Make interpersonal relationships with my friend- 2

“Make interpersonal relationship with my friend” Part-2 Continues….

“Oh… if you take it slow at first and let me get into subspace… you know that word?”

She nodded yes.

“You could end up doing it really hard… I mean, nothing that would break the skin, no permanent marks… but you could whip me pretty hard if you wanted to.”

“Oh God,” she said again. She looked at me with a faraway look in her eyes, and I knew she wanted to. What was I getting myself into?

“Daicy,” I went on, “true confession… I went to a pro dominatrix once to see what a whipping felt like and I found… uh, I found out I could kind of enjoy pain. I got off being whipped on my ass and the tops of my thighs, close to the groin. I did some reading and I found out that’s because the nerves from those places run alongside nerves from the genitals, so the pain and pleasure get mixed.”

“Wow, you’ve done more homework than me,” she said with a smile. “And you went to see a pro? Did it cost a lot?”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t really that great because she was into that typical mean dominatrix role. She kept falling into that thing of insulting me, making fun of me like she hated me, and that turned me off.”

“Johnson , you’re like, way ahead of me with this,” she said, taking my hands in hers again, “I feel like I’m going down a rabbit hole. I don’t know if I can do this, I think I want to try… but what if I get really into it and go too far? We should have a safe word in case it gets too crazy, I want to feel sure whatever I’m doing is okay, that you can stop me if you have to.”

“We can use the good old red means stop, yellow means keep doing what you’re doing but just dial it back some. Is that okay?”

“Yes… that’s okay.”

“Good, that means I can cry and beg for you to stop and you can ignore it unless you hear the safe word,” I said, smiling.

“Oh… that would be hot! Okay, you got it,” she said breathlessly, “but you really won’t think I’m too weird if I do this?”

“No Daicy,” I told her, “as long as you don’t think I’m too weird for wanting you to.”

“Oh no Johnson , I don’t at all. I just can’t believe we’re talking about this… I never thought I would actually do this, it’s going to feel so awkward… but you’ll help me go through with it? God, it sounds so weird me asking you to help me hurt you!”

“You really want to try it though, right?”

“I think so… I will if you do.”

“And you really mean that whipping me would excite you, right? I don’t want it to be like you’re punishing me for something bad I did, I just want you to be doing it because it excites you, and I’m letting you do it because I want to please you… that’s what I mean by real.”

“Yes Johnson , it would be real just like that.”

“The fantasy I’ve always had,” I went on, “is that you’re nice to me about it. I know that sounds funny but I mean… feeling that you like me, you’re grateful to me for letting you hurt me because you enjoy it so much. You’re even a little apologetic about it, always in my fantasy the woman says something like, ‘I’m sorry about how much this is going to hurt, but I really want to do it.'”

“Daicy,” I added, “I don’t mean to be topping from the bottom, like it’s called, but that’s what really excites me.”

“That’s all right Johnson , everything you’re telling me fits in with how I’ve thought about it, everything! I’ve read about Loving Dommes and I think that’s what you’re talking about, and that’s what I’d want to be. In my fantasies I think about… loving you for letting me do these things to you.”

“Daicy… I think we really want the same thing.”

“I’m thinking that too Johnson .”

“There’s more.”

She brought her hands up to my face and pulled me to her, whispering, “Tell me.”

“If you want,” I said, screwing up my courage once more, “you can whip my cock.”

Daicy pulled back, her eyes wide as she looked at me. “Are you serious? Oh God, wouldn’t that really hurt?”

“Yes, but it would be a real pain and pleasure thing. You’d have to… make me hard so you could whip it. I come back to that in my fantasies a lot, a woman making my cock hard, and it would feel so good but I’d know she was only getting it ready to be whipped, it’s like I love that conflict.”

“Johnson … that is so hot… I can hardly breathe,” she said, her face getting flushed.

“And I’m hard as a rock,” I said, taking her hands and bringing them down to my bulging crotch again. “Oh wow, I guess you really do want this,” she said, squeezing the raging erection under my jeans.

“Jeez, my head’s spinning thinking about whipping your cock, I never thought of that before. I’m getting wet Johnson … God, are we a couple of perverts or what?”

“Nothing wrong with being perverts, I love that all this excites you Daicy,” I said. Then I smiled and added, “I can’t wait to see how wet you are.”

She put her arms around me and again we kissed passionately. Then she whispered in my ear again, “You’ll see how wet I am soon Johnson , I promise you’re going to know up close and personal,” she said.

“Mmm, that sounds good. Why don’t we have one more glass of wine and then we can… start.”

“Okay,” she said quickly. “I’m ready if you are… I think.”

I poured the rest of the wine into our glasses and raised mine for a toast. “Here’s to safe spaces,” I said, and our glasses clinked.

“And to weird fantasies,” she said.

Sitting next to this woman that I liked so much and wanted so badly, knowing that she was about to take control of me and have her way with me… and hurt me… had me floating on air. I’m sure I’ll never have a better tasting glass of wine… not that I can remember what it tasted like.

“This is amazing,” Daicy said after draining her glass, “learning all this about each other and getting ready to do crazy things for the first time after working together for so long.”

“Yes… and I love this moment right now, when we haven’t done anything yet but we both have an idea of what’s going to happen,” I said. “This will only come around once! And Daicy, these might be crazy things, but for whatever reason they’re what we both want.”

“Well, I have no idea what made me want to be such a bitch,” she said with a laugh, “but you know, I never thought I would feel so much… emotion along with it, I mean the connection to you I’m feeling now.”

“Me too,” I said, “but the thing is, we already liked each other and now we’ve let out our deepest secrets, and wow, we found out we not only accept each other but we like these things about each other, so that’s a pretty intense connection.”

She touched my face and said, “I never thought this could happen.”

“I didn’t either,” I said, “And I sure never thought it would happen with you.”

We looked at each other quietly and the electricity in the room was incredible, I think we could both see the near-bursting anticipation… and pure lust… in each other’s eyes.

“Daicy,” I said, “I think we’re postponing the inevitable,” and we both laughed nervously.

“Yes, we are Johnson ,” she said, “but now I’m wondering… what am I going to whip you with?”

I put my glass down and stood up, unbuckled my leather belt and drew it out of my jeans. “This will work if you double it over like this,” I said, handing it to her.

She took it, and grasping the doubled over ends while looking straight at me she gave it a snap. The sound nearly made my heart stop, and along with her crooked grin I thought I saw a hint of cruelty in her eyes.

“Why don’t you keep going,” she said.

“Keep going?”

“Take your clothes off in front of me, Johnson . All of them.”

Although she still sounded a little hesitant, hearing her order me to do something for the first time was amazing… this was really going to happen!

Make interpersonal relationships with my friend- 2 will continue on the next page

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