A hot doctor checks the prostate

This Story is part of Sexy Doctor Gives Prostate Exam Series
  • A hot doctor checks the prostate

This is a new story called “A hot doctor checks the prostate” let’s begin….. Max walked into his doctor’s office to check in for his 2:00 PM appointment. He was nervous. He’d never actually had a prostate exam before.

His girlfriend June had suggested that he go and see a doctor on his 25th birthday and get a full physical to make sure that all of his parts were in working, sustainable order. He knew he was a bit young to start worrying about things like prostate issues, but his girlfriend was insistent when it came to them taking care of their bodies and so he agreed so as to put her mind at ease.

The last time he’d actually had a physical was back in high school when they were required for him to participate in the various sports that he’d lettered in.

Now, as he sat in that stark, white waiting room staring down at an old copy of Entertainment Weekly that he wasn’t actually reading, he inwardly dreaded how weird the whole thing might be.

Max understood why the tests were necessary, but there was just something about having some old, wrinkled male doctor grabbing your balls and asking you to cough or shoving his lubed finger into your ass that absolutely horrified him.

When they finally called his name, Max finished his paper cup of waiting room water and tossed it into the nearby trash. He approached the female nurse and checked in. She was a cute redhead with short straight hair and a friendly bounce in her step.

She welcomed him into the exam area and quickly started the intake process. She took down his basic information, asking him all of the starter questions that started every appointment.

She measured his height and weight as he stood on the huge scale: 5 ’10, 165 pounds. She scribbled the numbers into his file as she smiled up at him.

Max was in great shape for his age. He played indoor soccer and went to a rock-climbing gym with his live-in girlfriend. His legs and ass were toned and his upper body looked pretty solid too. He had disheveled, dusty-brown hair that he tried his best to keep coiffed and combed and his pearly whites had benefited greatly from his parents’ childhood ban on dark sodas.

He looked like one of those old pictures of a handsome, young World War II soldier trapped between the cookie-cutter image of his uniform and the overly sexualized flyboy Elvis yearning to break free during shore leave. Max was a catch and girls were just as likely to undress HIM with their eyes when they passed by him in public.

After the cute redheaded nurse had finished her part of the job, she led Max to a room at the end of the hall and informed him that Doctor Kelly would be right in to see him. He sat up on the rolled paper that ran down the center of the exam bed as he tried taking slower and deeper breaths to calm himself.

A couple of minutes later there came a knock at the door and a silky voice saying “Hello?”

When the door swung open Max received his first big surprise of the day. His doctor was not an old, Midwestern white guy pushing 80 and shooting for 20 more. Rather, his doctor was a gorgeous woman in her mid-30’s with long black hair and light, tanned skin. She was truly breathtaking—half-white and half-Native American with a radiance that immediately took over the room. She wore a simple white doctor’s coat with her name badge which read “Dr. Dakota Kelly, M.D.”, and she wore it unbuttoned.

Under that coat Max could see a navy blue button-up dress shirt underneath with the top two buttons undone revealing a simple pearl necklace. Her boobs were immediately noticeable, like walking by some girl on the first hot day of spring with the fashion god’s décolletage on full display. Her defined legs were tightly fitted into a pair of straight forest-green slacks with cute, matching flats.

Her hair fell comfortably around her shoulders and she wore only a small amount of makeup other than a pinkish violet lipstick and faint eyeshadow—she didn’t really need much touch-up work to be honest. She was already pretty damn touched.

Max’s nervousness increased tenfold as he swallowed a lump in his throat as she entered and began going over the chart.

“Hi Max, my name is Dr. Kelly, I’ll be performing your exam today,” she said as she scanned his information and smiled at all of his pre-checkup work.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” Max responded, trying to sound collected. Before he was worried because he’d have some old man fondling his balls and ass, but now his fear fell on the other end of the spectrum. He’d have this stupidly sexy woman’s hands on his balls. He’d have her finger up his ass.

‘Well Fucking fuckity fuck,’ he thought to himself.

“So, what have we come in for today exactly, just to have a look under the hood and make sure that everything is in… mint condition?” She said as she sat on the stool beside the bed and looked at him.

“Yeah, I’ll even settle for pretty-good conditions to be honest,” Max joked back. He was desperately trying to keep his cool around the most stupidly attractive doctor he had ever seen. ‘When had his parents switched their insurance over to Grey’s Anatomy Hospital?’ He wondered.

“Nonsense, everything on your paperwork checks out, you’re clearly in excellent shape!” The doctor said as she took out her stethoscope and went through her typical motions.

“Open wide!” She said as she checked his throat, his eyes, his ears, his nose. “Well, I’ve got some good news for you, your face is definitely not missing any parts!” She said completely deadpan.

A hot doctor checks the prostate will continue on the next page

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