my tongue began to seek its fulfillment within his mouth, he pulled me even closer as he dropped the hand he was holding to run it up my arm, then down my back.

As if knowing my triggers somehow, his hand slipped easily between my short blouse and skirt to softly feather my low back, just above the cleft of my bottom. I felt the power build in my low belly as my juices flowed below. I arched toward him and thrust my tongue deeply into his mouth, demanding a response.

My orientation changed as he guided me back against the pillow padding the arm of the sofa, and his knee nudged my right leg straight. He lowered himself gently over me, left hand still soothing my low back, lips and tongue still teasing mine. His hand that had been behind my head caressed my neck, brushing lightly against my earlobe as it made its way to my collarbone. Another trigger touched, I sighed and his lips traveled away from mine.

I mourned the loss of his mouth until it came to rest at my right earlobe, nudging my head slightly toward the glowing fire. I felt the heat of those embers course through my body as he sucked my earlobe gently, then lapped up the shell of my ear to trace the inner curves with his slick, warm tongue.

I could have lain there forever feeling his mouth upon my ear, or so I thought until his fingers deftly began to pop open the buttons on my blouse and I imagined his mouth over one of my erect and aching nipples. I arched my neck in silent pleas, and he responded by running kisses down the smooth pillar and across the hollow at the base. When he reached the V-shaped depression at the center, he placed a reverent kiss there before pulling back to gaze into my eyes.

His eyes were the color of evening skies reflected in deep lakes, and they gleamed with a raw hunger that took my breath away and made my body ache to satisfy them. He must have seen on his own what he needed because he kissed me swiftly before opening the front hook of my bra and dropping his head to my breast.

He blew across my already erect nipple, stiffening it further to a hard nub before running his tongue in a circle around the rosy peak. When he flicked the tip lightly, liquid heat coursed to my center, seeming to fill me to overflowing as I felt my panties moisten.

I nearly screamed, biting my lip fiercely, when he sucked that rigid summit into his mouth, leaving it with his tongue and pulling it deeper. My body flexed and my hands held his head to me in supplication. He hummed his ascent as he paid homage to first one breast, then the other before I pulled him away and roughly opened his shirt, thrusting it down his arms in my rush to feel his skin against mine.

He pulled away to remove his shirt and toss it aside, and I used that time to rid myself of similar offending articles. When he leaned back into me, I ran my hands up his smoothly muscled chest, circling his nipples with my thumbs before sweeping back over his shoulders and drawing him into another long kiss.

His hands roamed my sides, brushing along my breasts with studied precision before reaching the top of my skirt and slipping over it to the my thighs below, where he began his return course, pushing the light tweed ahead of him. Hovering above me, his hands were able to reach the tiny bands of my thong which they followed inward to meet just above the small patch of curls remaining over my mound.

To my surprise, they drifted back apart to my hips before traveling along the bands again, this time toward the insides of my thighs, stroking deep enough to sense my heat before swooping lower along the thighs themselves.

My body thrummed to the rapid beat of my heart, and I pushed forward into his hands, willing them to travel back to my center and linger there.

Instead he moved away, standing and tugging gently at my hand till I rose as well. He pulled me to him, chest to chest, and I smelled the wind and trees in his hair as I softly bit the angle where shoulder rises to neck. He moaned and I felt him bend, sweeping my legs out from under me, and carrying me beside the bed.

He set me down and smoothly dropped a hand to release the zipper at the back of my skirt, letting it fall in a puddle at my feet. He began to loosen his belt, but I covered his hands with mine and pulled them away. I bent and scattered kisses across his chest and abdomen as I removed his belt and opened his fly.

I could feel the solid thickness of his arousal beneath his zipper, and became at once hungry to touch it with eyes, hands and mouth. I tugged his jeans from his hips then slid his boxers away as well, revealing a lovely large cock standing straight to his navel. I stroked it delicately, realizing it was uncircumcised and getting a thrill of anticipation, having never had one like that before me. I hoped it really did make them more sensitive.

Settling to my knees, I took a tentative taste, licking with just the tip of my tongue from base to head.Liam groaned deeply, tightening his grip on my shoulders as he pulled me slightly closer. I circled the head like a lollipop before bobbing my mouth over the entire soft tip, sucking just enough to create a “pop” when he pulled me away.

“It won’t take a minute of that, lassie, and I want far more than a mere minute,” he voiced gruffly, hands biting into my shoulders slightly.

He almost brusquely pulled my thong away, looking greedily at my waxed pussy before laying me back on the bed. I tried to pull him in for another kiss, but he had other ideas as he remained fixated on my hairless cleft, quickly removing his pants, shorts and socks.

He pressed me toward the head of the bed as he crawled between my legs, wrapping his arms around under my thighs to lift my center slightly. He rained soft kisses along my thighs, then over my mound, and finally down my pussy lips. I tried to push my hips up, for more contact, but he held me fast.

I hadn’t been pleasured like this often, and never by a man that wasn’t simply intent on getting me hot quickly so he could move on to fucking me. Liam moved with such patience, guided by my reactions, and it was divine.

He licked up each labia slowly, moving from side to side as I writhed trying to move his action to my center. When I was ready to actually start begging, he slipped his tongue between those lower lips and swept it up to lightly flick the swollen nub at their apex and I gasped, my pelvis coming up off the bed despite his strong arms holding me in place.

An Accident changed a woman’s life will continue in the next page.

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