Your cock is beautiful – 45

I laughed, remembering how tightly she’d held my hand.

“It didn’t bother you at all though.” she said, “You were just… cool and collected, like always.”

I didn’t reply to this. I was glad I’d managed to hide my panic from her, but at the time I’d been every bit as terrified as she was.

“You’re always so calm. I never really know what you’re feeling.” she said quietly, “It makes me… sort of nervous.”

“Don’t worry about what I’m thinking.” I said, “Just do whatever you want. Until I tell you to do something else, I guess.”

“OK…” she said.

We lay for a while in the darkness, and I almost fell asleep again.

She eventually broke the silence.

“Sir?” she asked.

“Hm?” I answered.

“I’ve been talking to Stella a lot about us.” She said, “I haven’t revealed many actual details… but I think she knows that I… you know, how I feel about you.”

“I know.” I sighed, “She keeps pushing me to make you my girlfriend, doesn’t get why it’s just sex when you like me so much. It’s pretty annoying.”

“Wow, sorry…” she said, “I know you value your privacy.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I said, “Stella and I… we’ve got our own problems. Nothing you have to worry about.”

“OK…” she said, then fell silent for a few seconds.

“Like I said, I didn’t tell her anything important… but just talking to her has been so good.” she said, “It’s made me feel a whole lot better about everything.”

“Good.” I said simply.

“I was just… I mean, you don’t really talk to her about this sort of stuff, do you?”

I chuckled lightly.

“No, Stella and I haven’t been close enough for that kind of thing for a while.” I said.

“So who do you talk to?” she asked, “About… you know, important things?”

I opened my mouth, but she continued before I could answer.

“Because I think it’s important, you know, to have someone you can share things with. Like, if you’re stressed or worried about anything… or if you just want to talk… Do you… do you have someone like that?”

I frowned. Why was she suddenly so curious about my social life?

“I don’t need anyone.” I answered simply, “I’m fine on my own, always have been.”

I laughed, remembering who I was talking to.

“I mean, you should know.” I joked lightly, “After all, it’s your fault I’m used to being alone.”

She suddenly pulled away from me, as if flinching.

“I…” she said, but paused.

She let go of me, and pulled away from my arms.

“I should go.” she said quietly.

“Yeah it’s pretty late.” I sighed.

She slipped away from me, and backed out of the bed. I briefly wished the lights were on so I could see her body, but I quickly got over it by spreading out and enjoying the new space.

“Goodnight.” she said, before slipping out the door.

“Night.” I called back.

I was vaguely aware that something was off, but I was too tired and close to sleep to pay any real attention.

Why was she always so curious about me? What did it matter to her if I had someone to talk to?

I sighed, getting comfortable under the covers.

I didn’t need anyone.


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