Pleasures with guilt – 7

“Pleasures with guilt” Part-7 Continues……

“Why down here?” Sophia asked as I led her downstairs towards the basement shortly after she’d arrived home.

“Because, I made a special little place for us for one thing. But for another, just in case someone does come in, or comes home unexpectedly, we have a quick way out, or rather I do anyway,” I said grinning at her. “You might get away with being partially undressed being that this is your home, but I think someone coming in and finding me in a likewise state, might raise more than just a few eyebrows.”

“Like a few cocks you mean?” Sophia said snickering. “Especially knowing Jared’s friends, I bet you would too!”

“Yeah well…which is why it’s better to be safe than sorry. And besides, like I said, I fixed up a cozy naughty little place for us to play in.”

There was a door leading up from the new downstairs den to the outside up a short flight of steps. I had used the reasoning behind coming down here as this room did have a door which I could quickly, and easily slip out of if I needed to. I had also chosen it as a place for us to have fun in because of all the large comfy cushions and soft pliable bean bag like chairs we could also use. All of which I had carefully arranged in order to keep Sophia facing in one direction, and me in another.

It was the one aspect of Jared’s scheme I still wasn’t all that comfortable with.

Bill had been remodeling the new family den for quite some time now in his spare time. And though he’d most recently finished it, he hadn’t yet started in the small attached bathroom. It was still nothing more than a tiny little room with no fixtures having been installed within it yet.

That’s where Jared had proposed he would be, hiding inside the room, peering around the corner at us, spying on us. As long as I kept c facing in the opposite direction, which I intended to do with the way I had arranged things, Jared could, in a reasonably safe fashion, watch us from his hiding place without Sophia even being aware he was there.

The problem with that was, anything could happen. If he sneezed, coughed, accidentally bumped into the wall, or did anything stupid, we’d be found out, and then there would no doubt be hell to pay, all the way around. He’d assured me half a dozen times as he showed me what he’d intended, and where he would be, that he’d be quiet as a mouse, and that his mother would never know he was ever there.

The truth was, I hadn’t liked it when he’d told me about it in the beginning. Sophia was my very best and dearest friend. As much as I wanted to establish some level of trust with Jared, I also didn’t want to betray my trust with my best friend either.

I was walking a very thin line here, and it was one I could have very easily fallen off of.

I had glanced worriedly several times towards the unfinished bathroom, so far…I couldn’t detect that Jared was actually standing inside there, actually wondering for a moment if he had perhaps decided against doing so. After we had both gotten undressed, as I’d expected, and as Sophia had initially suggested, we sat down in front of one another, legs spread, crossing over one another.

Sophia’s back facing towards the vacant bathroom. She had always enjoyed masturbation, perhaps more than most even, and so included that aspect of her sexuality in almost everything she ever did. And this was to be no exception.

She had told me a few days ago how she had recently purchased a new toy, one that we could both use simultaneously. She’d been anxious to try it out, and as she had soon after convinced me, so was I. It was a lot like a double-ended dildo, connecting the two of us together, stiff well enough, though still flexible for comfort and ease of movement, but also working as a vibrator simultaneously too.

We’d be experiencing the same sensations together simultaneously as she turned it on to the lowest setting. The life-like looking toy, thick veined now inserted inside each of us as we sat there, legs crossing over one another with the obscene toy bridging the pussy gap between us.

“Feels nice doesn’t it?” she asked, sitting there grinning at me as I sat there grinning back. Truth was, it did. But I passed part of that off on the fact I was highly aroused anyway, and even a vibrating toothbrush on my clit would have felt good at the moment. The fact that there was an element of danger seemed to heighten the intensity of all this too, especially when I got the first indication that Jared was indeed standing back inside the vacant little room he was in. Glancing up looking over Sophia’s shoulder as we sat there,

I saw the first indication of his head just then peeking around the corner looking in at us. Once again, I began to rethink my reasoning here, but it was too late for that now, not with Sophia and I sitting there connected to her vibrating toy, Jared behind us standing there in the semi-darkness, no doubt fondling himself as he did so.

Admittedly, it was nice, and I was becoming more and more aroused as we continued to sit there facing one another, moving only slightly. Even though I found it pleasurable, the slight adjustments we made…causing the toy as it rotated, vibrated, and thrust of its own accord,

even without our help into us both simultaneously was really quite pleasurable. In addition to that, it was also nice to be able to reach out, sitting there as we caressed and fondled one another’s breasts. I did enjoy the sensation of Sophia’s much larger breasts, her firm erect nipples with tips that were as thick as gumdrops, though much harder as I sat there toying and playing with them, just as she did to mine.

And as we did that, I stole quick fleeting glances up and over her shoulder towards the room. Jared himself quite obviously enjoyed it as he watched us, sneakily exposing his manhood to me as he allowed it to be seen, the blue panties I had prepared for him once again draped over the end of his prick as he stood there caressing himself with them, watching us. Even that was making me hot.

Images of my own husband as I stood there watching him, Sophia’s sharing of her own encounters with Bill, and then my own most recent experiences with Jared, in particular that very morning. I could feel the intensity of my arousal, passion, horniness…escalating rapidly.

Sophia and I were both already nearing fever pitch when she decided it was time to do something else, not yet wishing to climax, though I myself was already hovering on the edge.

“I need to lick you…taste you,” she told me, actually licking her own lips as though she was. “How would you like it? Side by side? Sixty-nine? On top? On the bottom? Selfish?”

“Selfish,” I said grinning at her, though I knew by the look on her face, that’s what she wanted to do anyway. We both enjoyed that, feeling it, as much as doing it. She pushed me onto my back where I comfortably positioned myself, head slightly raised so I could look down and watch her as she ate me. More importantly however, I also had a clear and unobstructed view back towards the bathroom where Jared stood.

Inserting an entirely different toy into herself, she turned it on. I could hear it as it hummed pleasurably away inside her as Sophia stretched out her legs behind her, now lying between my legs, her face only inches away.

“Two cums…and then me,” she said, winking, laughing, obviously aroused and highly excited.

“I might not make two cums individually,” I told her. “I’m so fucking horny now, I might cum the moment you stick your tongue on me, and then cum again the moment you lick me even then!”

“Make it three then,” she giggled, and then leaned forward just barely brushing the tip of her tongue up the wet glistening furrow of my sex. I nearly did cum too, as excited as I was, though I somehow managed to hold off, regaining control of myself as Sophia’s tongue now began to work its magic on me.

As she began doing that, I looked up and watched as Jared stepped a bit more boldly, a bit more daringly into view. I knew he could see easily enough from his previous vantage point, almost cursing him for his daring exposure, though I was likewise grateful for it too. He now stood there, still back well enough he could duck in an instant, yet now fully revealed as he stood there fisting and stroking his rigidly hard cock, his mothers panties, soaked through with my own cunt juice, once again sliding up and down along the sides of his shaft as he stood there milking himself.

“Fuck your cunts wet and juicy!” She exclaimed. “More so than the other night!” she then added as she tickled my clit with her tongue, her finger sliding in and out of me with a nice smooth rapidity that soon had me pouring out even more of my essence than it was already. “Oh yeah! Yeah! Listen to this!” She now added, and proceeded to finger-fuck me in such a way that neither of us could fail to hear the sloppy-wet sounds my cunt began making.

As she did so, I knew that Jared too could easily hear them, stopping briefly as he removed his mother’s panties from his cock, now placing them against his face, sucking the crotch, which I knew contained my aroma, my spending as he sucked them into his mouth, his hand once again furiously pumping his cock as I lay there watching him pleasuring himself.

Pleasures with guilt – 7 will continue on the next page

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