Trapped in the Snow – 2

“Trapped in the snow” Part-2 Continues…….

“Go on!” I urged her now, suddenly excited, though I still had no idea yet as to where she was going with this.

“Well, it was because she’d walked in on you jerking yourself in the shower that we got into the subject of masturbation. You see…up until then, Sophia never had, well…not really anyway. Never to the point of orgasm yet at least.”

“You’re kidding me!” I said looking over at my sister. “You’d never masturbated?”

Though obviously embarrassed by this turn of events and sudden revelation, she admitted that she hadn’t. “I always thought it was wrong,” she told me candidly, “Until Collette, informed me that she did it all the time, and had been for years!”

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed, also a bit too loudly catching a warning look from each of my sisters.

“Shh, be quiet, unless you don’t want to hear the rest of it,” Collette now said.

I didn’t even realize I had my hand on my cock until then, and felt the head swell even harder, as I fondled myself through my shorts before consciously forcing my hand away.

“So…after I arrived,” Collette began once again. “As promised, I told her I’d show her how to do it.”

“Holy shit,” I said once again, much more quietly this time, though she continued on without further interruption from me.

“The first time, she just watched me, watched how I pleasured myself. And then she tried it while I watched her. Except, I’d actually climaxed…for whatever reason, Sophia just couldn’t seem to get herself off, and gave up in frustration, which apparently is what had happened in the past, and why she’d given up trying to do it herself.”

“Yeah, before…I started to, several times. It always felt good at first, for a while…and then I just got a bit too numb, too excited I think, and then all it was, was frustrating. So I eventually gave up even trying.”

Sitting here sandwiched between my two sexy sisters wasn’t helping matters any, listening to this sudden decadent discussion we were having like it was the most natural thing in the world to be talking about.

“So that’s when I offered to do it myself,” Collette said, shocking me totally, and I gasped, feeling my cock throb almost painfully, though thankfully still hidden beneath the covers when it did.

“No shit! You did? Really?” I said now looking back and forth between the two of them, but as I did that, I then noticed something else too. 

Something that at first I thought was my own imagination, but the more I looked and kept track of it, I soon got more and more sure of the fact that she was doing it. As I had been, even though I was trying to be very careful about it, I swore I saw a semi-constant, yet very obvious movement taking place beneath the covers next to me where Sophia was laying.

“Yeah, I gave Sophia her first ever orgasm,” she said almost proudly. “And then…afterwards, she gave me one!”

“Collette!” Sophia exclaimed once again trying to sound indignant, but the truth of the matter was, she was sounding more and more aroused instead. “So…that night, when we all slept out?” She hinted, glancing over towards her sister. “Unbeknownst to you…I got her off again while we slept out together. The whole time we lay there looking up at the stars, I was fingering my very own sister. I guess I should have known better,” she added.

“Why? Were you ashamed that you had?” I now wondered. Surprised when she laughed.

“No, not that…certainly not! It was because she bit my arm!”

“Bit your arm?”

“Yeah…when she came,” she laughed out loud. “She was trying to keep quiet, so that’s what she did.”

That whole moment came flooding back to me. I remembered that. Not that I knew Sophia had just had an orgasm, but that suddenly the two of them were wrestling around there beneath the covers, and that Collette had in fact screamed out when Sophia had in fact bitten her, though I’d never known the reason why. 

That episode had quite naturally led to another one. When I’d jumped in at Sophia’s request, pinning Collette down while she tickled her in defense. I had gotten fairly aroused without realizing it at first, now sitting there on my sister’s chest, which is when I felt her breasts suddenly grazing my rapidly hardening member. I’d flown off her in a shot, embarrassed, though she’d used that moment to pin Sophia down and begin tickling her back.

That was when dad stood at the window of their bedroom yelling down at us to shut up before we woke all the neighbors. We’d quieted down after that, and eventually fallen asleep. Though I had in fact lay awake for a considerable time, before jerking myself off, but only after I was sure both of them were sound asleep before doing so.

I should have known better.

“You were horny that night too as I recall,” Collette said smiling. “You waited until you thought we were both asleep, though Sophia was. I just pretended to be, wondering if you might…not at all surprised when you actually did. I remember laying there listening to you, just barely opening my eyes, just enough to see, still snoring as I did that. I wondered what you were going to do, almost laughed when I saw you reach over and grab one of your socks, no wonder you never put them back on in the morning,” she laughed.

“EEEEUW!” Sophia added upon hearing that. “You came in your sock?”

I ignored that, and didn’t respond to it, though I couldn’t help but respond to Collette. I now realized the same movement was taking place beneath the covers with her that had been going on with Sophia.

Trapped in the Snow – 2 will continue on the next page

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