Make interpersonal relationships with my friend – 4

“Make interpersonal relationship with my friend” Part-4 Continues……

m -We had set the alarm clock in Daicy’s hotel room to go off early so we’d have plenty of time to shower, dress and get over to the Las Vegas Convention Center before the doors opened. It was the second day of the conference we were attending on behalf of the company we both worked for, and it was up to us to staff our display booth and give a presentation later in the day.

I heard the alarm go off at 6:00 am, but Daicy quickly switched it off and slipped out of bed while I lazily dozed off for a little extra snooze.

About 15 minutes later she gently woke me with a hand on my shoulder and a soft voice in my ear saying, “Coffee’s ready johnson, time to get up.” I guess you could say I woke up and smelled the coffee, opening my eyes to see her sitting on the side of the bed in a terry cloth hotel robe and two steaming cups on the nightstand. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

“Now this is a surprise,” I said with a smile, “After last night I didn’t expect you to be serving me coffee this morning, Daicy.”

She gave me that crooked grin that I liked so much and replied, “Well, this is what being real looks like johnson, why shouldn’t I do something nice for someone I like?”

After working together for years as close but strictly platonic friends, Daicy and I had just learned the night before that we had, much to our surprise, some very compatible BDSM fantasies… I had long dreamed of being used harshly by a dominant woman, while Daicy had fantasies for years about having a man under her control.

Being real was the key, as neither of us had any interest in the theatrical kind of BDSM role play that you see so often in femdom erotica. In my fantasies, the woman in control would want to hurt me because it excited her sexually, but she didn’t need to scold, insult or ridicule me while doing it; as odd as it might sound, she was nice to me about it… even apologetic.

For whatever the reason, this scenario had been the focus of my sexual fantasies for years… a nice girl who liked me enough to feel some guilt about needing to whip me to get herself off. There was something about a woman becoming aroused by hurting me — and at the same time feeling sorry for me for having to endure it — that thrilled me to the core.

I had pretty much given up hope that I’d ever find that woman, especially someone that I liked enough to want to suffer for her own pleasure, so imagine my surprise at learning that my colleague and good friend Daicy — with her freckles, strawberry blonde hair and girl next door looks — had secretly dreamed since childhood of enslaving a man and even whipping him.

These thoughts went all the way back to her childhood, when she watched cowboy movies and found herself strangely fascinated by scenes of men getting whipped. But just like me, she was all about keeping it real; not playing a game of “Mistress using Slave,” but simply “Daicy using johnson.”

She liked me as much as I liked her, so it took some convincing on my part before she finally accepted that I really did want her to whip me. And, just like in my fantasies, when she began laying into me she felt badly about it… but not badly enough to hold back from thrashing me long and hard with my own belt, violating my asshole, making me eat out both her pussy and ass and even swallow my own cum.

And after all that, we ended the night by making gentle and caring “vanilla” love, which was also very real — because we had fallen in love.

How our secret desires developed over the years I have no idea. My parents didn’t believe in corporal punishment; did some part of me think I deserved to be disciplined, so I grew up craving it? And what about Daisy, did she grow up resenting the authority of her father? Or was it just that seeing a man suffering for her was a way of proving his love?

Well, I’ll leave it for others to analyze and theorize. All I could think about now is that amazing moment last night when Daicy and I first realized we were ready and willing to make each other’s fantasies real, remembering the eagerness I saw in her eyes — and the hint of cruelty.

She reached for one of the coffees and I did the same. After taking a sip she looked at me and asked, “Are you okay johnson? I mean, are you okay about everything we did last night?”

“I’m more than okay about it Daicy, I loved it… all of it,” I said. “How are you feeling about it?”

“Johnson, it was… it was amazing, I’ve never been so turned on in my life,” she said. “Whipping you for real was like, a thousand times hotter than in my fantasies. And I loved being able to make you do whatever I wanted.”

“Well, I’ve never cum so hard and for so long… I thought it would never stop,” I said.

“You did cum a lot… but I guess you learned the downside of that!”

“Yes, that is true.”

We drank our coffee in silence for a minute, a perfectly comfortable minute; I always believed you knew you were really connected with someone when there was no awkwardness from a conversation going silent.

Finally Daicy set her cup on the nightstand, looked at me and broke the silence. “Can this really work johnson? I mean, can I be your girlfriend and dominatrix at the same time? Do I have to be one or the other, and then how do I know which one to be? I’m feeling a little confused about it.”

I thought about it for a moment and said, “I think you can be both Daicy.”

“But what if I’m really feeling like I want to do things to you and you’re just not in the mood, or it’s not a good time? Or if you want me to whip you or whatever and I just don’t feel like doing it?”

“Well, doesn’t any couple have the exact same issues about when to have regular vanilla sex?”

She thought for a second, then laughed and said, “Well, duh, I guess that’s true!”

“Being real about it means we can, you know, just ask,” I said. “You can ask me whenever you feel like playing, and I can ask you… I think we communicate well enough for that.”

“Yeah… you’re right johnson.”

“And as for being my girlfriend,” I said, taking her hand, “I want you to be that all the time.”

She smiled and squeezed my hand. “Jeez, I’m still getting used to this… maybe I’ll write my autobiography and call it ‘One Dumb Domme’, what do you think?”

“I think you knew exactly what to do once you got going last night, Daicy.”

“Yeah, I went pretty crazy, I really got into a state… you’re sure it wasn’t too much?”

I put my coffee cup on the nightstand and pulled her to me. I kissed her full on her lips and said, “No Baby, it wasn’t too much. You can go even further if you want to.”

We kissed again and she whispered in my ear, “I think I want to, johnson.”

“Do you have anything particular in mind?”

“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough. We’re still going shopping for toys after the conference today, right?”

“Yes, and speaking of the conference, we better start getting ready.”

Make interpersonal relationships with my friend – 4 will continue on the next page

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