Get fucked or fired! Oh, I choose the fuck

It is very simple as it happened. So sexist. So typical of a workplace dominated by male power play. Every rule has been broken and more in every known employee rule intended to protect young women from paper workplace predators. God, it’s 2022, not 1922.

Before stepping into the big boss’s son’s office on the top floor, I knew I was having a hard time securing a job. He is the employment manager. Well, as I’ve heard, it’s funny that he’s also the director of the secretary pussy. Natural grass is also to hire and fire.

It was brutal when I walked into his office and then when he walked into me. It begins with, “Sit down, Mrs. Connor… ma’am. Darryl Connor…right?”
Cow dung rhetoric.

Of course, he knows who I am; he opened my damn personal file in front of him. Twenty years, with the company since college, um, yes, two years ago. Single relationship. Why do they need to know this? Oh shit. They’ll do it anyway, ma’am, ma’am.

I placed the chair across from his large executive desk in shiny, black wood. The only thing on it was his laptop. The asshole rotates in his giant plush leather director’s chair and looks at me from top to bottom.

I know I’m fine. The handsome, trump card in bed, but this guy doesn’t get my reward. My black hair is tied in a neat ponytail. My tailored corporate suit, tight at the waist, the skirt as short as possible, and my bust: no tailored shirt can hide its rich figure.

He gave me some time to cross my legs. My regular staff meeting I guess. But it shows more thighs.
“I won’t put this on. Your performance review sucks, and you only have one simple choice right now: get fucked or fired,” it popped off his tongue all too easily: dick.

“Oh, I choose mess,” I say, getting up and walking around his desk. Mr. Logan Raymond wanted to keep me in the building until I was done with him. I no longer have mental qualms: as I said quickly in my head: Don’t mortgage my apartment, squeeze my credit card debt, and get rid of it with my car payments: which are very close to collection. return. And now some asshole wants to take my job.

I gave him a job instead. I loosen my hair and my lips do some work on his freed cock. Her head was quickly thrown back, groaning. His cock in my mouth. I know the brat. I know the eldest son. I sucked his cock as if he hadn’t realized he had to be suckled until now. I was able to blow him away and make him spit like a damn whale: yes, I’m good. I’m not good at corporate accounts, but I’m good as a woman. Really important.

It’s simple: I just dropped the Jezebel on top of a dodgy head.
“Oh My God”: is all he manages before growling and groaning: my work ethic is first class. I kissed her cute and amused butt. I licked under his foreskin. His masculine sore spot, where a guy will promise you everything but often won’t keep; but it was my hands that grabbed his balls and the base of his shaft and slowly licked from the base up, over and over, that started to save my job.

Then, with his shaft in my mouth after the expected ups and downs, my tongue twists and turns around his cock in my flexible, adaptive mouth. My lips cup his shaft. His two balls are also sucked and licked. Then I just pull on him, better he can do it himself because I have slim feminine fingers to massage my cock and fingernails gently teasing his penis and balls.

Of course, I finally got his dick deep, very deep. He just panted. And gasp. He’s ready to shoot. He’s ready to fuck. Fucked and shot: he has both.
I let him undress me as if he were removing the wrapper from a candy. And boy, I am a candy bar made to be licked. I gave him my breasts. My beautiful large breasts. I guide his cock between my breasts. I can see that asshole has never had the pleasure of a fuck, and I’ve seen its tension wrapped between two bags of great girls’ fun.

My pussy is his next play area, on his big desk. The smooth surface of the wood is nice and beautiful: but nothing compared to my shaved pieces. Yes, I was exhausted. Uneven and attractive lips, no symmetrical split, no butterfly shape; just one labia majora, one labia minora, and one clitoral opening. The kind of fragile, impulsive flesh you don’t often see; very unique: so I and I bring along my woman’s perfume, a musky perfume released at will.

The son of a bitch has gone mad. I got wet very quickly. My large clitoris allows me to lower it into a woman’s moaning zone. And to give him credit, the asshole knows what to do between my thighs. I know how to press my pussy to his face for pleasure. When her fingers wandered to play with my ass, I was fine. He is a top-quality back cracker.

However, it’s time to assert a woman’s control. The world belongs to women through their pink oysters. I directed him to the office. I put my pussy open on top of my penis. I play with the tip of my penis at my wet opening. I drove him crazy with need.

Then I rode him, squatting on his rogue. He has the luxury of seeing his cock being treated like a god. I went looking for his tail. My tightness shapes it, deep shadows. I get up from his penis, squeeze it, pull it up with my arms, and bend back slightly for a delicious selfie angle and his best view of his experiences. I.

I moan like a wolf, close to the howl of animals, the jerk Logan likes. Oh, he imagines fucking me, the bastard, maybe even fucking me, but he never imagined it; his cock on the roller coaster of life, throws a condom, pussy pulled up, covered with wet friction fluid.

God, I’m fine. God, I feel good, and this guy is going to clear the ball if I keep doing this. I was by his side, his stiff south pole shining. Always ready for more. He was thinking about my ass, and he was right. I suspect he was thinking about the table, leaning over me, and stroking my butt.

I lead him to the large window overlooking the harbor and the city of Sydney, floors below. I press on the glass. I allowed him to push on me from behind. I lifted one leg up so he could put his finger in my asshole. Trying my best to prepare my slut in need.

I spread my legs, triangular shape, arms triangular, clamped to the glass like a template, but he was only interested in licking my ass. His tongue caressed my little asshole. I tight just for a little bit because it’s tongue-in-cheek. He put the tip of his tongue into my asshole. My hands are squeaking and staining the large glass, but my salivary ass is towering.
He lifted my leg and pushed me.

My body hit the glass. Damn, he’s really good, a dedicated anal sounder of the highest rank. He approached. He approached. I felt the delicious tension in my opening, very intense. Then my butt holds the cock, is filled with it, and moves in a pushy fashion with the cock’s lust.

“Fuck me harder, you son of a bitch,” I demanded, “Fuck me as hard as I can.”
Of course, one guy wanted to hear that, and he kicked my ass; but I can get it.
He put me by the window. I’m amazingly bent over like a sex doll, my legs pressed together, giving our union the best possible pressure, the hard tension trapped in the tight butt. my irreparable stiffness – flesh gives pleasure to both: in unbearable waves.

I was completely flustered when Logan filled my happy ass with his semen… The rest is also very simple. Logan gives me an assessment three times a week that I always pass; in his office. Second for a chief position. Wednesday my pussy and Friday, yes, wait for it and enjoy it: my butt. My car was also paid for in full to me. YES; workplace harassment takes on a new name: ME: when I got into the old man’s office in Logan: big boss: and walked in completely naked, I said:

“Mr. Howard Raymond, this is your new senior female executive.”
The old bastard is talking business behind the best ass and butt he’s had in years.
Oh, he just needs me on Thursday.
I alternate between the new temporary girls and the drug dealers on the fourteenth floor on Tuesdays.
Always tell everyone I meet, “Kill me or get fired.”
People who like to fuck; yes, everyone really wants to fuck.

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